

Section A

1. national debt 2. mass innovation 3. power grid 4. destock 5. teleological

6. twenty-four solar terms 7. demographic dividend 8. aging society 9. venture capital

10. semantic translation 11. marine rights 12. real economy 13. environmentally friendly products

14. seek truth and pragmatism 15. market access negative list

Section B

1.英国退欧公投 2.京都议定书 3. 声乐功能 4. 处置收入 5.承包商 6. 8国峰会

7. 外包业务 8. 符号间翻译 9. 通天塔之后 10.点对点协议 11. 液晶显示器

12. 恩格尔系数 13. 人才外流 14. 非政府组织 15. 马太效应

Section one

Passage one


Passage two


Passage three


Section two

Passage one

Serve the masses safely and conveniently. Promote the construction of “safe transportation” and focus on building a scientific and perfect transportation. Transportation safety system, transportation structure is constantly optimized, service level is constantly improved, and people’s travel is upgraded and developed. “Spring Festival travel rush” and other holiday comprehensive transport services guarantee capacity significantly improved. The share rate of urban public transport travel has steadily increased,and the comfort level has been continuously improved. “Internet + transportation” rapid development,providing real-time traffic operation status query, travel route planning, online ticket purchase,intelligent parking and other “one-stop” services.

Passage two

In fact, the distinction between human and poultry does not have to be so strict. In the animal world,although not as comfortable and free as the ancients have imagined, but Su is always less of a work than a human being, they are sexually willful, right is right, wrong is wrong, not to say a word of distinction.People, can stand upright, which naturally is a great progress, can speak naturally, which is also a great progress, but people have fallen, because they are also beginning to talk empty talk.

Passage three

Davos, Switzerland is world-famous. At the beginning of the new year, people from all walks of life,countries and fields in the world gather here to exchange ideas, collide ideas, and attract the attention of the world. Especially since the international financial crisis, the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum has become an important platform for all parties to brainstorm, promote dialogue and cooperation. This spirit of helping each other and helping the world economy has played a positive role in promoting the recovery of the world economy. yJPMrteejgKfmtHOUeP9gQIKroGglPIbE+DUjQwpo+Haw36Sjyn/7g2mTi0zY4Gv
