
Unit Two

Politics and Administration

Now in order that this harmony between the expression and the execution of the state will may be obtained, the independence either of the body which expresses the state will or of the body which executes it must be sacrificed. Either the executing authority must be subordinated to the expressing authority, or the expressing authority must be subjected to the control of the executing authority. Only in this way will there be harmony in the government. Only in this way can the expression of the real state will become an actual rule of conduct generally observed.

Finally, popular government requires that it is the executing authority which shall be subordinated to the expressing authority, since the latter, in the nature of things can be made much more representative of the people than can the executing authority.

In other words, practical political necessity makes impossible the consideration of the function of politics apart from that of administration. Politics must have a certain control over administration, using the words in the broad senses heretofore attributed to them. That some such relation must exist between the two ultimate functions of government is seen when we examine the political development of any state.

If, in the hope of preventing politics from influencing administration in its details, the attempt is made to provide for the legal separation of the bodies in the government mainly charged with these two functions respectively, the tendency is for the necessary control to develop extra-legally. This is the case in the American political system.

The American political system is largely based on the fundamental principle of the separation of governmental powers. It has been impossible for the necessary control of politics over administration to develop within the formal governmental system on account of the independent position assigned by the constitutional law to executive and administrative officers. The control has therefore developed in the party system. The American political party busies itself as much with the election of administrative and executive officers as it does with the election of bodies recognized as distinctly political in character, as having to do with the expression of the state will. The party system thus secures that harmony between the functions of politics and administration which must exist if government is to be carried on successfully.

On the other hand, if no attempt is made in the governmental system to provide for the separation of politics and administration, and if the governmental institutions are not put into comparatively unyielding and inflexible form through the adoption of a written constitution, the control and superintendence of the function of administration tends to be assumed by the governmental body which discharges the political function.

Thus, in England, after the people had got into their hands the control of the expression of the will of the state through their control of Parliament, they at once set to work to have Parliament, their representative, recognized as having a control over the authorities of government to which was intrusted the execution of the will of the state. In this they have succeeded. The result is the present system of ministerial responsibility to Parliament.

While the function of politics has to do, therefore, primarily with the expression of the state will, it has to do secondly with execution that will.

So far as it has to do with the expression of the state will, its ramifications are most extended. Thus the function of politics has to do with the determination of the question who ultimately and who secondarily and derivatively shall express the will of the state. That is, it has to solve problems of sovereignty and problems of government. It must define, in a representative political system, who are the voters, how and for whom they shall vote, and what authorities in the governmental system shall make the law.

The consideration of such questions, further, involves something more than the consideration of the organization of the formal government. It involves also the consideration of the organization of the parties through whose action the choice of voters is limited to the few persons for whom they vote, and the principles of political action are determined upon. For the organization provided for this purpose has just as much to do with the expression of the will of the people as has the formal governmental organization. A popular, representative form of government with an autocratic party organization controlled by an oligarchy or a party despot may not result in as really a popular political system, i. e. may not permit of as ready an expression of the popular or state will, as a less popular form of government combined with a less autocratic form of party organization.

The student of the function of politics who would deal intelligently with his subject must, therefore, consider the party system where that has become so important as to exercise an influence on the governmental system.

Key Words and Terms

harmony n. 和谐,一致,协调

sacrifice v. 献祭;奉献;牺牲;亏本出售

heretofore adv. 在此以前,迄今

extra-legally adj. 不受法律支配的,未经法律制定的

unyielding adj. 坚硬的,不能弯曲的,不屈的;刚强;不屈服;倔强

superintendence n. 指挥,主管,监督

intrust v. 信托,交托,信赖

ministerial adj. 内阁的;部长的;行政(上)的

ramification n. 衍生物,结果;分叉,分支;支流

extended adj. 延伸的;伸展的;延长的;扩大的

derivatively adv. 衍生地

autocratic adj. 独裁的;专制的

oligarchy n. 寡头统治的政府;寡头政治的执政集团

despot n. 专制君主、暴君

autocratic adj. 独裁的;专制的

intelligently adv. 聪明地


1. be subordinated to 比……次要的,从属的

2. be subjected to 使……服从,使……遭受,受……管制

3. popular government 民治政府。美国在制定宪法时期,美国“宪法之父”麦迪逊在为争取宪法草案获得批准而于报纸上撰写的宣传文献中,即把“民治政府”描述为由社会中少数有资格的公民亲自集会、议政与管理政府的“纯粹民主”,而“共和”则是指他主张美国宪法所应该采取的“代议政府”。

4. in the broad senses 在广泛的意义上

5. written constitution与unwritten constitution相对,指成文宪法

6. So far as it has to do with 到目前为止已经做的

Comprehensive Exercises

Ⅰ. Questions about the text

1. How to obtain harmony between the politics and administration, according to this article?

2. How did the American political system achieve the necessary control of politics over administration?

3. How did the England political system achieve the necessary control ofpolitics over administration?

4. Why should the student consider the party system if he wants to study the function of politics intelligently?

Ⅱ. Discussion

1. What is your opinion of the relationship between politics and administration in Chinese political system?

2. What is your view of the influence of our party system have on the relationship between politics and administration?

Ⅲ. Translation the following paragraph into English



《政治与行政》是美国政治学家、教育学家弗兰克·J·古德诺(Frank Johnson Goodnow)在1900年的一部代表作。本书被称为美国行政学的第一本专著,与托马斯·伍德罗·威尔逊的《行政学之研究》(The study of administration,1887)一文并称为美国行政学的开山之作。






该书虽然是一百多年前写的,但是对于今天的中国行政体制改革依然有借鉴意义,尤其是古德诺提出的强党理论。在中国,解决好中国的问题,关键在党。在中国,党也不是法外机构,都是在宪法和法律之下发展的,而且中国不存在西方意义上的党争,从这个意义上讲,中国的政党对中国的所有政治生活负全责,是真正意义上的责任政党。因此我们有理由能比处于党争之下的西方行政体制发挥更好的作用,取得更大的发展。 MAybgjvOIgbNxMoBKGaWUPAF9tDHVvjTRAgnvCqxiRyeABfPCT6q0Ofvf64Qvjvn
