
2.Yifeng(TE 17)

【Location】On the neck,posterior to the ear lobe,between the mastoid process and mandible.

【Manipulation Method】Puncture perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun.

【Indications】Tinnitus,deafness,otopyorrhea,deviated mouth and eye,lockjaw,toothache,swelling in the cheek,scrofula,mumps.

【Stratified anatomy】(Fig.2-2)

Fig.2-2 Transverse section of Yifeng(TE 17)(right side)

(1)Skin The skin is distributed by great auricular n..

(2)Subcutaneous tissue There are the branches of great auricular n.,branches or tributaries of posterior auricular a. & v..

(3)Parotid gland The parotid gland is located in the anteroinferior of auricle,wrapped in the parotid sheath.

(4)Facial n. The nerve goes out of the skull through stylomastoid foramen,forwards into the parotid gland,first divides into upper and lower two branches,and then branches again and intertwines with each other to form plexus,and finally sends out the temporal branch,zygomatic branch,buccal branch,marginal mandibular branch and cervical branch with fan-shaped.These branches pass through upper,anterior,and inferior margin of parotid gland and are involoved in innervation of facial muscle.

In the front of the deep surface of the acupoint lie external carotid a.,internal jugular a.,back vertebral a.,internal jugular v.,hypoglossal n.,accessory n.,vagus n.,glossopharyngeal n.and so on.

【Cautions】If the depth of needling is deeper and the needling direction is more forward,the internal and external carotid a.and the internal jugular v.can be needle-inserted.If the depth of needling is deeper and the needling direction is more backward,the vertebral a.can be needle-inserted.If there is the pulsating feeling of the needle point when there is needling,the needle shall be removed immediately and the acupoint shall be pressed for several minutes.Do not still needle-insert deeply and lift,thrust,twirl and rotate the needle for avoiding the vessel injured.Hence,it shall not be deeply inserted. TC6nlRHdRMTNl3SFKJ5O1l/YeQL1rcPb1x2F6N6mvqH1N0I6Ufcx9on94SzZUESg
