
2013年硕士研究生入学考试试题 英语翻译基础

Ⅰ. Translate the following terms into Chinese



3. Iron-deficiency anemia

4. sandwich generation

5. hydrocarbon compounds

6. eutrophication

7. wind turbine

8. temperate ecosystems

9. depleted nuclear fuel

10. genome

11. nanotechnology

12. marginal cost

13. discount market

14. LDC

15. eye candy

Ⅱ. Translate the following terms into English

1. 页岩气

2. 居家养老

3. 参政议政

4. 本币互换协议

5. 自主知识产权

6. 存款准备金

7. 专属经济区

8. 文化逆差

9. 光伏电池

10. 装机容量

11. 差额选举

12. 医药分开

13. 官二代

14. 屌丝

15. 打酱油

Ⅲ. Translate the following passages into Chinese

1. The conifer hedges in front of J.K. Rowling’s seventeenth-century house, in Edinburgh, are about twenty feet tall. They reach higher than the street lamps in front of them, and evoke the entrance to the spiteful maze in the film adaptation of “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” the fourth volume of her fantasy series. Rowling, who, at forty-seven, is about to publish her first novel for adults — it is set in a contemporary Britain familiar with Jay-Z and online pornography, but is shaded with memories of her own, quite cheerless upbringing — lives here with her second husband, Neil Murray, a doctor,and their children. She has a reputation for reserve: for being likable but shy and thin-skinned, and not at all comfortable with the personal impact of having created a modern myth, sold four hundred and fifty million books, and inspired more than six hundred thousand pieces of Harry Potter fan fiction, a total that increases by at least a thousand stories a week.

2. China’s programmes for addressing climate change domestically through its 12th Five-Year Plan are impressive. Accelerating progress on the low-carbon economy has worked in China’s favor as it has become a global leader in wind and solar power manufacturing. The cliché that “when China sneezes,the rest of the world catches a cold” can also be turned on its head. When China makes up its mind to lead, the rest of the world follows suit.

Doha matters because the UNFCCC international climate negotiations are an important channel through which China can help shape the global development model in ways that re-enforce its low carbon economy. Europe is the largest market for Chinese solar power, but its internal negotiations on ramping up climate-change ambition —and therefore creating a larger market for Chinese goods— are being delayed by uncertainty over progress on a global climate regime. While Doha will not be the ambitious meeting the climate crisis requires, it will nonetheless be important for building momentum towards a comprehensive agreement in 2015. China’s role in ensuring we do not renegotiate the Durban agreement will be essential to limiting climate risks in China and maintaining the drive towards a low carbon economy which China has so heavily invested in both financially and politically.

Ⅳ. Translate the following passages into English

1. 11月25日,几乎所有媒体都报道了国产歼-15舰载战斗机在中国海军“辽宁”号航母上成功完成起飞和着舰的动作。“成功”、“意义”和“速度”成为媒体报道的三个关键词。中国航母舰载机第―次在实舰上完成起降动作,无疑是值得庆祝的“成功”之举。而此次成功“意义”非凡,标志着中国的航母由一条大船变成了一个真正的海上移动机场:中国的航母在实现初步战斗力的过程中,迈过了一个关键的技术门槛。谈到“速度”,“辽宁”号加入海军服役不过两个月的时间,而此次舰上起降实验仅仅是在“辽宁”号服役后第二次出海时进行的,这样的速度着实令人瞠目结舌。如此高速的背后不仅有大型项目高效的管理能力,更重要的是无数中国航空人和人民解放军官兵顽强拼搏的精神。正是因为有了这种精神,才有了我们看到的“中国速度”。

2. 什么是“道”?道即道路。最早的路在水边,因为原始人每天都要去水边饮水或取水,那时人们都是光脚板。光脚板踩在沙泥地上,脚上又常带着水,所以很容易踩出一条光溜溜的像“刀”一样的东西,原始人就把脚下踩出来的痕迹叫做“刀”,也就是“道”。“道”与“刀”谐音,在甲骨文里“道”原本写作“刀”。从古至今,人类就一直行走在“刀”上。道即路人。路人踩出了道路,我们一看见道路就知道这里有人。道就是走路的方法。地上的路有通衢,有歧路,有大路,有小路,有暂时的路,有永久的路。所有的路都有起伏弯曲,人就是要用起伏弯曲的方法来走路,同时尽量选择最短的路线。道即“到达”。任何道都有起始与终结,按道(方法)走路(道路)的人将很快到达。世上只有一种真正的道(路人),那就是通向自身。 2lDY4j8Z83VqzWNXTx86LrrOy10Jz9Fp6+PQ3HIzCvHHEdmBiFdDGuvvN738ikKN
