
Selected Bibliography of Professor William S.-Y. Wang


1970. ed. with A. Lyovin. CLIBOC: Chinese Linguistics Bibliography on Computer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1977. ed. The Lexicon in Phonological Change. The Hague: Mouton.

1991. Explorations in Language. Taipei: Pyramid Press.

2002. 王士元语言学论文集。北京:商务印书馆.

2005. eds. with J. W. Minett. Language Acquisition, Change and Emergence: Essays in Evolutionary Linguistics. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.

2009. 邓晓华、王士元合著。中国的语言及方言的分类。北京/香港:中华书局.

2009. eds. with J. W. Minett. Language, Evolution, and the Brain. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.

2010. 王士元语音学论文集。北京:世界图书出版公司.

2011. 语言、演化与大脑。北京:商务印书馆.

2013. Love and War in Ancient China: Voices from the Shijing . Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.

2014. (To appear) ed. with C. F. Sun. Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


1958. with G.E. Peterson. Segment inventory for speech synthesis.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 30(8):743-6.

1959. Transition and release as perceptual cues for final plosives. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 2(1):66-73. Reprinted in Readings in Acoustic Phonetics, ed. I. Lehiste, 1967. M.I.T. Press.

1960. with J. Crawford. Frequency studies of English consonants. Language and Speech 3(3):131-9.

1961. with C. J. Fillmore. Intrinsic cues and consonant perception.

Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 4(2):130-6.

1965. Two aspect markers in Mandarin. Language 41(3):457-70.

1967a. Conjoining and deletion in Mandarin syntax. Monumenta Serica 26:224-36.

1967b. Phonological features of tone. International Journal of American Linguistics 33(2):93-105.

1967. with K. P. Li. Tone 3 in Pekinese. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 10(3):629-36.

1968. Vowel features, paired variables and the English vowel shift. Language 44(4):695-708. Reprinted with postscript in Essays on the Sound Pattern of English , eds. D. L. Goyvaerts and G. K. Pullum,377-394, 1975. Ghent: E. Story-Scientia.

1969. Competing changes as a cause of residue. Language 45:9-25.Reprinted with postscript in Readings in Historical Phonology:Chapters in the Theory of Sound Change, eds. P. Baldi and R. N.Werth, 236-57, 1978. Pennsylvania University Press.

1970. Project DOC: Its methodological basis. Journal of American Oriental Society 90:57-66.

1971. The basis of speech. In The Learning of Language , ed. C.E.Reed, 267-306. New York: Appleton- Century-Crofts.

1971. with C. C. Cheng. Phonological change of Middle Chinese initials. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 9:216-70.

1972. The many uses of F0. In Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics to the Memory of Pierre Delattre, ed. A. Valdman, 487-503. The Hague: Mouton.

1973. The Chinese language. Scientific America 228:53-62.

1976. Language change. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 280:61-72.

1979. with O. J. L. Tzeng, D. L. Hung, and B. Cotton. Visual lateralization effect in reading Chinese characters. Nature 282: 499501.

1978. The three scales of diachrony. In Linguistics in the Seventies: Directions and Prospects, ed. B. B. Kachru, 63-75. Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois.

1981. Language structure and optimal orthography. In The Perception of Print: Reading Research in Experimental Psychology, eds.O. Tzeng and H. Singer, 223-236. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.

1982. Variation and selection in language change. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 53:495-519.

1984. with O. J. L. Tzeng. Search for a common neuro-cognitive mechanism for language and movements. American Journal of Physiology 246:R904-R11.

1986. with L. L. Cavalli-Sforza. Spatial distance and lexical replacement. Language 62:38-55.

1987. with C. C. Cheng. Middle Chinese tones in modern dialects. In In Honor of Ilse Lehiste, eds. R. Channon and L. Shockey, 513-523.Foris Publishers.

1993. with C. F. Lien. Bidirectional diffusion in sound change. In Historical Linguistics: Problems and Perspectives, ed. C. Jones,345-400. Essex: Longman.

1995. with M. Ogura. Lexical diffusion in semantic change: with special reference to universal changes. Folia Linguistica Historica XVI/1-2:29-73.

1996. with M. Ogura. Snowball effect in lexical diffusion: The development of -s in the third person singular present indicative in English. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory . vol.135. English Historical Linguistics, ed. D. Britton, 119-41. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

1996. with D. A. Freedman. Language polygenesis: A probabilistic model. Anthropological Science 104(2):131-8.

