
4 演讲能力

有助于职业发展: Speaking to a large audience is absolutely a valuable skill. Good public speaking skills can help me to convey my ideas clearly and build up confidence. I can be more persuasive. The skill is going to be very helpful for my future career whether I want to be a professor,lawyer or businessman.

有助于在不同场合的表现: Good presentation skills can help you in different occasions, such as giving a speech at a wedding, sharing your thoughts at a meeting, selling products to customers,attending a pitch meeting in order to close a deal. Good public speaking skills can help you to cruise through tough situations.

做演讲练习: One should practice the speech in front of a mirror and check out his body language and facial expressions. By doing this, one can find his problems and make some changes accordingly.Mostly importantly, one should make eye contact with the audience and be confident. One should also take a deep breath and calm down, because this can help him to avoid stage fright.

解析 提高演讲能力很重要,能帮助自己表达观点、建立自信并且对未来职业有帮助。这三段素材适用于和 “演讲” 相关的题目,比如 “做课堂展示而不是写论文”“做公众演讲者而不是做观 众” 。使用此类素材回答时,主题句中的关键词为:valuable skill、persuasive、convincing等。


★ speak to a large audience 面向广大观众演讲

★ a valuable skill 一项宝贵的技能

★ convey one’s ideas clearly and build up confidence 清楚地传达某人的想法并建立信心

★ persuasive 有说服力的

★ future career 未来职业

★ share one’s thoughts at a meeting 在会议上分享某人的想法

★ sell products to customers 向顾客销售产品

★ attend a pitch meeting 参加一场投标会

★ cruise through tough situations 在艰难的时候轻松应对

★ practice the speech in front of a mirror 在镜子前练习演讲

★ make some changes accordingly 相应地做出一些改变

★ take a deep breath 深吸一口气

★ calm down 冷静

★ avoid stage fright 避免怯场

适用题目范围 做展示而不是写论文/完成作业的方式/做公众演讲者而不是做观众/如何做公众演讲等


When doing school assignments, some students prefer to write essays, while others prefer to give presentations in class. Which one do you prefer?Explain your answer in detail.[2013-11-2] lzUBISspZOhH0vtggXugCbRXA2TiajBvKDd20+UUizZXmkJPJAW/SA+3rdaQBzrp
