
Part Ⅲ
Further Understanding

A. Watch the video and fill in the blanks.

1. Generally speaking, ____________makes our laws.

2. Together, the two ____________of Congress have various important powers.

3. Our Congress is made up of ____________from each state.

4. A state's ____________determines the number of representatives per state.

5. The U.S. vice president serves as the head of the ____________but doesn't vote unless there is a tie.

B. Watch the video and fill in the blanks.

Article II of the United States Constitution created and empowered our executive branch of government. The United States(1)____________ leads the executive branch, which also includes the president's(2)____________, the 15-member cabinet and all federal agencies. Our president serves as our chief(3)____________, or commander-in-chief. This branch is responsible for(4)____________out laws. Among other significant duties, the executive branch enforces and recommends federal laws, proposes a federal(5)____________, directs our foreign policy, commands the Armed Forces and nominates and appoints federal government officials. The president may veto or approve legislation, which serves as a check on Congress' authority. The president may also grant(6)____________and amnesty, which serves as a check on the judicial branch. The president is elected through a(7)____________public election. Presidential elections are held every four years. The president may serve up to two(8)____________of four years each.

C. Watch the video and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

[ ] 1. The judicial branch only includes the United States Supreme Court all lower federal courts.

[ ] 2. Judicial powers include deciding cases on appeal from lower federal or state courts and deciding cases involving a state-vs.-state issue or a branch-vs.-branch issue.

[ ] 3. The Supreme Court's power of judicial review comes directly from the Constitution.

[ ] 4. Through judicial review, the Supreme Court reviews federal legislation to determine if the laws passed by Congress are in keeping with the Constitution.

[ ] 5. The Supreme Court includes 9 justices, 9 associate justices and 1 chief justice. 4Yacnfr62bWr678OdMMXCYz/hPxgVdDoKXcDmJv39tkqz0j6PgTYhF8VUQxiZwS9
