
题 型


事实上,也有很多人将Task 3和Task 5归为一类,将Task 4和Task 6归为另一类,因为Task 3和Task 5的题材都是“Campusbased”(校园相关的),而Task 4和Task 6则是“Academic”(学术类的)。

Task 1

Task 1考试形式:


Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.


这个题目说得很简单,大家需要注意的是要求中的“specific details and examples”(具体的细节和例子)。这就是刚才我们所要求的在回答时不能简单地只给出答案,还需要对自己的答案进行丰富。这个丰富当然不只是简单地进行“paraphrase”(复述)而已。题目给出了两个方向,一个是“specific details”(具体的细枝末节),另一个是“examples”(例子)。这两个方向都是我们可以花时间去展开的。(事实上,展开一个话题显然并不只有讲细节和给例子这两种方法而已,还有很多方法。关于此部分内容,大家可以翻阅一下《文勇的新托福写作手稿》中关于话题展开的相关内容)



One particular book that was important to me is Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond, a geography professor at UCLA. The book is a nonfictional account of human development throughout history. It focuses on agriculture, culture, and science as the engines of civilization. It is a long book about a difficult subject,but the author writes it in a way that is interesting and fun to read. I learned about many interesting connections between geography and the rise and fall of different peoples throughout human history. It offers me a fresh and grand perspective of humanity.



该文本的第二个优点是,文本提到了非常具体的书名及其作者。这个也就是ETS所强调的一定要言之有物、要有细节。尽管不建议大家去寻找很多新奇的案例,但是大家在回答时一定要讲述一个非常真实的话题,像具体的书名、具体的作者名就保证了回答的真实性。范例中所举的书可能没那么有名,但即便你举的例子是《安徒生童话》( Andersen’s Fairy Tales ),也毫无问题。


Task 2

Task 2考试形式:

第2题往往是让考生在两种行为或者观点之中选择一个。此时依旧要提醒大家: 两个中选一个,并没有任何一方是受到青睐的。也就是说,你可以选A,也可以选B,两者任选其一 。大家也应该知道选择并没有对错之分,选择本身并不会影响评分。值得注意的是,即便你要走中间路线,也就是选择的答案是“it depends”,也不会影响最终得分。比如,题目问的是:“在家里学习好还是在图书馆学习好?”你的回答是:在家里学习课外读物比较好,在图书馆学习数理化比较好。这个答案是明确的,完全没有问题,只要你展示的语言水平足够好,也可以拿到满分。


Some college students choose to take courses in a variety of subject areas in order to get a broad education. Others choose to focus on a single subject area in order to have a deeper understanding of that area. Which approach to course selection do you think is better for students and why?

TPO-2 Task 2

大家看到的这个题目就是独立问题第2题的样子了,问得也很简单。同学们注意,题目中并没有特别强调“examples and details”,但这并不意味着“examples and details”是不重要的,而是意味着我们不能只是简单地用举例和细节来限制自己的说明过程。论述方法 除了举例和细节之外,还有因果、比较、分类、目的等,都是可以使用的。我建议大家最好能作一下分类,逐一练习每一种论述方法的语言表达。当你把每一种论述方法的语言表达都训练得很熟练时,口语自然可以脱口而出了,这不是件坏事情。


From my point of view, college students should both broaden and deepen their knowledge. I think that at the beginning of college , perhaps for the first and second year students, it is good to receive a broad education. Taking a wide range of courses allows these students to become knowledgeable about many subjects and makes them better-rounded. Once students decide on a major in their third and fourth year , focusing on that single subject is the best, as this will allow them to truly excel in the field they choose to enter.




Task 3

Task 3考试形式:

① Reading





Letter in the Centerville College News

The administration has plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. The university’s poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this past year.Surely then it is no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture:several 60-foot long steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angles! It’s so large, it’ll take up all the green space in front of the campus center! This is public space that should be reserved for students to use.


Student A

Did you see Paul’s letter in the paper about the new sculpture?

Student B

Yeah, but it was totally unconvincing. His reasons for opposing the plan were just totally off. I’m glad we’llfinally have some nice arts on campus. I’d like to shake the donor’s hand and say “Thank you”.

Student A

What do you mean, “the donor”?

Student B

You didn’t know? An anonymous donor is paying the bill for most of the sculpture.

Student A

Not the university?

Student B

No. His assumptions about who’s paying for it are all wrong.

