
Procedure 2 Hotel Services

Part A Dialogues

I. Room Reservations

Situation: Mr. Johnson is making a long distance call. He wants to reserve a single room in the Ningbo Grand Pacific Hotel for his stay in the business trip to Ningbo...

A=Reservationist B=Mr. Johnson

A: Good morning. Ningbo Grand Pacific Hotel. Can I help you?

B: Good morning. I'd like to book a single room with bath at your hotel.

A: When do you want it, Sir?

B: From March 9 th to 13 th , altogether 4 nights.

A: One moment please, Sir. I will check…Yes, we can confirm those dates for you.

B: What's the rate for a single room per night?

A: It's 280 Yuan per night.

B: Ok. Please reserve a room for me.

A: Would you give me your full name, please?

B: James Johnson.

A: Could you spell that, please?

B: J-A-M-E-S J-O-H-N-S-O-N.

A: Mr. Johnson, a single room with bath from March 9 th to 13 th . Am I correct?

B: Exactly.

A: Thank you for calling, Mr. Johnson. We look forward to seeing you. Good-bye.

B: Bye.


What's the rate for a single room per night?


What's the charge for a single room per night?

How much do you charge for a single room per night?

II. Registering the Guest

Situation: Mr. Johnson comes to the reception desk. The receptionist is helping him with his registration.

A=Receptionist B=Mr. Johnson

A: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?

B: Yes, I booked a single room at your hotel by call three days ago. My name is James Johnson.

A: One moment please, sir. I'll check it for you…Thank you for waiting, Mr. Johnson. Yes, we do have a reservation for you and we are holding a single room for you for four nights beginning today. Is that right?

B: Yes.

A: Well, may I see your passport, please?

B: Sure.

A: Ok, Mr. Johnson, please fill out this registration form, your nationality, date of birth, passport number, occupation…and your signature is on the bottom right-hand corner. Here is a pen.

B: What should I fill in under room number?

A: You can skip that. I'll write it for you later.

B: Here you are. Is it ok?

A: Let me see…Yes, Mr. Johnson, here is your key card. Your room number is 8607. The bellboy will show you up to your room.

B: Oh, thank you.

A: You are welcome. Have a pleasant stay here.


1. occupation职业

2. bellboy行李员,旅客服务员

III. Showing a Guest to the Floor

Situation: After Mr. Johnson registered at the reception desk, the bellboy shows him to his room.

A=Bellboy B=Mr. Johnson

A: Good morning, sir.

B: Good morning.

A: Welcome to our hotel. May I show you to your room?

B: Thank you.

A: You're welcome. You have two suitcases and one bag. Is that right, sir?

B: Yes, that's right.

A: Well, could you tell me your room number, sir?

B: It's 8607.

A: Your room is on the 6 th floor. Let's take the elevator over there.

A: Here we are, sir. This is your room. May I have your key, sir? ...After you, sir. May I put your suitcases here?

B: Sure. Everywhere is ok.

A: The room faces south and it is sunny and light in the daytime. Are you satisfied with it?

B: Yes, it's nice.

A: Do you need me to have a brief introduction about the facilities of the room?

B: That's not necessary, boy. I'm a little tired. I need a good sleep immediately.

A: Ok, if you have anything for help, you can dial the extension number “8”.

B: Thank you.

A: You are welcome.


1. elevator电梯

2. facilities设施、工具

3. extension分机

Business Advice: Tipping is very common in American everyday life. Waiters and waitresses, cab drivers, hotel bellboys or doormen, barbers and hairdressers and all sorts of other such people must be tipped. The bosses give them low wages, because it is expected that the customer will make no the difference. Otherwise, the service person can't earn a living. Most people give tips varying between 15 to 20 percent of the cost.

IV. Asking About the Room Service

Situation: After Mr. Johnson has a good sleep, he wants to have a dinner. But he is not very clear about the service in the hotel. He calls to the room service center for help.

A=Receptionist B=Mr. Johnson

A: Good afternoon, room service center, what can I do for you?

B: Good afternoon, this is James Johnson from Room 8607. I want to know some information about room service, something like restaurant and …

A: Oh, yes, you can find two restaurants on the second and third floor. Our breakfast hours are from 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. Lunch is served between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Dinner is from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

B: Thanks. Do you serve Western food?

A: Yes, the restaurants serve not only various kinds of Chinese food but Western food as well.

B: That's great!

B: There is also a 24-hour coffee shop in the lobby. And we have a lot of nice shops and boutiques here near the hotel, so you will find it easy to do some shopping.

A: Oh, very good, thanks.

B: It's my pleasure. Well, Mr. Johnson, you can call the housekeeper if you need your clothes laundered. And you can call the front desk directly if you need something like a taxi.

