
Lesson Three
China Finds Western Ways Bring New Woes

Part One

Language Points


ally /ˈælai/ n. a country that is joined to another by political agreement,esp. one that will provide support in war (盟国)

authoritarian /ɔːˌθɔriˈtεəriən/ adj. believing or demanding that rules and laws must always be obeyed whether or not they are right (独裁主义的)

briskly /ˈbriskli/ adv. actively; with life and spirit

calorie /ˈkæləri/ n. a measure used to show the amount of heat that a food will produce(卡路里)

consume /kənˈsjuːm/ v. to eat or drink,esp. eagerly or in large amounts; to use up (time,money,goods,etc.) (消耗; 消费)

consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃən/ n. the act of consuming or an amount consumed

degradation /ˌdegrəˈdeiʃən/ n. a decline to a lower condition,quality,or level(降低)

duplicate /ˈdjuːplikeit/ v. to copy exactly (复制)

guidelines /ˈgaidˌlainz/ n. informal rules or instructions on how sth should be done (指导方针)

luxury /ˈlʌkʃəri/ n. sth that is very pleasant and enjoyable,but not necessary and not often had or done (奢侈品)

moderately /ˈmɔdəritli/ adv. fairly but not very

pale /peil/ v. to seem less important,clever,beautiful,etc. when compared with

patron /ˈpeitrən/ n. a customer,esp. a regular customer (顾客;老主顾)

populous /ˈpɔpjuləs/ adj. having a large population

sedan /siˈdæn/ n. a closed automobile having two or four doors and a front and rear seat (轿车)

skyline /ˈskailain/ n. the outline of a group of buildings or a mountain range seen against the sky

stride /straid/ v. to walk with long steps,esp. in a hasty or vigorous way

substantial /səbˈstænʃəl/ adj. large enough to be noticeable or to have an important effect

swell /swel/ v. to increase in size or volume as a result of internal pressure; expand (膨胀)

virtually /ˈvəːtjuəli/ adv. almost but not quite; nearly

waistline /ˈweistlain/ n. an imaginary line surrounding the waist at its narrowest part (腰围)


1. World's Fair (intro)—World Expo (世界博览会)

2. show up (subhead)—cause or allow to be seen

3. health care (Par.6)—the process of looking after people's health,including medical treatment and advice on how to stay healthy (卫生保健)

4. market-oriented reforms (Par.7)—the reforms arranged and directed with the demands of the market (以市场为导向的改革)

5. city- dweller (Par.7)—a person who lives in a particular place

6. many everyday goods were in chronic short supply (Par.7)—difficult to obtain because of shortage which lasts for a long period(长期供应不足)

7. assembly line (Par.9)—an arrangement of workers,machines,and equipment in which the product being assembled passes consecutively from operation to operation until completed. Also called production line. (生产线)

8. vitamin-and fiber-rich cereals (Par.9)—food made from grain that contains vitamin and fiber (富含维他命和纤维的谷类食品)

9. a change without precedent (Par.12)—史无前例的变化

10. breweries sprang up in almost every Chinese province (Par.16)—appeared or came into being quickly or suddenly(突然出现)

11. World Health Organization (Par.16)—( abbrev. WHO) 世界卫生组织

12. alcoholism care (Par.19)—the care on a patient who is in a diseased condition caused by the continued and habitual drinking of too much alcohol (对酒精中毒病人的医疗照顾)

13. on the rise (Par.20)—increasing

Part Two

Questions and Answers for Your Reference

1. According to the writer,what is the best way to understand the change that has taken place in China?

The writer thinks that the best way to appreciate how much has changed in China is to examine the people themselves: what they eat and drink now and how dangerously overweight more than one-fifth of adults are.

2. What does the traditional Chinese lifestyle emphasize? What aboutthe Western lifestyle? How can this change of lifestyle affectpeople's health? How can it influence China's economic development?

Traditional Chinese lifestyle emphasizes restraint while the Western lifestyle emphasizes indulgence. The change from traditionalChinese lifestyle to Western indulgence will affect public health strongly: deaths from diet-related illnesses are expected to increase 10 times faster than population growth. And the increase in health care costs could slow down the economic development.

3. What are the two main factors that lead people to gain weight? What has caused the changes in people's lifestyle and diet?

The two main factors of gaining weight are less exercise and more fat in the diet. The cause of these changes is that people have more money than before. They can afford to buy televisions,stereos,washing machines and refrigerators,which save their labor and make them less active. And more people have taken on more sedentary jobs on assembly lines or in offices.

4. In the writer's view,is people's drinking habit influenced by alcoholsupplies?

Yes. He believes that increased supplies of alcohol,together with the rising disposable income,have stimulated drinking.

5. Will unhealthy eating and drinking lead to substantial financial costs? Why?

Yes. Unhealthy eating and drinking may cause such diseases as heart attack,stroke and adult-onset diabetes,and the government will have to spend more money to treat these diseases.

Part Three

Words to Know

affluence,alcoholic,alcoholism,bedevil,brewery,Boddington's (ale),Budweiser,clout,doctrinaire,duplicate,Glenfiddish Scotch,Grand Marnier Cognac,Heineken,hermetic,intoxicating,obese,per-capita,proliferate,pudgy,quadruple,sedentary,upheaval,venerable,waistline,woe,World's Fair g5IKCdg4FDlBAb4L2XYQ7zow0Emy+5tuPUTekPmwe/7NxsaVi3LQgr25q87INCM+
