
1 学业繁重


As a college student, I am overwhelmed with lots of schoolwork. I have to prepare for exams, do presentations, do group projects and stuff like that.

解析 这段素材适用范围非常广,学生的首要任务是关于 学业 。一旦题目中出现跟 学业有 关或跟学业无关(娱乐等) 的内容,考生可以使用此素材 从“学习最重要”这个角度去考虑 。比如“要不要紧跟时尚潮流”“要不要装饰自己的房间”等,考生可以选择 “不要跟随时尚潮流”“不装饰自己的房间” ,因为学业是首要任务(top priority)。另外, 如果选项中出现“会增加压力”的选择,考生可以不选此选项 ,因为学生忙于学业已经非常累(be exhausted/stressed out)。比如,选择 “有假期的课程设置而不是全年无休的课程设置” ,选择 “一个相对轻松的日程而不是紧张的日程等” 。使用此类素材回答时,主题句中的关键词为:be busy、be overwhelmed with等。


★ be overwhelmed with 不知所措

★ prepare for exams 为考试做准备

★ do presentations 做演示文稿

★ do group projects 做小组项目

适用题目范围 学生最大的挑战/不要跟随时尚潮流/不装饰自己的房间/用洗碗机而不是自己洗碗/提前做作业,不要拖拉/选择课外考试:减轻压力/突击考试短板:让学生压力更大 /对学生来说,高智商很重要/去朋友家要提前打招呼/选择有假期的课程设置而不是全年无休的课程设置/选择一个相对轻松的日程而不是紧张的日程等


(1) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Kids should learn to be more independent when they are young?[2019-8-10]

(2) To enrich their after-school lives and covering living expenses, many college students tend to seek part-time jobs. Some universities worry that work might cut into students’ study time.Therefore, they set a limit on the numbers of hours per week that students spend on part-time jobs. Do you agree or disagree with this policy?Why or why not?[2019-8-3 香港 ]

(3) Some universities require students to take all courses, while other universities only ask students to choose courses according to professors requirement . Which one do you prefer and why?[2019-7-6]

(4) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is easier to be an adult than to be a child?[2018-11-4][2015-11-14]

(5) Do you like to decorate your room with many things like paintings and pictures or leave the wall blank and simple ?[2018-9-9][2017-12-17]

(6) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A student cannot be successful in school without high intelligence?[2017-11-25]

(7) Some people like surprised visits from their friends, while others prefer to be informed of such visits . Which one do you prefer and why?[2016-5-22] (答题提示:提前做准备,避免没有时间)

(8) Some people prefer to finish their project long before the due date , while others prefer tofinish their projects right before the deadline. Which one do you prefer and why?[2015-12-19] (答题提示:提前做,否则太忙做不完)

(9) Some students like to study for nine or ten months a year , while others prefer to study all year round. Which one do you prefer?Explain why in detail.[2015-9-13] (答题提示:选择九个或十个月的课程设置,这样压力没那么大)

(10) Some people prefer a tight schedule, while others prefer a light schedule having a lot of free time . Which one do you think is better and why?[2015-9-12]

(11) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should wear clothes according to the latest fashion?[2015-2-1] (答题提示:浪费时间) nXQvJ7z5MZY22q02DNntmf8RRtJHYk5CJLirZdz8lzDCrwV8CD/MKPj5cPjf7K0/
