
9 学习动力

给学生自由: Students should have more freedom and personal space. If they can make their own choice, they will have a sense of control. Thus, they will have a higher motivation level and work hard. Eventually, they can be more successful.

学生有竞争者更好: If I have competitors in terms of academic performance, the peer pressure will give me a higher motivation level and I will work hard. Eventually, I can be more successful in school.

家长奖励学习: If parents give their kids money because of high grade, then kids will have a higher motivation level and they will work hard. Eventually, they can be more successful in school.

解析 当人 被奖励、被认可,可以自己选择做一件事而不是被别人强迫去做 的时候,就会有更多的完成这件事的动力。比如“有对手的人会更容易成功”这道题目,考生可以选择同意,因为对手可以是自己前进的动力。使用此类素材回答时,主题句中的关键词为:be more motivated to、give me a higher motivation level、push my limit等。


★ have more freedom and personal space 有更多的自由和个人空间

★ make one’s own choice 做出自己的选择

★ have a sense of control 有一种控制感

★ a higher motivation level 更强的动力

★ work hard 努力工作/学习

适用题目范围 让孩子自己选择是否学习音乐/让孩子自己选择是否学习钢琴/让孩子自己选择论文的话题/老师应该给学生自由而不是严格监管他们的作业/可以选择接受不同的教育 /做自己擅长的事情:动力更足/竞争者可以帮助我成功/孩子取得好成绩时,家长应奖励孩子/ 科学家自由选择研究方向/选择有趣但是判卷很严,而不是无趣但是判卷不严的教授等


(1) You university is going to give out a scholarship of $5000. Who do you think should receive the scholarship? Students with high academic performance or students that need financial aids?[2019-5-4]

(2) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better for parents to praise their kids’ good behavior than criticize their bad behavior?Explain why.[2019-3-16]( 答题提示:鼓励孩子会给他们更多动力

(3) Parents should discourage children from choosing some majors which might be very competitive to find a job in the future like artists, singers. Do you agree or disagree with this?[2018-7-7]

(4) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Students should be engaged in activities that they are interested in or they are talented in?[2018-2-4]

(5) If a kid doesn’t want to learn a new instrument because of ongoing practice, do you think it is better for parents to force them to learn or let kids decide whether to learn ?[2017-10-15]

(6) Some people prefer teachers who supervise their homework, while others prefer teachers who give them freedom when learning . Which one do you prefer and why?[2017-8-26]

(7) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Kids with great talent should receive different education from their peers?[2017-6-25] (答题提示:选择不同的教育可以给孩子更多动力)

(8) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Sometimes it is necessary for us to have enemies to be successful?[2016-12-10]

(9) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should give their kids money if they have good grades in school?Please include details and examples in your explanation.[2016-5-29]

(10) Do you think scientists should be required to study fields that concern the public the most or choose research areas based on their own interest ?[2015-11-28] (答题提示:有了自由就有动力,就可能会更加成功)

(11) Some people prefer an interesting professor with a strict grading policy , while others prefer a boring professor with a loose grading policy. Which one do you prefer and why?[2015-314] (答题提示:选择有趣但是判卷很严的教授) XzhKYd2EPhONIvf4mHKOlFxgxsiNEATzJzFd7Jm8omMXPxM3Shz+qbo2pYPHGFpn
