【Location】On the head,directly above the ear apex within the hairline when the ear is folded forward.
【Manipulation Method】Puncture subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 cun.
【Indications】Swelling and pain in the ears,mumps,pain and swelling in the eyes,toothache,migraine,stiffness and pain in the neck.
【Stratified anatomy】(Fig.1-4)
Fig.1-4 Stratified anatomy of Jiaosun(TE 20),Shuaigu(GB 8),Sizhukong(TE 23),Tongziliao(GB 1),Taiyang(EX-HN 5),Yangbai(GB 14),Toulinqi(GB 15)and Touwei(ST 8)(right side,middle layer)
(1)Skin The skin is distributed by auriclotemporal n..
(2)Subcutaneous tissue There are branches of auriclotemporal n.,branches or tributaries of superficial temporal a. & v..
(3)Superior auricular m. The superior auricular m.is located above the auricle.
(4)Temporal fascia It is the deep fascia covering the surface of the temporalis.
(5)Temporalis The temporalis is located in the deep surface of temporal fascia.
The deep surface of the acupoint is temporal bone.