
Unit 5
Foreign Currency Exchange

Listening Practice


1. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.

C: Good afternoon, madam. Can I help you?

G: Good afternoon. May I exchange some money for ________?

C: What kind of ________ have you got?

G: ____________________.

C: Fine. How much have you got?

G: Two hundred dollars. Here you are.

C: Just a moment, please, madam.

Here’s your money. ____________________ in all.

Please check it, madam.

C: It’s quite correct. Thank you very much.

G: You are welcome, madam.

2. Listen and fill in the missing information.

Money to change: ___________________

Exchange rate:___________________

Name: ___________________

Room number: ___________________

Situational Dialogues


1. Foreign Exchange

(Scene: An American tourist is approaching the foreign exchange counter.)

Cashier: Good morning, sir. May I help you?

Tourist: Good morning. Is this where I can change US dollars for RMB?

Cashier: Yes, sir. According to today’s change rate, 100 US dollars in cash comes to 650 yuan. How much would you like to exchange, sir?

Tourist: 200, and here is the money.

Cashier: Thank you, sir.

(She holds the money under an ultraviolet light to check whether the notes are forgeries or not.)

Well, sir. 200 US dollars, equal to 1,300 yuan. Please wait a moment.


Sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. Would you please write down your name, passport number,and room number or permanent address on the exchange memo?

Tourist: OK. I’ll take care of it…Here you are.

Cashier: Thank you, Mr. Lawrance.

(She affixes her name seal on the memo and hands it to the guest.)

Please keep your memo, Mr. Lawrance. How would you like your money?

Tourist: In fifties, please.

Cashier: Here are twenty-six 50 yuan notes altogether 1,300 yuan RMB. Please check it. With the memo, you may have the leftover RMB changed back into US dollars at the Bank of China or the Airport Exchange Office.

Tourist: I see. Where is the Bank of China?

Cashier: It’s just next to our hotel.

Tourist: Thank you for your help. Goodbye.

Cashier: You’re most welcome, Mr. Lawrance. Goodbye.

2. Cashing Traveler’s Checks

(Scene: A guest would like to cash some traveler’s checks.)

Cashier: May I help you, sir?

Guest: Yes, I’d like to cash some traveler’s checks.

Cashier: How much?

Guest: 100 pounds.

Cashier: That’s all right. But please sign the checks on the back. May I see your passport?

Guest: Here you are. By the way, what is the exchange rate on pounds?

Cashier: 12.5 yuan to one pound. Would you sign here and fill in your room number, please?Thank you. That’s 1,209 yuan and six jiao. Please count it to make sure it’s correct.

3.Foreign Currency Exchange

(Scene: Mr. Bellow is making his way to the foreign exchange counter. He wants to change some US. dollars for RMB.)

(C: Cashier, B: Mr. Bellow)

C: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?

B: I’d like to change some US dollars and I’d like to know today’s exchange rate.

C: According to today’s exchange rate, 6.5 yuan, RMB. How much would you like to change,sir?

B: Well, I’ll change one hundred and here’s the money.

C: Would you please fill in this form?

B: All right.

C: Please write your name, passport number and room number on the slip.

B: Here you are.

C: Thank you. You’ll have it right away. Will you sign your name here on this memo?

B: OK, Will you please give me some one-yuan notes? I need some small change.

C: All right.

(Changing the money)

Mr. Bellow, here it is. Please have a check and keep the exchange memo.

B: Oh, yes, thanks. By the way, can you tell me what I should do with the RMB left with me?

C: You’ll have to go to the Bank of China or the Airport Exchange Office to changeIt backs into dollars.

B: I see. Thanks.

C: You are welcome.

4. Foreign Exchange

(Scene: A guest would like to change some pounds sterling into RMB.)

Guest: Excuse me, but is this where you exchange foreign money for RMB?

Clerk: Yes, sir. What can I do for you?

Guest: I want to have some pounds sterling changed into RMB.

Clerk: Very well. Please fill in this application form and sign your name, sir.

Guest: All right. Which address shall I give you, my home address or hotel address here?

Clerk: Your hotel address, please.

Guest: Right. Where am I supposed to sign my name?

Clerk: Here, on this dotted line, sir.

Guest: Here you are, is that all right?

Clerk: Let me see. Oh, would you mind telling me your passport number, sir?

Guest: Of course not. Let me see. It’s E 56789.

Clerk: Thank you, sir.

Words and Expressions

exchange v. 兑换

ultraviolet light 紫外灯

exchange memo 兑换备忘录

affix v. 贴上

equivalent to 相当于

pounds sterling 英镑

Learn by Heart

1. 各国货币名称及货币的英文代码

2. 货币兑换常用语

Today’s exchange rate of RMB to USD is 612 RMB yuan equal to 100 US dollars.


What kind of foreign currency have you got? What’s the exchange rate today?


What kind of currency do you want to change?


Sorry, you’ve filled a wrong account number. Please refill it.


What is the equivalent of five dollars in RMB yuan?


We list the exchange rate issued by the People’s Bank of China every morning.


What are you going to convert, bank notes or traveler ’s checks?


How much would you like to exchange?


Please write your name, passport number and room number on the form.


Class Activity Role-Play

Scene One: Mr. Bellow (B) is making his way to the foreign exchange counter. He wants to change some US dollars for RMB.

Scene Two: The guest want to break this 500 US dollars note into Japanese yen. And the buying rate is 120 yen to one US dollar. The guest need five 10,000 yen and the rest in small notes.

Further Reading

Banks in the West

In western countries, the banking industry is highly developed and advanced in terms of bank operational efficiency and scope of service. Customers generally follow the rule of“First come, first served”. If you go to a bank, remember to stand in an orderly queue behind the yellow line, which is about a meter from the customer at the counter no matter how few the customers are. Do not go to the counter until the clerk says, “Next, please!”

The banking operations cover a wide range of services, including checking account,savings account, traveler’s account, cashier’s order, cashier’s check, credit card, safety box,etc. Rather than a seal, customers generally use their signatures, which are, in fact, more reliable and hard to imitate.







Do you know the differences of banks in the west and in China? wHRlYcXbTL7G5b77oh5KE0xMBBkoXtDDkdyXkD3H4Mbmc1O0GYBWjlmI5kUND5Qs