A: Well, I see. There is one more thing I want to make sure of. When is room service available?

B: The room service is available twenty-four hours a day. I am always at your service.

A: Thank you very much.


1. room services客房服务

2. lobby旅馆大厅

3. boutique专卖流行衣服的小商店

4. launder洗涤

5. vaccinate接种疫苗

V. Extending Stay

Situation: Mr. Johnson needs more time in Ningbo to deal with his business, so he wants to extend his stay in the hotel for two days. He goes to the receptionist, asking for extending his stay there.

A=Receptionist B=Mr. Johnson

A: Good morning, may I help you?

B: Good morning, I am James Johnson from Room 8607. My business negotiation has progressed much more slowly than I expected. I would like to stay in your hotel for another day. Is it possible for me to extend my stay for two days?

A: Just a minute, please. I'll check the hotel's booking record. Oh, yes, Mr. Johnson, I'm glad to tell you that we'll be able to accept your extension request.

B: That's great!

A: Well, would you please give me your key card?

B: Sure. Here you are.

A: Ok, Mr. Johnson, the key card will be valid until 12 o'clock the day after tomorrow.

B: Thank you.

A: You are welcome. Goodbye.

B: Goodbye.


1. negotiation谈判、协商

2. extend延长;扩展

3. valid有效

Business Advice: Customers would like to go to hotels with fine reputation. The reputation of a hotel depends on the degree of comfort and service it offers to the guest. Services are of first importance. All hotel staff must realize the importance of polite service — service with a smile. Smile at your guests and it will help you to grow up on greater love for each other.

VI. Checking Out

Situation: Mr. Johnson would like to check out in the front desk. The cashier helps to do checkout for Mr. Johnson.

A=Cashier B=Mr. Johnson

A: Good morning, sir. May I help you?

B: Yes. I'd like to check out now. Could you let me have the bill?

A: Certainly. Your name and room number, please.

B: James Johnson, Room 8607.

A: Just a moment, please, and I'll get your bill ready.

A: Here is your bill, Mr. Johnson. It totals 2540 yuan.

B: I'd like to pay by credit card. What cards do you accept?

A: American Express, Master Card, Visa, Great Wall International Card. What kind of card do you have?

B: Master Card.

A: Fine. Let me run it for you.

B: Here you are.

A: Ok. Could you sign here, Mr. Johnson.

B: Sure.

A: Thanks. Take your credit card and receipt.

We hope you have enjoyed your stay here.

B: Yes, I did.

A: We hope to see you again.


1. check out办理退房手续

2. total总计,共计

3. American Express美国运通卡

4. Master Card万事达信用卡

5. Visa维萨信用卡

6. Great Wall International Card中银长城国际卡

Part B Related Materials Reading

A credit card is part of a system of payments named after the small plastic card issued to users of the system. Most credit cards are issued by local banks or credit unions. Credit card entitles its holder to buy goods and services based on the holder's promise to pay for these goods and services. The issuer of the card grants a line of credit to the user from which the user can borrow money for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance to the user.

Many countries around the world have credit cards today. But the cards were invented in the United States. Credit cards have become a way of life in the United States. They can be used in stores, hotels, and restaurants all over the world. Many people today would think it unusual not to use a credit card to pay for a restaurant dinner, a hotel room, or an airline trip.

Credit cards offer two major services. First, they are easier and safer to carry than large amounts of money. Second, they permit people to borrow to buy things they want even when they do not have enough money to pay the full price. Credit cards make it possible to spread out payment over weeks or months.

