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Analyst OP Reports:Phenomena,Causes,and Consequences

HebeiUniversity of Technology Peking University
Peking University

Zhejiang University of Finance& Economics

Abstract Using the data of Chinese listed companies from 2001 to 2010,we study the existence and motivation that analyst issuing OP(Optimistic/Pessimistic)reports.We find that the OP phenomena only exist in state-owned listed companies.Further analysis shows that analysts who issue OP reports produce more accurate earnings forecasts by catering to management to obtain private information and analyst’s forecasts are more accurate when the value of private information is higher in the process of rights issue and SEO.Moreover,analysts issuing OP reports increase the probability of entering into New Fortune Best Analyst Rankings in SOE.This study helps us better understand the behavior of analysts'forecasts,and helps investors make rational decisions.At the same time,the conclusion of the paper has policy implications for regulatory agencies to establish more effective information supervi-sion and policy.

Key words Analyst Forecast,Private Information,OP Reports a8l6LcasB8HcsMRr8660ANBxYaR+rXcWJJcNEukjespEOUN4zOc70F4zLWzDecR9

