After two to three years’ study in college, students can be exposed to classes in different fields like economics, psychology and math. They can take their time and pick up a major that they really like. Eventually, they will have great motivation to study because of their keen interest.
解析 两三年的大学学习之后,学生会 接触很多课程 ,这样更容易选一个自己喜欢的专业。涉及此素材的题目较少。
★ take one’s time 花点时间
★ pick up a major 选择一个专业
★ have great motivation to study 有很强的学习动力
适用题目范围 第二、三年选专业等适用题目
Some people think that universities should suggest students to choose their majors once they are admitted to university, while others think that it ’ ll be better for students to wait until their second or third year . Which one do you think is better and why?[2017-8-27][2015-12-13]