Student A

Still I wonder if he has a point about the space it’ll take up.

Student B

Well, you know why Paul is upset? He and his friends are always out there on the lawn, right where the sculpture will be, kicking around the soccer ball. Now they’ll just have to use another part of the campus to play.

Student A

Oh, so, he just doesn’t want to have to move.

Student B

Yeah. For him, it’s sculpture versus convenience.


Explain why the woman disagrees with the reasons expressed in the letter.




The school is planning to put a new sculpture in, and Paul wrote a letter against the sculpture plan. The woman is looking forward to seeing some good arts on campus and disagrees with Paul’s letter for two reasons. First, Paul argued in his letter that the sculpture would cost too much money that the university can’t afford to spend, but the fact is that the sculpture is being paid for mostly by a donor.Also, she knows that Paul and his friends like to kick the soccer ball around in front of the campus center, and once the sculpture was built, they could not keep playing soccer there any more. That’s the reason why they oppose the statue plan.





Task 4

Task 4考试形式:







Revealing Coloration

Many animals use coloration to protect themselves from predators. One defensive strategy involving the use of coloration is what is known as revealing coloration.Animals employing this strategy have an area of bright color on some part of their body; this bright color is usually hidden from predators’ view. When approached by a predator, the animal suddenly reveals the area of bright color; this unexpected display of color startles or confuses the predator and provides the would-be prey with an opportunity to escape.



There is a large tropical insect called the Peanut Bug,yes, like the peanuts that you eat. Um and the Peanut Bug’s front wings are colored so that they blend in with their surroundings. But its back wings, which are usually closed and hidden, have these bright colorful spots on them and when the Peanut Bug is attacked, it suddenly opens its back wings and out pops these big bright colors. And that surprises the predator and gives the Peanut Bug a chance to get away.

Um and then you have a butterfly called the Morpho Butterfly, and parts of the Morpho Butterfly’s wings are very shiny. They reflect a lot of sunlight. When this butterfly is resting, this shiny part of its wings is hidden. Now Morpho Butterflies are often attacked by birds. So when a bird approaches, the Morpho flies away. And when the Morpho flaps its wings, all the bird can see are flashes of light reflected from the Morpho’s wings. Those flashes of light make it very difficult for the bird to follow the Morpho, and the Morpho is usually able to get away.


Using the examples of the Peanut Bug and the Morpho Butterfly, explain the concept of revealing coloration.




Revealing coloration is a technique that many animals use when they are being preyed upon, as it helps them escape. These animals have a colorful or bright part of their body that usually remains hidden. When in danger, they reveal this part, which surprises the predator and allows them to escape. The examples the professor uses are of the Peanut Bug and the Morpho Butterfly. The Peanut Bug has bright, colorful back wings that it shows when it is attacked, and the bright colors distract long enough for the bug to escape. The Morpho Butterfly has very shiny wings,so when it is chased by birds, it reflects the sunlight and makes it hard for the birds to follow it.


参考答案是一份优秀答案。它在第一句话中就清楚地解释了到底什么是“revealing coloration”(警戒色)。第二句话对于什么是警戒色进行展开,事实上这也是阅读材料中所提及的东西。随后就清楚地描述了听力材料中的两个例子到底是如何印证我们的定义的。“Peanut Bug”和“Morpho Butterfly”都是将定义重新使用了一遍。其实这个题目考查的就是我们的复述能力,即课本中的定义和老师的解释是否能在最后的复述过程中有所表达,是否能将老师讲的东西和课本中所描述的概念结合在一起进行理解和分析。第4题就是模拟了这样的学习过程。

Task 5

Task 5考试形式:






Student A

Susan! What happened to your arm?

Student B

That’s my wrist actually. I sprained it last weekend.And I’m kind of upset about it, because I’m supposed to play the violin in my string quartet’s big concert next week.We’ve been practicing for weeks and we’ve already sold a bunch of tickets.

Student A

Uh...I’m sorry to hear that. What are you gonna do?

Student B

Well. I was thinking about trying to play anyway.I mean I really don’t want to let the other three group members down. Plus the doctor said my wrist should be feeling better by then.

Student A

Oh. Okay, so, problem solved, right?

Student B

Not exactly. I’m worried that I’m gonna be out of practice, like I haven’t been able to play the violin since I sprained my wrist. What if I don’t play well? I’d make the rest of the group sound bad.

