
6 团队合作

My team members and I have different responsibilities. All of us have strengths and weaknesses. We have to work closely with each other to win the game/finish the project. Such cooperation awareness can be very useful in our future career when we have to be a team player.

解析 这段素材很常用,有关 “和别人一起学习、工作、做体育运动” 的话题都可以使用此素材,比如选择 “团队运动而不是个人运动”“运动会使人变得乐意跟别人合作而不是变得强势”“选择小组学习而不是独自学习”“父母教会孩子的技能是合作”“小组作业的好处是帮 助人培养合作精神” 等。使用此类素材回答时,主题句中的关键词为:become a team player、develop cooperation awareness等。


★ have different responsibilities, strengths and weaknesses 有不同的责任、优势和弱点

★ win the game 赢得比赛

★ finish the project 完成项目

★ cooperation awareness 合作意识

适用题目范围 参加团队运动而不是个人运动/运动不会使人变得更强势/小组学习/如何解决问题/父母教会孩子的技能/小组作业的好处等


(1) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children who join in group sport activities tend to be more sociable than those who only do exercise by themselves?[2018-1014][2017-9-30]

(2) Suppose your university has a tight financial budget, which one of the following areas would you suggest the school cut budget in?Sports clubs (like skiing club) or academic clubs (like math clubs) ?Explain why.[2018-6-10]

(3) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Encouraging people to do sports is a great way to develop cooperation?[2017-9-30]

(4) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Playing sports will make children more aggressive in the future?[2017-7-15]

(5) Some people think that the best way to learn is to learn in a group , while others think that it is better to learn on their own. Which one do you prefer and why?[2016-3-26] (答题提示 : 小组学习可以培养合作能力)

(6) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: All students should do social activities such as joining a club or a sports team in school?[2015-4-12] zPXvvw+0W13S8fSB0Zu8KRWypZJGGTejaWnHcSLYZ70e2loR6NT9O30OSPTkxW+i
