
2018年硕士研究生入学考试试题 英语翻译基础

PartⅠ. Translate the following terms. Write your translations on the answer sheet (30 points)
Section A.Chinese into English (15 points, each 1 point)

1. 国债 2. 大众创新 3. 电网 4. 去库存 5. 目的论

6. 二十四节气 7. 人口红利 8. 老龄化社会 9. 风险资本

10. 语义翻译 11. 海洋权益 12. 实体经济 13. 环保产品

14. 求真务实 15. 市场准入负面清单

Section B.English into Chinese (15 points, each 1 point)

1. Brexit referendum 2. Kyoto Protocol 3. vocative function

4. disposal income 5. contractor 6. G8 Summit 7. outsourcing business

8. inter-semiotic translation 9. After Babel 10. PPP 11. LCD

12. The Engel’s Coefficient 13. brain drain 14. NGO 15. the Matthew effect

PartⅡ. Translation (120 points)
Section one. Translate the following 3 English passages into Chinese (60 points, each passage 20 points)
Passage one (20 points)

It was an adolescent way of life, and perhaps Fitzgerald (菲茨杰拉德) never entirely got away from it. Certainly his first books and collections of stories are callow (没有经验的) by comparison with his later work. His characters are too evidently projections of himself, dreaming extravagantly and extravagantly disappointed. The hero of The Side of Paradise , looking back gloomily over his twentyfour years, reflects ‘I know myself but that is all’. All! This hero, and other young men and women, are almost willfully immature. Fresh from their fashionable schools and colleges, they have no desire to develop; development means growing old, and they clutch at their small score of years as though it were unthinkable to be over thirty. Their love affairs are febrile (疯狂的),yet passionless; while the idea of parenthood is repellent to them.

Passage two (20 points)

The fear of firing (解聘) is particularly acute in the HR and legal departments. They don’t directly suffer when an underperformer lingers in the corporate hierarchy, but they may endure unpleasant indirect consequences if that person files a lawsuit. Says Dick Grote, an Addison (Tex.) talent management consultant:“They don’t get their bonuses based on the number of lawsuits they win. They get their bonuses based on the number of lawsuits they don’t get involved in.” This set of divergent incentives puts line (产品) managers in a tough position. When they finally decide to get rid of the underperforming slob (懒汉) who plays PC solitaire (纸牌游戏) all day in her cubicle, it can be surprisingly tough to do. And that, in turn, affects productive workers.

Passage three (20 points)

That which determines us, from given premises, to draw on inference rather than another, is some habit of mind, whether it be constitutional (天生的) or acquired. The habit is good or otherwise,according as (依据) it produces true conclusions from true prenises or not, and an inference is regarded as valid or not, without reference to the truth or falsity of its conclusion specially, but according as the habit which determines it is such as to produce true conclusions in general or not. The particular habit of mind which governs this or that inference may be formulated in a proposition (命题) whose truth depends on the validity of inferences which the habit determines.

Section Two. Translate the following 3 Chinese passages into English (60 points, each passage 20 points)
Passage one (20 points)


Passage two (20 points)


Passage three (20 points)

瑞士达沃斯(Davos)世界闻名。每逢新年伊始,来自世界不同地区、国家、领域的各界人士在此聚会,交流观点,碰撞思想,吸引着世界的目光。特别是国际金融危机爆发以来,世界经济论坛年会成为各方集思广益、对话合作的重要平台。这种同舟共济、共克时艰的精神为促进世界经济复苏发挥了积极作用。 H8EsWSU04aSSL/U5h9/6R5WESlFOXg2HtCvqiW+80XpgCkm5gpCZ53L35lcrTmCY