1998. Three windows on the past. In The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Peoples of Eastern Central Asia, ed. V. H. Mair, 508-534.University of Pennsylvania Museum Publications.

1999. Language emergence and transmission. In In Honor of Mei TsuLin: Studies on Chinese Historical Syntax and Morphology, eds. A.Peyraube and C. F. Sun, 247-257. Paris: École de Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Centre de Recherches Linquistiques sur l’Asie Orientale.

2000. with P. T. Schoenemann, T. F. Budinger, and V. M. Sarich.Brain size does not predict general cognitive ability within families. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97(9):4932-7.

2004. with J. Y. Ke and J. W. Minett. Computational studies of language evolution. In Computational Linguistics and Beyond, Frontiers in Linguistics I, Language and Linguistics Monograph Series B, eds. C.-R. Huang and W. Lenders, 65-108. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.

2004. with F. Wang. Basic words and language evolution. Language and Linguistics 5(3):643-662.

2005a. with J. W. Minett. The invasion of language: Emergence,change, and death. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20(5):263-9.

2005b. with J. W. Minett. Vertical and horizontal transmission in language evolution. Transactions of the Philological Society 103(2):121-46.

2005. with T. Gong. Computational modeling on language emergence:A coevolution model of lexicon, syntax and social structure. Language and Linguistics 6(1):1-41.

2006. Hooked on language. In Linguistic Studies in Chinese and Neighboring Languages: Festschrift in Honor of Professor Pang-hsin Ting on His 70th Birthday, Language and Linguistics Monograph Series W-6, eds. D.-A. Ho, H.-N. Cheung, W.-Y. Pan, and F.-X. Wu,1-20. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.

2007. The language mosaic and its biological bases. Journal of Bioeducation 2(1):8-16.

2008. Recent advances in evolutionary linguistics. In Interfaces in Chinese Phonology: Festschrift in Honor of Matthew Y. Chen on His 70th Birthday, Language and Linguistics Monograph Series W-8, eds. by Y. E. Hsiao, H.-C. Hsu, L.-H. Wee, and D.-A. Ho, 27994. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.

2008. with J. W. Minett. Modelling endangered languages: The effects of bilingualism and social structure. Lingua 118:19-45.

2009. with T. Gong and J. W. Minett. A simulation study on word order bias. Interaction Studies 10:51-76.

2009. with W. T. Siok, P. Kay, A. H.-D. Chan, L. Chen, K.-K. Luke,and L. H. Tan. Language regions of brain are operative in color perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106:8140-5.

2009. with F. Wang, Y. Tsai. Chinese literacy. In Cambridge Handbook on Literacy, eds. D. Olson and N. Torrance, 386-417.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2010. with G. Peng and J. W. Minett. Cultural background influences the liminal perception of Chinese characters: An ERP study. Journal of Neurolinguistics 23:416-26.

2010. with G. Peng, H.-Y. Zheng, T. Gong, R.-X. Yang, and J.-P. Kong.The influence of language experience on categorical perception of pitch contours. Journal of Phonetics 38(4):616-624.

2011. with Y. Tsai. The alphabet and the sinogram. In Dyslexia Across Cultures : Orthography and the Brain-Gene-Behavior Link , eds.P. McCardle, B. Miller, J. R. Lee, and O. Tzeng, 1-16. Brookes Publishing Company.

2011. with G. Peng. Hemisphere lateralization is influenced by bilingual status and fractionation of words. Neuropsychologia 49(7):1981-6.

2012. with H.-Y. Zheng, J. W. Minett, and G. Peng. The impact of tone systems on the categorical perception of lexical tones: An event-related potentials study. Language and Cognitive Processes 27(2):184-209.

2013. With C. Zhang and G. Peng. Achieving constancy in spoken word identification: Time course of talker normalization. Brain and Language 126:193-202.

Online resources related to Professor William S.-Y. Wang’s research

Trekking Yunnan, Lectures by William S.-Y. Wang —a documentary directed by Baima Duoji. 2004. Kunming: Yunnan Ethnic Culture AV Productions.


An interview with Professor William S.-Y. Wang:


For accessing many of Wang’s publications.


For a series of lectures given in Chinese at Peking University, 2009 and 2010.

http://openv.chaoxing.com/detail.jhtml?vcid=1052 TGpsD5pUUqVFOsb3TQvPA3haMoa+NTd5QTdwbKpikU+ccMy/O9zsyCbAdAQh5oEs

