
3 开阔视野

I can make friends with people who are from distinctive cultural backgrounds, thus I can get to know their culture, customs and ways of living. By interacting with them, I can broaden my horizons and have new perspectives on things. Eventually I can be a well-rounded person.

解析 这段素材主要体现了 和不同人交流的好处 ,比如“了解异域文化、生活习惯和风土人情,拓宽视野”等。考生可以选择 “可以拓宽自己的视野” ,比如选择 “去不同的地方旅游而不是去之前去过的地方旅游”“准备去国外学习”“加入学校社团”“选择外国朋友而不是同胞做 室友”“学习外语的好处” 。使用此类素材回答时,主题句中的关键词为:broaden my horizons、it is melting pot、multicultural等。


★ make friends with people who are from distinctive cultural backgrounds 与来自不同文化背景的人交朋友

★ culture, customs and ways of living 文化、习俗和生活方式

★ interact with 与……交流

★ have new perspectives on things 对事物有新的看法

★ a well-rounded person 一个全面的人

适用题目范围 旅游/准备留学/加入学校社团/选择外国朋友而不是同胞做室友/学习外语的好处/小孩要看新闻/建议外教先了解我国的文化等


(1) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It’s important for people to learn about the culture and custom of the new country they are visiting?[2019-3-31]

(2) Some people like to make friends with their peers, while others prefer to make friends with people who have different ages . Which one do you prefer and why?[2018-9-2]

(3) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Kids should access news at an early age?[2018-3-24]

(4) Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometown. Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in other cities or towns . Which one do you prefer and why?Include details and examples in your explanations.[2017-12-2]

(5) Some students choose to enter university immediately after finishing high school. Others prefer to take a gap year before entering college. Which option do you think is better?Explain why.[2016-12-17] (答题提示:去旅行)

(6) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The best way to learn the culture about a country is to watch its TV programs?[2016-11-5] (答题提示:不同意,去不同的国家旅行更有利于了解那个国家)

(7) Some people like to spend money on tangible things (like electronic devices or outfits), while others prefer to spend money on experience (like traveling) . Which one do you think is better and why?[2016-9-10]

(8) Some people believe that the university students should focus on their school work, while others believe that the university students should also attend social activities on campus. Which one do you think is better and why?[2016-5-7]

(9) Some schools plan to open a computer course, while other universities believe it is better to open a new language course . Which one is more useful for students and why?[2015-11-15] (答题提示:学习外语有利于结交外国朋友)

(10) When you study overseas, would you prefer to have roommate from your own country, or would you like to have foreign roommates ?[2015-10-11]

(11) Some people prefer to go to new places while traveling. However, others prefer to go to familiar places. Which one do you prefer?Explain why.[2015-5-16] (答题提示:去国外旅游能结交更多外国朋友 / 了解更多外国文化) R1XTkJQogqmIzB2Y4fRu44KKk/Aj6XOVPAag3SJqcMn4DgGpYxOVGsNM4/woJgs+