Student A

Why don’t you get somebody else to take your place?

Student B

Well there is only one other person I know of who could do it, and that’s Jim. He is a great violinist, and I’m sure he’d say yes. The thing is that he is not very reliable.I mean I’m in the orchestra with him and he is always showing up late for rehearsals.

Student A

Oh, so you’re not sure you can depend on him.

Student B

Exactly, and we have less than a week left to rehearse for the concert, we’d really need him to show up on time for all of our rehearsals.


Briefly summarize the woman’s problem. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.




The woman is supposed to play the violin in her quartet’s big concert next weekend, but she recently sprained her wrist and so is not sure if she can practice or play well in the concert. She and the man come up with two possible solutions. She can either play in the concert despite her injury or she can ask a friend to play in her place; however, her friend is somewhat unreliable and comes to practice late often. I believe she should ask her friend to play in her place. While he may be unreliable, he will still be able to practice this week before the concert,while the woman cannot practice until her injury heals. A little bit of practice is better than none.


在回答时,第一句往往应该先尝试描述问题是什么,即“The woman is supposed to play the violin in her quartet’s big concert next weekend, but she recently sprained her wrist and so is not sure if she can practice or play well in the concert”,然后飞快地描述两种可能的解决方案,即“play in the concert despite her injury”和“she can ask a friend to play in her place”。最后一定要注意,回答第5题时必须要有自己的观点,而且使用的论据也不能来自听力材料原文。回答时应有大概一半的篇幅是在阐述自己对于两种“solutions”的态度、观点以及原因(为什么自己会选择其中的某一种方案)。

Task 6

Task 6考试形式:









One of the hardest parts of teaching is keeping your students’ attention. Now, the key to doing this is understanding the concept of attention.

Basically, there are two types of attention. The first type is active. Active attention is voluntary. It’s when you intentionally make yourself focus on something. And since it requires effort, it’s hard to keep up for a long time.

Ok, so... um... let’s say you’re teaching a... a biology class, and today’s topic is “frogs,” all right? You’re standing at the front of the room and lecturing [make the state sounds very boring]: “A frog is a type of animal known as an amphibian.” Well [chuckling], this isn’t necessarily going to keep the students’ interest. But most of them will force themselves to pay active attention to your lecture. But it’s only a matter of time before they get distracted.

Now the other type of attention is passive attention when it’s involuntary. Passive attention requires no effort because it happens naturally. If something’s really interesting, students don’t have to force themselves to pay attention to it. They do it without even thinking about it.

So, back to our biology lecture, you start talking about frogs, and then you pull a live frog out of your briefcase.You’re describing it while you hold it up, show the students how long its legs are and... and how they’re used for jumping, for example. Then, maybe you’ll even let the frog jump around a bit on the desk or the floor. In this case, by doing something unexpected, something more engaging,you can tap into their passive attention and it can last much longer than active attention. As long as the frog is still there, your students will be interested.


Using points and examples from the talk, explain the difference between active and passive attention.



There are two types of attention: active attention and passive attention. Active attention requires effort;it is when people force themselves to pay attention and so oftentimes doesn’t last a long time. Passive attention occurs when we involuntarily pay attention, which happens when we find something very interesting. The professor describes an example of each. If a biology professor gives an experiment-free lecture on frogs, the students will have to use active attention to listen to the lecture, since it will be boring. But such effort will not last long. However, if the professor shows the students a live frog, they will be naturally interested, and will pay attention all the time without any conscious effort.


回答第6题时,毫无疑问,我们应该先尝试给出定义阐述。比如,这道题目问的是“active attention”和“passive attention”的差异,那么就会有一到两句话是根据听力材料提到的内容来对其进行展开。在本回答中就告诉了大家到底什么是“active attention”,什么是“passive attention”。如果可能的话,再尝试说明在听力材料中听到的论述方法是什么。比如在参考答案中有细致的描述“The professor describes an example of each”。“an example”就是对于“professor”在描述两个定义时所使用的论述方法的基本展开。剩下的就是详细地复述两个例子本身了。

当看到这里,我们会发现,事实上除了第1、2题外,第3—6题的解答在很大程度上都依赖于我们的复述能力,这也说明为什么复述能力特别重要。 4s+R3bl0FL+/38H/ZDFi/pzntVp/B+E8SxCLKeuLMVweRvnt1QzX2H906iX8MGud
