



[ˈfæbrɪk] n. (尤指社会或建筑物的)结构,构造

the structure or parts of something

[2012年阅读Text 4] We will have to wait and see exactly how these hard times will reshape our social fabric.

翻译 这样的艰难时期究竟将如何重塑我们的社会结构,我们还需拭目以待。


[ˈfeə(r)li] adv. 相当地;一定程度地

more than average, but less than very

[2014年阅读Text 1] Yet satisfaction with these material purchases wears off fairly quickly.

翻译 然而,购买这些东西所带来的满足感很快就会消失殆尽。


[ˈfænsi] vt. 想要;想做

to want to have or do something

[2013年新题型] It's also a good idea to shop daily instead of weekly, because, being human, you'll sometimes change your mind about what you fancy.

翻译 以每日购物代替每周购物也是个明智之举,因为人们时而会改变心意。


[fɑː(r)m] vt. 种植;养殖

to use land for growing crops and/or keeping animals as a business

[2018年阅读Text 3] Just as some ants farm the bugs called aphids for the honeydew they produce when they feed, so Google farms us for the data that our digital lives yield.

翻译 如同有的蚂蚁圈养一些称为蚜虫的虫子以获得它们所产出的蜜汁一样,谷歌圈养我们也是为了获取我们数字生活所产出的数据。


[fiːld] vt. 巧妙地回答

to avoid answering a question directly

[2013年新题型] Now he's living in a council flat and fielding offers from literary agents.

翻译 现在他住在公租房里,正在答复出版经纪人提供的工作机会。


[ˈfɪɡə(r)] n. 人物

a person of a particular kind, especially one who is important or distinctive in some way

[2011年新题型] But senior medical figures want to stop fast-food outlets opening near schools, restrict advertising of products high in fat, salt or sugar, and limit sponsorship of sports events by fast-food producers such as McDonald's.

翻译 但是,医学界资深人士希望阻止快餐专营店在学校附近开店,限制高脂、高盐、高糖类食品的广告,并限制像麦当劳这样的快餐生产商对体育赛事进行赞助。


[fɪl] vt. 派人担任

to give a job or position to someone

[2017年新题型] There're enough people to fill the jobs at McDonalds and other places where you don't need to have much skill.

翻译 已经有足够多的人去到麦当劳和其他不需要太多技能的工作场所工作了。


[ˈfaɪə(r)] vt. 解雇,开除

to remove someone from their job, either because they have done something wrong or badly, or as a way of saving the cost of employing them

[2015年阅读Text 1] You cannot fire your family.

翻译 你不可能解雇自己的家人。


[fɜː(r)m] n. 公司;商号

a company or business

[2016年年完形] And new research suggests that happiness might influence how firms work, too.

翻译 同时新研究表明,快乐可能也会影响公司的运作方式。


[fləʊ] vi. 持续抵达;持续供应(或生产)

to continue to arrive or be produced

[2018年新题型] I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow.

翻译 我确信,一旦你开口说出第一个字,话匣子就自然打开了。


[ˈfɒləʊ] vt. 产生……结果;是……的可能结果

to happen as a result, or to be a likely result

[2017年完形] But it doesn't necessarily follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease.

翻译 但上述这些发现并不能完全说明没有工作的世界一定会充满不安。


[ˌfɔːwəd ˈθɪŋkɪŋ] adj. 有远见的

thinking about, planning for, or considering the future, rather than just the present

[2016年年完形] “It surely seems plausible that happy people would be more forward-thinking and creative and lean towards R&D more than the average,” said one researcher.

翻译 一名研究人员指出:“快乐的人比普通人更有远见,更具创造力,更倾向于研发,这看上去似乎确实是合理的。”


[ˈfɒksˌhəʊl] n. 散兵坑

a small hole dug in the ground during a war or military attack, used by a small group of soldiers as a base for shooting at the enemy and as a shelter from attack

[2012年年完形] To the men and women who served in World War II and the people they liberated, the G.I. was the common man grown into hero, the poor farm kid torn away from his home, the guy who bore all the burdens of battle, who slept in cold foxholes, who went without the necessities of food and shelter, who stuck it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder.

翻译 对于那些曾在第二次世界大战中服役过的男男女女以及被他们所解放的人们而言,G.I.就是由普通人成长起来的英雄,就是极不情愿地离开自己家乡的穷困的乡下孩子,就是承受了全部战争重负的人,就是那些睡在冰冷的散兵坑里的人,就是那些缺乏食物和住所等必需品的人,就是那些坚持到最后并击退纳粹铁血统治的人。


[ˈfjuːəl] vt. 加强;激起

something that fuels a feeling or a type of behaviour increases it or makes it stronger

[2016年阅读Text 3] You'd think this might fuel the efficiency mind-set, but in fact, Eberle notes, such ritualistic behavior helps us “step outside time's flow” into “soul time”.

翻译 你会认为这可能助长了效率心态,但埃伯尔指出,事实上这种例行公事的行为有助于我们“从时间流中跳出来”,进入“灵魂时间”。 LevT+9hDnFLpUfFww3YuiwzNNNOGJLeahtiumI+7ySB3Rsl8WEHm4TV0i0H+IUVg
