
Selected Bibliography of Professor William Labov


1966. The Social Stratification of English in New York City. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics. 2006. Second edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1972a. Language in the Inner City. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

1972b. Sociolinguistic Patterns. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

1975a. What Is a Linguistic Fact? Lisse: Peter de Ridder Press. New York: Humanities Press.

1977. with D. Fanshel. Therapeutic Discourse: Psychotherapy as Conversation. New York: Academic Press.

1980. ed. Locating Language in Time and Space. New York:Academic Press.

1994. Principles of Linguistic Change. Volume 1: Internal Factors. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

2001a. Principles of Linguistic Change. Volume II: Social Factors. Oxford: Blackwell.

2001b. Studies in Sociolinguistics: Selected Papers by William Labov. Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture University Press.

2006. with S. Ash and C. Boberg. Atlas of North American English:Phonology and Phonetics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

2010a. Principles of Linguistic Change. Volume III: Cognitive and Cultural Factors. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.


1963. The social motivation of a sound change. Word 19:273-309.

1964. Phonological correlates of social stratification. In Directions in Sociolinguistics, eds. J. Gumperz and D. Hymes, 164-176.

1965. On the mechanism of linguistic change. In Georgetown Monographs on Language and Linguistics 18:91-114.

1967. with J. Waletzky. Narrative analysis. In Essays on the Verbal and Visual Arts, ed. J. Helm, 12-44. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

1968. with U. Weinreich and M. Herzog. Empirical foundations for a theory of language change. In Directions for Historical Linguistics, eds. W. Lehmann and Y. Malkiel. Austin: University of Texas Press.

1969a. Contraction, deletion, and inherent variability of the English copula. Language 45:715-762.

1969b. The logic of non-standard English. In Georgetown Monograph on Languages and Linguistics 22, ed. J. Alatis, 1-44.

1970. The study of language in its social context. Studium Generale 23:30-87.

1971. Some principles of linguistic methodology. Language in Society 1:97-120.

1972c. Negative attraction and negative concord in English grammar. Language 48:773-818.

1972d. Rules for ritual insults. In Studies in Social Interaction, ed. D.Sudnow, 120-169. New York: Free Press.

1972e. Some features of the English of Black Americans. In Varieties of Present-Day English, eds. R. W. Bailey and J. L. Robinson, 236255. New York: MacMillan.

1972f. The internal evolution of linguistic rules. In Linguistic Change and Generative Theory, eds. R. Stockwell and R. Macaulay, 101171. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

1972. with M. Yaeger and R. Steiner. A Quantitative Study of Sound Change in Progress. Philadelphia: U. S. Regional Survey.

1973a. General attitudes towards the speech of New York City. In Varieties of Present-Day English, eds. R. W. Bailey and J. L.Robinson , 274-291. New York: Macmillan.

1973b. The boundaries of words and their meanings. In New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English , eds. C.-J. Bailey and R. Shuy, 340373. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

1973c. Toasts. In Mother Wit from the Laughing Barrel: Readings in the Interpretation of Afro-Ameriocan Folklore, ed. A. Dundes.Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.

1975b. On the use of the present to explain the past. In Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Linguists, ed. L. Heilmann, 825851. Bologna: Il Mulino.

1976a. Systematically misleading data from test questions. Urban Review 9:146-169.

1976b. The relative influence of family and peers on the learning of language. In Aspetti Socioling. Dell’ Italia Contemponea, eds. R.Simone et al. Rome: Bulzoni.

1976. with T. Labov. Learning the syntax of questions. In Recent Advances in the Psychology of Language, Vol. 4B in the NATO Conference Series III: Human Factors, eds. R. Campbell and P.Smith. New York: Plenum.

1977. Ten principles of bilingual education. Bilingual Education: Ethnic Perspectives. Philadelphia: Nationalities Service Center and Community College of Phila. 63-69.

1978. Crossing the gulf between sociology and sociolinguistics. The American Sociologist 13:93-103.

1978. with D. Sankoff. On the uses of variable rules. Language in Society 8: 3.

1980. The social origins of sound change. In Locating Language in Time and Space, ed. W. Labov, 251-266. New York: Academic Press.

1981. Resolving the Neogrammarian controversy. Language 57:267309.

1982. Objectivity and commitment in linguistic science: The case of the Black English trial in Ann Arbor. Language in Society 11:165202.

1983. Recognizing Black English in the classroom. In Black English: Educational Equity and the Law, ed. J. Chambers, 29-55. Ann Arbor: Karoma Press.

1984a. Field methods of the Project on Linguistic Change and Variation. In Language in Use, eds. J. Baugh and J. Sherzer.Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.

1984b. Intensity. GURT ’84:43-70.

1985. Speech actions and reactions in personal narrative. GURT ’85.

1986. The several logics of quantification. Berkeley Linguistic Society 11: 175-195.

1986. with D. Graff and W. A. Harris. Testing listeners’ reactions to phonological markers. In Diversity and Diachrony, ed. D. Sankoff,45-58. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

1986. with W. Harris. DeFacto segregation of black and white vernaculars. In Diversity and Diachrony , ed. D. Sankoff, 1-24.Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

1986. with T. Labov. Public discourse and the problem of social order.In Discourse Analysis and Public Life: The Political Interview and Doctor-Patient Conversation, Papers of the Groningen Conference on Medical and Political discourse, eds. T. Ensink et al. Dordrecht:Foris Publications.

