
Part Three Situational Dialogue

Words and Expressions

Task 2-1 Airport Check-in 办理机场登机手续
At the Information Desk 在问讯处

1. Listen to the dialogue and put the following responses in the correct order.



2. Pair work: Listen to the dialogue again, repeat it sentence by sentence, and then role-play it in pairs.

Task 2-2 Luggage Check-in 托运行李
Luggage Missing 行李丢失

1. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with the information you hear.


(T=Tang Ying, Tour Leader; S= Stewardess; C= Chen Ling, Tourist)

T: Excuse me, miss.

S: Yes, may I help you?

T: I'm Tang Ying , the tour leader of CITS. One of our group members left his briefcase (1) _____ at the airport.

S: If you can give me a description, I'll ask our ground personnel to try to locate it for you.

C: It's a (2) _____ with baggage claim tags. It has my name on it too—Chen Ling. It also has my address in Hangzhou. I'll need it in Switzerland. It contains some important business papers.

S: Are you sure you left it in the departure lounge?

C: Yes, I'm sure now. When our flight was announced, I left it (3) _____. I had just bought a carton to take with me on the trip.

S: I'm quite sure we can find it then. Can you give me the name of your hotel?

T: Yes. We'll be staying at the Genevese Hilton Hotel (4) _____.

S: We'll probably get it on tomorrow's flight. When it arrives in Geneva, we'll contact you at Hilton.

T: Thank you, Miss. I really appreciate your help. We'll write down (5) _____ with the name of our hotel and the exact dates we'll be staying there.

S: My pleasure.


2. Listen to the dialogue again and perform it without loking at the boks. Discuss with your partner about the alternative expressions.

(1) Explain the problem.

(2) Describe the luggage.

(3) Give the name and address.

(4) Show appreciation.

Luggage Misplaced 行李错挂

1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions.


(1) Where shall we go if we can't find our luggage in the luggage claim area?


(2) What kind of luggage did the tourist lose?


(3) How to deal with the problem if the luggage is damaged?



2. Group work: role play with your partners according to the following setting.

Two actors: A. clerk of the airline B. tour leader

Some of your group members tell you that they can't find their luggage (2 big black backpacks and 1 small grey leather case). But these tourists can't speak English, so you help them to communicate with the clerks.

More information: FLT.No. SQ368 to Singapore. The luggage is misplaced on Flight KA217.

Luggage Check-in 行李托运

1. Listen to the dialogue and write numbers in the blanks to show the correct order of the conversation.


(C= Clerk; T= Tour Leader)

_____ (1) C: I'm afraid not. It's overweight. One piece of carry-on baggage may not exceed limit of 5 kg.

_____ (2) T: Thank you very much.

_____ (3) T: I see.

_____ (4) T: Yes, we're here to check in for the flight to Sydney. Here are our tickets and passports.

_____ (5) C: May I help you, sir?

_____ (6) T: Twenty pieces altogether. Can I take this traveling bag as a carry-on?

_____ (7) C: Thank you, sir. Please put your baggage on the scale. How many pieces of baggage do you want to check in?

_____ (8) C: Here are twenty claim tags for your baggage and your passports.


2. Listen to the dialogue again, and act it out with your deskmate.

Task 2-3 Ready for Boarding 准备登机
Airport Announcements 机场广播

1. Listen to the dialogue carefully and fill in the table with correct information.



2. Listen to the announcements and put the following responses in the correct order.


(1) Commencement of Boarding

(2) Delay Due to Maintenance

(3) Cancellations

(4) Commencement of Check-in

(5) Final Boarding Call


Boarding Gate 登机门

1. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with the information you hear.


(T=Traveler; C=Clerk)

T: Excuse me, I am going to take (1) _____, can you tell me where my boarding gate is?

C: Let me see your ticket. OK, your flight is boarding (2) _____.

T: Thanks. But would you please tell me (3) _____?

C: Just go down the escalator and take the tram to the domestic terminal. Turn left (4) _____ and follow the signs to your gate.


2. Pair work: Listen to the dialogue again, repeat it sentence by sentence, and then role-play it in pairs. Pe9ziNG6gQBhlL+UqsT3Tjwt+K3iUuvX7H9gpYyDVs0Np2+2rXEavgJkwKMR3iTC
