1. 跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定
2. 布雷顿森林体系
1. The Revolution of 1911
2. Chinext market
3. happiness index
4. ant tribe
5. school selection fee
6. sovereign debt crisis
7. Straits Exchange Foundation
8. Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway
9. restrictions on home purchases
10. affordable housing
11. tablet computer
12. delegation of authority
13. inflation proof savings
14. cut the ground from under sb’s feet
15. big mouthfuls often choke
1. 促进公共政策公平与发展中心是阿根廷顶级智库,是私人所有的非营利性机构。该中心致力于推动阿根廷公共部门的发展,使其更公平、民主和高效。它研究阿根廷的教育、卫生、财政、政治、司法与公共管理系统,旨在发现各系统的需求,寻找机遇,以便高效率地贯彻公共政策。该智库向政府机关工作人员提供阿根廷公共机构运转等方面的专业知识,使政府工作更加有效。同时,CIPPEC也为政府以及自治行政区政府提供技术支持与帮助,并且在不同地区开展工作,以促进政府透明化,机构民主化,地区协调统一等等。
当前该智库主要开设了两个培训课程。一个课程只要是面对中心企业,涉及利用量化手段分析国际贸易与金融工具。另一个课程则是针对机构,就如何建立综合性监测评估系统进行探讨。2. 一场强烈地震就在这时重创了日本东北部宫城地区海岸。这是一个触目惊心的事例,它提醒人们,还有一些更为基本的风险,可能威胁到人口稠密、易受地震冲击的日本列岛的经济活动。衡量自然灾害的全面影响需要时间。不过,这场地震至少给日本经济复苏划上了一个巨大的问号——经济学家们原本期望,在2010年后三个月陷入停滞后,复苏将于当前的季度提速。虽然周五受灾最重地区在经济上的重要性亦远不及沿海地区——在1995年神户地震之后,沿海工业区的经济严重停滞。当前日本经济正试图走出战后最严重的衰退。不过,这场灾难可能加深消费者和投资者对日本经济能否持续复苏的不确定性。
3. In the course of human history, art not only brings beauty to the folks, but also records the living history of a nation and a people.
If Chinese art industry wants to compete in the international market, first of all, it needs to produce products with high quality. Then, it needs to win for itself a good reputation. Thirdly, it needs to nurture a pool of intellectuals and enterprises excelling in marketing. China boasts a brilliant culture accumulated in the past five thousand years and millions of artists who are known for their creativity.They created a great many rare art treasures that have attracted worldwide attention. Nevertheless,due to the lack of experiences in international marketing and high-quality art agents, our art products,even with their excellent craftsmanship have not been highly valued in the international market for some years.
Currently, international exchanges are more frequent. We will grasp this good opportunity and strive to create a Chinese brand with high credibility and artistic value to bring about the prosperity of a flourishing art industry.
4. The Chinese government has taken a series of measures to stimulate economic growth and improve people’s well-being in recent years. We will do everything in our power to stimulate employment and implement a more proactive employment policy. We will give high priority to facilitating the employment of university graduates, expand employment opportunities for rural migrant workers in cities while stabilizing their existing jobs, help urban residents experiencing difficulty finding work,members of zero-employment households and workers in disaster-stricken areas find jobs, vigorously support individuals in starting their own businesses or finding jobs on their own, thus expanding employment by creating new businesses and further improve public services for employment.
We have initiated the deepening of the reform for medicare institutions. We will develop a system that ensures basic medical care, establish a national system for basic drugs, improve the community-level medical and health service system and steadily promote equal access for all to basic public health services. Thus, we will realize the goal of providing universal coverage by establishing a nationwide basic medical and health care system for both urban and rural areas by 2020.