

What you wear and how you act always matters, especially when appearing in court. If you think your attitude or appearance doesn't matter, consider that they may cause you to be cited for contempt of court. Whether you are the plaintiff or the defendant, or even a witness in a lawsuit, your appearance, dress, and actions can affect how the court sees you and how successful you are in presenting your case.

Respect for the Court is of ultimate significance. A courtroom is a solemn place, representing the judicial branch of the government, and a judge demands respect as a representative of the government, whether it is federal, state, or local. Specific rules apply to those who are bringing cases to court or who have cases brought against them. In fact, anyone appearing before the court, including witnesses and members of the public, has the responsibility to act with respect.

You must have respect for the judge as a representative of the court, and respect for the courtroom process. Here are some general rules that most courts require you to comply with if you are in court.

· Arrive early and prepared. You might have to sit and wait, but that is far better than running late. Arrive late and you might find your case passed by.

· Wear business clothing; no wild hairstyles, open shoes, tank tops, mini skirts, T shirts, or other non-business attire .

· Gum chewing, tobacco, recording devices, cell phones, food, beverages, or newspapers are NOT allowed.

· Cell phones are not allowed in many courtrooms. If you are permitted to bring your cell phone, TURN IT OFF!

· Don't wear a hat unless it is for religious reasons.

· Children are allowed in most courtrooms, but only if they are quiet. If you must bring your children, have someone with you who can take the child out if he or she becomes loud or disruptive .

· In general, you must have permission to move beyond a certain point toward the judge or jury. For example, if you are called as a witness, you will be sworn in. You may not move out of the witness box without permission. If you are sitting at the defense or prosecution table with your attorney, you may not move forward without permission.

· The judge is to be addressed as “Your Honor,” not “Judge Smith.” Talk only to the judge and (in a soft voice) to your attorney. Do not address the opposing counsel or other party. When referring to others, do not use first names. It's“Mr. Smith,” not “Jim,” even if he is your brother-in-law.

· Speak only when instructed or given permission. Don't interrupt. When you answer questions, be brief and to the point; answer the question you were asked and stop.

· Don't interrupt anyone, most especially not the judge.

· Only one person speaks at a time, because of recording devices in the courtroom and for politeness.

· Don't argue, especially not with the judge.

· Use formal English, not slang .

In other words, be on your best behavior and consider the solemnity of the courtroom. Show respect to the judge and others in the courtroom.

New Words & Expressions

etiquette [ˈetɪket] n. 礼仪,礼节; 规矩; 礼数

contempt [kənˈtempt] n. 轻视,蔑视

plaintiff [ˈpleɪntɪf] n. 原告

solemn [ˈsɒləm] n. 庄严的,严肃的

solemnity [səˈlemnətɪ] n. 庄严,严肃

attire [əˈtaɪə(r)] n. 服装,服饰

disruptive [dɪsˈrʌptɪv] adj. 破坏性的

prosecution [ˌprɒsɪˈkju:ʃn] n. 起诉,检举

slang [slæŋ] n. 俚语,行话


I. Judge whether the statements below are true ( T ) or false ( F ).

1. Even if our attitude or clothing are improper, we will not judged by our appearance in court. ( )

2. The appearance is particularly important for a defendant than for a witness. ( )

3. Federal court has higher requirements about clothing than state courts. ( )

4. Anyone appearing before the court including legal professionals should act with respect. ( )

5. People appearing before the court should wear business clothing. ( )

6. Nobody should ever wear a hat in the court. ( )

7. Children are allowed into the court. ( )

8. People should address others by family names instead of first names. ( )

9. Interruption is not allowed when the judge is speaking, but acceptable for other non-legal professionals. ( )

10. In general, people must have permission to move beyond a certain point toward the judge or jury. ( )

II. Choose the proper words from the list below to fill in the blanks. Change the form of the words if necessary.

process / contempt / permit / prepared / representative

formal / affect / attire / disruptive / business

In the court all people's clothing and act matters much because improper 1 may well cause people to be cited for 2 of court. Besides, your appearance will also 3 the impression the court has on you. Anyone appearing in the court should have respect for the judge as a 4 of the court and respect for the courtroom 5 . To show the respect, people are supposed to arrive early and 6 . 7 clothing is the appropriate dress code and food or drinks is not allowed to bring into the court. 8 or noisy children should be taken out of the courtroom. Without 9 , nobody should move beyond a certain point toward the judge or jury. About the language use in the court, people should use 10 and brief language to answer questions. ug5pdTIAOb1ZjoEsdEM0xoSGFiHeMrK/8mYSgeJGNDtpUc2vlZ0LmsYIxglUH/OA