1987a. The interpretation of zeroes. In Phonologica 1984: Proceedings of the Fifth International Phonology Meeting, Eisenstadt . eds. W. U.Dressler et al., 135-156. London: Cambridge University Press.

1987b. The overestimation of functionalism. In Functionalism in Linguistics, eds. R. Dirven and V. Fried, 311-322. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

1988. The judicial testing of linguistic theory. In Language in Context:Connecting Observation and Understanding, ed. D. Tannen, 159182. Norwood: Ablex.

1989a. The child as linguistic historian. Language Variation and Change 1:85-97.

1989b. The exact description of the speech community: Short a in Philadelphia. In Language Variation and Change, eds. R. Fasold and D. Schiffrin, 1-57. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

1990. The interaction of sex and social class in the course of linguistic change. Language Variation and Change 2:205-254.

1991. with M. Karan and C. Miller. Near mergers and the suspension of phonemic contrast. Language Variation and Change 3:33-74.

1992. Regular sound change in English dialect geography. In History of Englishes: New Methods and Interpretations in Historical Linguistics, eds. M. Rissanen et al., 42-71. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

1993. with J. Auger. The effect of normal aging on discourse: A sociolinguistic approach. In Narrative Discourse in Neurologically Impaired and Normal Aging Adults, eds. H. H. Brownell and Y.Joanette, 115-134. San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing Group.

1994. with W. Harris. Addressing social issues through linguistic evidence. In Language and the Law, ed. J. Gibbons, 265-305.London and New York: Longman.

1995. Can reading failure be reversed: A linguistic approach to the question. In Literacy Among African-American Youth: Issues in Learning, Teaching and Schooling, eds. V. Gadsden and D. Wagner,39-68. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

1996. When intuitions fail. Chicago Linguistic Society. Papers from the Parasession on Theory and Data in Linguistics 32: 77-106.

1997a. Resyllabification. In Variation, Change and Phonological Theory, eds. F. Hinskens, R. van Hout and W. L. Wetzels, 145-179.Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

1997b. Some further steps in narrative analysis. Journal of Narrative and Life History 7:395-415.

1998. Co-existent systems in African-American Vernacular English.In The Structure of African-American English: Structure, History and Use, eds. S. Mufwene, J. Rickford, G. Bailey and J. Baugh, 110153. London and New York: Routledge.

2001c. The anatomy of style. In Style and Sociolinguistic Variation, eds. P. Eckert and J. Rickford, 85-108. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.

2001d. Uncovering the event structure of narrative. Georgetown University Round Table 2001:63-83.

2003a. Pursuing the cascade model. In Social Dialectology: In Honor of Peter Trudgill , eds. D. Britain and J. Cheshire, 9-22. Amsterdam:John Benjamins.

2003b. When ordinary children fail to read. Reading Research Quarterly 38: 131-133.

2004a. Ordinary events. In Sociolinguistic Variation: Critical Reflections ed. C. Fought, 31-43. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2004b. Quantitative analysis of linguistic variation. In HSK Sociolinguistics / Sociolinguisik Vol. I, eds. U. Ammon, N. Dittmar,K. Mattheier and P. Trudgill, 6-21. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

2006a. A sociolinguistic perspective on sociophonetic research. Journal of Phonetics 34:500-515.

2006b. Narrative pre-construction. Narrative Inquiry 16: 37-45.

2007. Transmission and diffusion. Language 83:344-387.

2008a. Is a structural dialectology practical? Re-deploying Weinreich’s approach to diasystems. In Evidence of Yiddish Documented in European Societies: The Language and Culture Atlas of Ashkenazi Jewry, eds. M. Herzog et al., 217-230. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag.

2008b. Mysteries of the substrate. In Social Lives in Language:Sociolinguistics and Multilingual Speech Communities, eds. M.Meyerhoff and N. Nagy, 315-326.Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2010b. Unendangered languages, endangered people. The case of African-American Vernacular English. Transforming Anthropology 18:15-27.

2010c. Where shall I begin? In Telling stories: Language, Narrative and Social Life, eds. D. Schiffrin, A. De Fina, and A. Nylund.Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

2010. with B. Baker. What is a reading error? Applied Psycholinguistics 31: 735-757.

Online resources related to Professor William Labov’s research

2009. A Life of learning: Six people I have learned from. American Council of Learned Societies.

http://www.acls.org/publications/audio/labov/default.aspx?id=4462 The University of Pennsylvania Literacy and Reading Project.


An interview clip on Northern Cities Vowel Shift.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UoJ1-ZGb1w PpJwUmLXHJ8Lyri5pe54yWMiNVgLmSsY6ZFPwMEPQ4kyG4LS5f59YtZFDrYHhP0x