Circle the Correct Answer

1. Credit cards can only be issued by the bank.

A. right

B. wrong

C. not mentioned here

2. Where was credit card invented?

A. Britain

B. America

C. China

3. The credit a user can enjoy is______.

A. limited

B. limitless

C. not mentioned here

Talk About It

1. What are the advantages of using credit card?

2. What are the disadvantages of using credit card?

Part C Practical Sentences

※ Expressions for Room Reservations

1. I'd like to book a double room for April 16.

2. What kind of room would you like?

3. How long do you plan to stay?

4. May I have your name and telephone number?

5. For a single room, the rate would be …, including breakfast.

※ Expressions for Registering the Guest

1. I have booked a single room here till Sunday. My name is …

2. Just a moment. I'll check our reservation records.

3. Would you please fill in this registration form?

4. Can I have the price list of the hotel?

5. Here are your keys. The bellboy will take your luggage upstairs.

※ Expressions for Showing a Guest to the Floor

1. May I help you with your luggage?

2. I'll show you to your room.

3. Leave it to me. I'll take care of your luggage, sir.

4. Here is your room. May I have your key?

5. Do you mind if I put your suitcase by the closet?

※ Expressions for Asking About the Room Service

1. Room service here runs on a 24-hour basis.

2. The bar provides all-night service.

3. If you have anything for the laundry, just leave it in the laundry bag in your room.

4. If you need a taxi, you may ask the reception desk to get one for you.

5. If you want to have meals in your room, please dial room service.

※Expressions for Extending Stay

1. I'd like to extend my stay till tomorrow.

2. I'll check whether the room is still available.

3. If you check out after 6:00 p.m., you will be charged for one night's stay.

4. Your key card will be valid until the day after tomorrow.

5. You have to pay half of the rate more if you leave after 12:00.

※ Expressions for Checking Out

1. We'll be checking out around noon, please have our bill ready.

2. Here is your bill. Would you like to check it?

3. Can I pay with credit card?

4. Here's your change and receipt, sir.

5. You give very good service in the hotel.

Part D Oral Practice

I. Dialogue Completing

Situation: Imagine you are Mr. Johnson, who comes from America. Imagine the picture showing that Mr. Johnson is registering in the front desk of the hotel. Complete the following dialogue according to the procedure of registering and the cues.

A=Receptionist B=Mr. Johnson

A: Good afternoon.

B:______________. (greeting and introducing you are Mr. Johnson from America)

A: Welcome to our hotel. Have you made a reservation?

B:______________. (showing you haven't made the reservation and would like to have a single room with bath)

A: Let me see… Yes, there is one on the third floor. Is it ok?

B:______________. (agreeing and showing you will take this one)

A: Would you please fill in this registration form?

B:______________. (agreeing and asking about the room charge)

A: Yes. The rate is 320 Yuan for a single room.

B:______________. (asking about the check-out time)

A: The check-out time is between 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m.

B:______________. (passing the registration form to the receptionist and showing you have filled everything)

A: Let me see. Yes, everything is correct. Here is your room key, Mr. Johnson. Your room number is 1306. It's on the third floor.

B:______________. (showing thanks and asking about the service hours for the restaurant)

A: It's open from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. You can sign for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the bars in the hotel by showing your key. So please make sure you always have it with you.

B:______________. (showing you will take care of the key)

A: All right, Mr. Johnson, now let me get a bellboy and ask him to take you to your room.

B: Yes, thank you very much.

A: Have a nice stay.

II. Role Play

Task 1 (Room Reservations) Mr. Johnson comes to a hotel and wants to stay in it for three days. Since he hasn't made reservations and asks the receptionist for help. The receptionist books a single room for him. The charge is 180 Yuan per night. The room number is 208. (A=Mr. Johnson B=Receptionist)

Task 2 (Showing a Guest to the Floor ) Mr. Johnson has registered and got the key. The bellboy introduces the restaurant, coffee bar, barber shop, fitness room, and business center briefly, and carries his luggage to the room. (A=Bellboy B=Mr. Johnson)

Task 3 (Checking Out) After three days' stay, Mr. Johnson comes to the front office to check out. The cashier receives Mr. Johnson and goes through the formalities with him. (A=Cashier B=Mr. Johnson)

Part E Assignments

Assignment 1 Make up dialogues with your partner involving the following situation based on the dialogues of Room Reservations and Registering the Guest in the text.

Six people are required to work together. Suppose you are from Ningbo Fortune Co. Ltd. You have booked two double rooms for your customers from America. They are one couple and two gentlemen. Now they are arriving at the hotel.

◇You should book two double rooms from the hotel in advance.

◇You should help your customers to check in.

Assignment 2 Make up dialogues with your partner involving the following situation based on the dialogue of S howing a Guest to the Floor and Asking about the Room Service in the text.

Before checking-in, you should find out what facilities are available in the hotel, as well as the locations and service times of different departments. With the following information, you are answering questions about various services in the hotel.

✧ Breakfast: 7:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m., Lunch: 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Dinner: 5:30 p.m. –9:00 p.m.

✧ Shop: 9:00 a.m. – 5: 00 p.m.

✧ Room Service: 24 hours (call Reception Desk)

✧ Banking: cash checks and exchange foreign currencies

✧ Gym and recreational center with everything you need

Assignment 3 Make up dialogues with your partner involving the following situation based on the dialogue of Extending the Stay and Checking Out in the text.

After three days stay, your business goes on smoothly. So the couple plans to leave for Hangzhou, while the two young men will leave to deal with the remaining. You help the couple to check out and the two men to extend the stay.

Part F Topics for Group Discussion

1. What kinds of services are available in the hotel?

2. Do you know how many ways of payment are accepted in the hotel? What are they? otKVI+vx+0fS5nO3vVipXV+wmSkQdBq+43o2dDNse/bMSUcp/s9mLW0ScfP6C+JQ
