
2017年硕士研究生入学考试试题 英语翻译基础


1. Isiamic fundamentalism

2. Brexit

3. appraiser

4. bulk commodity

5. populism

6. title company

7. utilitarian

8. credit crunch

9. prognosticating

10. community with a shared future

11. ECFA

12. UNO

13. FTA

14. SCI

15. APP


16. 国家网信办

17. 出境旅游

18. 裸官

19. 红白喜事

20. 炒房

21. 沽名钓誉

22. 学霸

23. 解放思想

24. 有得有失

25. 销售额

26. 弄潮儿

27. 精准扶贫

28. 假货

29. 非法操纵

30. 博雅教育


A small bowl of porridge each day could be the key to a long and healthy life; whole grains reduce the risk of dying from heart disease. Although whole grains are widely believed to be beneficial for health it is the first research to look at whether they have a long-term impact on lifespan. Researchers followed more than 100,000 people for more than 14 years monitoring their diets and health outcomes.Everyone involved in the study was healthy in 1984 when they enrolled, but when they were followed up in 2010 more than 26,000 had died. However those who are the most whole grains, such as porridge,brown rice and corn seemed protected from many illnesses and particularly heart disease. Oats are already the breakfast of choice for many athletes and also for dieters, who find the high fibre levels give them energy for longer. But scientists found that for each ounce (28g) of whole grains eaten a day — the equivalent of a small bowl of porridge — the risk of all death was reduced by five per cent and heart deaths by 9 per cent. These findings further support current dietary guidelines that recommend increasing whole-grain consumption. They also provide promising evidence that suggests a diet enriched with whole grains may confer benefits towards extended life expectancy. The finding remained even when allowing for different ages, smoking, body mass index and physical activity. Whole grains are also widely recommended in many dietary guidelines because they contain high levels of nutrients like zinc,copper, manganese and iron. They are also believed to boost levels of antioxidants which combat freeradicals.


在全球经济复苏困难、各成员国经济和贸易增速放缓的背景下,我们应同舟共济,共同推动实现更高水平的产业合作、更高水平的贸易投资便利化、更高水平的金融合作,加快区域经济一体化进程,为地区合作打造新的亮点,培育新的增长点,为各国经济发展注入新的活力。上合组织成员国都处在发展的关键时期,既要稳增长,又要调结构、促升级。各方合作正在从自然资源和初级产品贸易拓展到装备制造业、产业园区等领域的深度合作。本地区国家市场需求大,中国基础设施建设经验丰富。中方愿同上合组织各方展开类似合作。各成员国还应在上合组织能源俱乐部平台上加强对话,共同维护能源安全。 EZb2HTFbYNK85oJtGBVxvBgmfJwdZLe001P0T0bX0rDkTOyCMFtl6eC5bOSrm0rf
