
Unit 1
Business Trip

Unit Ⅰ

Section A

Task 1

Directions: Please match the following English words and phrases with their Chinese meanings.

______ 1. on behalf of a. 游客

______ 2. colleague b. 真诚地

______ 3. local guide c. 奢侈的,奢华的

______ 4. experience d. 地导

______ 5. landscape e. 风景名胜区

______ 6. sincerely f. 代表

______ 7. luxurious g. 风景,景观

______ 8. scenic spot h. 经历

______ 9. downtown i. 市中心

______ 10. tourist j. 同事

Task 2

Directions: Listen to the following sentences and fill in the blanks by using the words you hear. The words or phrases in Task 1 are for your reference.

1. I ______ hope you will enjoy your stay in our city.

2. I'll do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant ______.

3. You're going to stay at the May Flower, a ______ five-star hotel.

4. You can easily visit the scenic spots and enjoy the natural and cultural ______ around us.

5. ______ the company and my colleagues, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.

Task 3

Directions: Listen to the following passage and use the sentence patterns given in Task 2 to fill in the blanks.

Good morning, everyone! I'm Lisa and I'm from Shanghai Youth Travel Service Company. 1 . During your stay in our city, I will be your local guide. 2 . If you have any problems or requests, please don't hesitate to let me know. 3 . Although the hotel is not exactly in downtown, it is strategically located with easy access to many tourist attractions. 4 . As you'll be staying in our city for five days, please do remember the number of our bus. 5 .

Task 4

Directions: Listen again to the short speech in the “Reference Passage” and repeat or retell it in your own words. You'll have 2 minutes for preparation.

Section B

Task 1

Directions: Read the following resume and answer the questions based on the given information. Act out an Interview with your partner, the questions below can be used as guidelines. Now you'll see a resume.


Name: Li Lu Sex: Female

Birthdates: October 12, 1990 Height: 163 cm

Marital status: married

Career Objective: to work as a tour guide with Suzhou International Travel Agency.

Work experience:


serve as a guide for foreigners at folk custom and culture village in Shenzhen, responsible for explaining China's various folk customs and cultures to foreign visitors.

*2014-2016worked as a guide for Hangzhou International Travel Service. Responsibilities included arranging, coordinating tourist activities, and offering service of transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.Educational background:

2010-2014 majored in tourism at Shanghai Institute of Foreign Languages.Foreign language: fluent English

Technical qualification: received a tourist guide qualification certificate


1. What's the applicant's name?

2. Is the applicant single or married?

3. Where did the applicant graduate and what's her major?

4. What career objective does the applicant have?

5. What did the applicant do during the year 2014-2016?

6. What technical qualification did the applicant receive?

Task 2

Directions: Suppose you are Li Lu, the job applicant in Task 1. Your partner will be the interviewer. Role-play the interview with your partner. The following sample dialogue will help you finish the task. You can also make your own dialogue according to the given information in the resume.

Sample Dialogue:

A: Good morning!

B: Good morning! What's your name, please?

A: My name is Li Lu.

B: Are you single or married?

A: I'm married, sir.

B: Where did you graduate and what's your major?

A: I graduated from Shanghai Institute of Foreign Languages and I majored in Tourism.

B: What career objective do you have?

A: I want to work as a guide for your company.

B: What did you do during the year 2014-2016?

A: I worked as a guide for Hangzhou International Travel Service. My responsibilities included arranging, coordinating tourist activities, and offering service of transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.

B: Have you got the tourist guide qualification certificate?

A: Yes, sir.

B: And how much do you want to be paid?

A: 100,000 RMB per year, I hope.

B: OK, we finished today. Thank you, Miss Li!

A: Thanks for your interview! Hope to receive your good news! Goodbye, sir!

B: Goodbye!

Unit Ⅱ

Task 1

Directions: Listen to the following useful sentences which can be used to describe the pictures and charts.

1. It is reported that in recent years several new holiday habits have been developed.

2. Based on the report we can see that in 1998, 41 percent of people stayed at home to enjoy their holidays.

3. But now the proportion has reduced to 10 percent.

4. The proportion of camping and traveling abroad was increasing steadily .

5. In short , nowadays, people's living standard has been rising greatly .

Task 2

Directions: Decide which paragraph should be the beginning, the body and the ending.

Paragraph one:

Why did those changes appear? I think there are several reasons. First, ... Second, ...In short, ....

Paragraph two:

Based on the report we can see that in the year XXXX, XX percent of people... But now the proportion has reduced to XX percent. More people... The proportion of ...was increasing steadily, from XX percent in the year XXXX to XX percent in the year XXXX, and XX percent in XXXX to XX percent in XXXX respectively. On one hand,...On the other hand... In the year XXXX, XX percent people ...while in XXXX only XX percent prefer to ... What great changes!

Paragraph three:

In the modern society, more and more people like to... It is reported that... Among them, the most interesting one is...

Beginning: ____________________

Body: ____________________

Ending: ____________________

Task 3

Directions: In this section, you are required to write an essay within 30 minutes based on the given situation. The essay should be more than 150 words.

Situation 1

You are the secretary from May Tourism Company and responsible for arranging travelling lines. One day, you received the PPT made by your partner as follows. Read the data which shows the changes in the way people spend their holidays. The table divides the tourism business into four parts, telling the different percentages in 1998 and in 2015, from which you will notice the trend of current tourism business and are required to write a report.

Reference Writing: (Read the following sample and pay more attention to the underlined parts in the passage which are helpful for your writing task.)


In the modern society more and more people like to go on holidays in different ways. It is reported that the number of the people who went on holidays from 1998 to 2015 changed greatly. Among them, the most interesting one is that plenty of people prefer to go camping, rather than stay at home.


Based on the report, we can see that in the year 1998, 41% of people chose to stay at home and 38% went to seaside. At the same time, more people were interested in going camping, and spending their holidays abroad, from 9% in the year 1998 to 35% in the year 2015. It has increased by about 4 times. As for travelling abroad, 12% in the year 1998 rose to 23% in the year 2015 respectively . The number is two times as much as that in 1998. On one hand, the percentage of staying at home and going to see side decreased by degrees ; on the other hand, the percentage of going camping and traveling abroad rose dramatically . What great changes!


Why did those changes appear? I think there are several reasons. First , nowadays many people have plenty of time and money which enable them to go out to enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh air. Second , with the development of society and economy, the consumers not only pay attention to the satisfaction of material needs, but also pursue the spiritual needs. In short , we intend to focus on our physical and mental health in order to relax ourselves after work.

Situation 2:

You are the secretary from May Tourism Company and responsible for arranging travelling lines. One day, you received the PPT made by your partner as follows. Read the data which shows the changes in the way middle school students spend their summer vacations. The table divides the tourism business into four parts, telling the different percentages in 1999 and in 2016, from which you will notice the trend of current tourism business and are required to write a report. 5qsAim8ZPhnJfszRFVqul6tjN0g2J7gT83rMohKzyZGEKVTiMRO4mWnQkwrV8nUr
