
Lesson Two
Home at Last

Part One

Language Points


buoyant /ˈbɔiənt/ adj. cheerful and optimistic

cellular /ˈseljulə/ phone n. a telephone that you can carry around with you

clique /kliːk/ n. a small exclusive group of people

MBA abbrev. Master of Business Administration) n. 工商管理硕士

prim adj. very formal

returnee /riˌtəˈniː/ n. here a returned student or a student who has returned to China

script /skript/ n. text of a play,film,broadcast,talk,etc. (脚本,广播或演讲稿)

sector /ˈsektə/ n. a part of an area of activity,esp. of business or trade

segment /ˈsegmənt/ n. division or section

start-up adj. beginning and developing a new business: start-up companies (创业公司)

structure /ˈstrʌktʃə/ v. to reform

talk-show n. a chat show,especially one in which listeners,viewers,or the studio audience are invited to participate in the discussion (访谈节目)

wireless-applications company 无线应用公司,移动通讯公司


1. a Chinese version of the Internet auction giant,eBay (Par. 2)—一家中国式或版本的网络拍卖巨人,名叫eBay

2. Internet dating (Par.2)—网上约会交友

3. start-ups (Par.3)—start-up companies

4. fly high (Par.4)—be ambitious

5. subject sb or sth to (Par.5)—cause sb or sth to undergo or experience

Part Two

Questions and Answers for Your Reference

1. Why did some of the HBS grads choose to come back to China although they had received lucrative offers from America's top companies?

Not only had China changed dramatically since most of them had left but also the nation could offer more personal freedoms and economic opportunities than ever be fore.

2. What profession do they usually like to go in for?

Most of them like to go in for e-commerce.

3. Why do most of them choose to take up IT industry?

Because IT is the leading industry now.

4. Why do some of them decide to stay in the US while some chose to come back?

They want to gain experience in the States before they come back.

5. What do you think is the biggest obstacle preventing the elite from coming back home?

It is the complicated relationship and the uncertainty of our humanresource management system.

6. What does the title of this article “Home at Last” mean?

It means some of the HBS elite have made their final decision to return to China to serve their country.

Part Three

Words to Know

cell(ular) phone,consulting firm,debt specialist,delicate subject matter,script,talk-show,Oprah Winfrey,go online,management consultant,management expertise,MBA,multinational (跨国公司),perspective,sensitive issue,start-up (company),wire-less applications company Qjj8r9LoN3EGP2w9JurbyiLxQfoRO25cY+rgedRf4uf4KS+MUvzUzRAAHiMYU3Ir
