
Unit 3

Listening Practice


1. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.

(R: Receptionist, G: Guest)

G: I want a double room with ________. How much a day do you charge?

R: It is a hundred yuan a day ___________________, but ___________________.

G: It’s quite reasonable.

R: How long do you intend to stay in this hotel?

G: I shall leave in a fortnight (half a month).

R: Have you got through with the___________________?

G: Oh, yes, I’m going to fill in the form of registration right now. Can I book a single room for my friend before hand as he will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow morning?

R: Sure. Here is the ________for reservations. Would you mind filling in this form and pay a hundred yuan _________________for him.

G: All right. This is one hundred yuan to pay for my reservation.

R: Thank you. This is _________________ in advance. Please keep it.

2. Listen and fill in the missing information.

Vacant room: _________________

The Hotel recommended:____________________

The plane ticket to book: ____________________

The train ticket to book: ____________________

Kinds of rooms: __________________

Situational Dialogues

1. Receiving a Walk-in Guest

(Scene: Mr. Dudley who has not made a reservation tries to find a single room in Xin Zhong Hotel for tonight. The hotel will be able to arrange a room only after 6:00 this afternoon. The receptionist helps him to contact the Hilton Hotel.)

(R: Receptionist, D: Mr. Dudley)

R: Good morning, sir. May I help You?

D: Morning. Could I have a single room for tonight?

R: Have you made a reservation?

D: I’m afraid not.

R: Please wait a moment. Let me check.


Sorry to say that all the rooms are booked up. But don’t worry. We’ll be able to arrange a room after 6:00 this afternoon.

D: 6:00? Oh, I’m too tired to wait for that long.

R: Well, if you’d like to have a room right now, may I contact the Hilton Hotel for you? It’s just minutes’ walk to get there.

D: Why not? Do by all means.

R: (Making the call)Sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. There’re some spare rooms in the Hilton Hotel.

D: Oh, good. I’ll be going.

R: Let me get a bellman to help you with your baggage.

D: Thanks. You’re really helpful.

2. Baggage Service

Scene: A car pulls up in front of Huatian Hotel. The doorman goes forward to meet the guest and opens the door of the car for the guest.

(D: Doorman, G: Guest )

D: Good evening, sir. Welcome to our hotel. Check in?

G: Yes. Good evening.

D: Do you have any baggage in the trunk?

G: Yes, four suitcases.

D: Is everything here?

G: Yes, that’s all.

D: The Reception Desk is straight ahead. After you, please.

G: Thank you.

3. Recognizing a Tour Group

(Scene: Xu Zhen,the representative from International Hotel, welcomes Western America Industry and Commerce Union and Mr. Smith, the tour leader. There are 14 people. Another one has cancelled his trip for some reason. Liu, the bus driver, will take the union to the hotel.)

(R: Representative, S: Mr. Smith)

R: Good afternoon. Are you Mr. Smith, the tour leader of Western America Industry and Commerce Union?

S: Yes, I am.

R: I am Xu Zhen, the representative from International Hotel. On behalf of the hotel, I’m here to receive you.

S: Nice to meet you.

R: Welcome to China. And welcome to stay in International Hotel. Are there 15 members all together?

S: Oh, there are 14 people. Another one has cancelled his trip for some reason.

R: Are you tired after a long flight?

S: Yes, the plane had been flying 12 hours from the States to Shanghai, so they look a bit tired from the jet lag.

R: Well, let’s get on the bus right now. Follow me, please. The bus is over there.

(Two minutes later.)

R: Please leave your big suitcases outside the bus. We’ll help carry them on. Do check your baggage again.

S: So how long will it take to get to your hotel?

R: Around 2 hours. Remember to fasten your seat belt before starting. And this is Liu, the bus driver. He will take you to your destination. Have a nice trip. Goodbye.

4. Greeting a Guest on Arrival

(Scene: The bellman welcomes a guest to Wuxi International Hotel. The guest has two suitcases and two bags. The bellman shows the guest to the Front Desk.)

(B: Bellman, G: Guest)

B: Good evening, sir. Welcome to Wuxi International Hotel.

G: Thank you.

B: How many pieces of baggage do you have?

G: Just these four.

B: Two suit cases and two bags. Is that right?

G: Yes. That’s all.

B: Let me take the baggage for you. I’ll show you to the Front Desk. This way, please. I will put your bags by the post over there.

G: I see, thanks.

B: Did you have a good trip, sir?

G: Oh, it was very tiring.

B: I’m sorry to hear that. I will show you to your room when you finish checking in.

G: That’s fine.

Words and Expressions

arrange v. 安排

spare room 空房

baggage n. 行李

suitcase n. 手提箱

slippery adj. 滑的

tour leader 旅游团领队

Learn by Heart

1. 接待的基本应对

未预订的顾客  walk-in guest

订满  book up

空房  spare rooms

行李服务  baggage service

检查,复核  have a check

领某人上楼  show sb. up

停下  pull up

2. 接待常用语

Just a moment, please. I have to check if there’s a room available.


How many people do you have, please?


If you need any help, do let us know.


If you need a room right now, would you like me to get in touch with somewhere else for you?


Have you made a reservation?


Sorry to say that all the rooms are booked up. But don’t worry.


Let me get a bellman to help you with your baggage.


I will show you to your room when you finish checking in.


I’m the receptionist here,welcome to our hotel.


Class Activity Role-Play

Scene One: The receptionist receives a walk-in guest.

Scene Two: Kane has made a reservation two days ago through a long distance call.Now The receptionist receives her.

Further Reading

Receptionist Work

A receptionist must make sure that the guest’s registration card correctly filled out.The following items are necessary in a registration record: the guest’s full name, address,nationality, passport or visa number, purpose of his visit and his signature. Besides,information such as means of payment, arrival date, room type and rate must be also corre ctly recorded.






What items are necessary in a registration record? Mgdy1mTX8K8mRcvYjfveLvKDGIj3v29d8+xKVhKA/9wLf61fY3qMBVGxnVEM4lLw
