







我们沿着小路来到井房,房顶上大片盛开的金银花散发出扑鼻的芳香,我们深深地陶醉其中。有人正在那儿取水,莎莉文老师把我的一只手放在喷水口下。随着一股清凉的水从我手上流过,她在我的另一只手上拼写“water”。开始写得很慢,第二次就快了很多。我站在那一动不动,聚精会神地感受她手指的动作。突然间,我茅塞顿开,我模糊地感到心中某种遗忘的东西被唤醒了——恍然大悟的美妙感觉让我情绪高涨。不经意间,我知道了语言文字的奥秘。我随后就明白了“water”这个字意味着正在我手上流过的这种凉爽而神奇的东西。这个活生生的单词唤醒了我的灵魂,并给予我光明、希望、快乐和自由。毫无疑问,生活依旧困难重重,但我始终坚信自己能排除一切障。 EmXJxCdulg1Dvuvh2ZOJm2At4PY7ngd8rDJKgDQHIkyiCg63OUfi7kynaBvUsvWE

The Most Important Day in My Life

Helen Keller

The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrasts between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old.

On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant. I guessed vaguely from my mother's signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the door and waited on the steps. The afternoon sun penetrated the mass of honeysuckle that covered the porch, and fell on my upturned face. My fingers fingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring. I did not know what the future held of marvel or surprise for me. Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle.

Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen?I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding-line, and had no way of knowing how near the harbour was.“Light!Give me light”was the wordless cry of my oil, and the light of love shone on me in that very tour.

I felt approaching footsteps, I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother. Some one took it, and I was caught up and held close in the arms of her who had come to reveal all things to me, and, more than all things else, to love me.

The morning after my teacher came she led me into her room and gave me a doll. The little blind children at the Perkins Institution had sent it and Laura Bridgman had dressed it; but I did not know this until afterward. When I had played with it a little while, Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my hand the word“d-o-l-l”.I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it. When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was flushed with childish pleasure and pride. Running downstairs to my mother I held up my hand and made the letters for doll. I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed; I was simply making my fingers go in monkey-like imitation. In the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way a great many words, among them pin, hat, cup and a few verbs like sit, stand and walk. But my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.

One day, while I was playing with my new doll, Miss Sullivan put my big rag doll into my lap also, spelled“d-o-l-l”and tried to make me understand that“d-o-l-l”applied to both. Earlier in the day we had had a tussle over the words“m-u-g”and“w-a-t-e-r”.Miss Sullivan had tried to impress it upon me that“m-u-g”is mug and that“w-a-t-e-r”is water, but I persisted in confounding the two. In despair she had dropped the subject for the time, only to renew it at the first opportunity. I became impatient at her repeated attempts and, seizing the new doll, I dashed it upon the floor. I was keenly delighted when I felt the fragments of the broken doll at my feet. Neither sorrow nor regret followed my passionate outburst. I had not loved the doll. In the still, dark world in which I lived there was no strong sentiment or tenderness. I felt my teacher sweep the fragments to one side of the hearth, and I had a sense of satisfaction that the cause of my discomfort was removed. She brought me my hat, and I knew I was going out into the warm sunshine. This thought, if a wordless sensation may be called a thought, made me hop and skip with pleasure.

We walked down the path to the well-house, attracted by the fragrance of the honeysuckle with which it was covered. Some one was drawing water and my teacher placed my hand under the spout. As the cool stream gushed over one hand she spelled into the other the word water, first slowly, then rapidly. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers. Suddenly I felt a misty consciousness as of something forgotten —a thrill of returning thought: and somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that“w-a-t-e-r”meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand. That living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free!There were barriers still, it is true, but barriers that could in time be swept away. EmXJxCdulg1Dvuvh2ZOJm2At4PY7ngd8rDJKgDQHIkyiCg63OUfi7kynaBvUsvWE








正在人生路口徘徊,正在犹豫是否要选择光明大道的年轻人啊,你们一定要记住——当你青春已逝,在黑暗的群山中举步维艰、跌跌撞撞的时候,你才会痛心疾首、徒劳无功地呼喊:“啊,回来吧,青春!啊,把我美好的年华还给我吧!” EmXJxCdulg1Dvuvh2ZOJm2At4PY7ngd8rDJKgDQHIkyiCg63OUfi7kynaBvUsvWE
