
Lesson One
An American in Beijing

Part One

Language Points


appealing /əˈpiːliŋ/ adj. attractive pleasing,or interesting 有吸引力的;有趣的

assumption /əˈsʌmpʃən/ n. sth that is taken as a fact or believed to be true without proof; sth taken for granted; a supposition 假定,假设

available /əˈveiləbl/ adj. (to) able to be had,obtained,used,seen etc. 可获得的;可用的;可见的

capacity /kəˈpæsiti/ n. the amount that something can hold or contain 容量,容积

connection /kəˈnekʃən/ n. the state of being connected; relationship 联系;关系

contribute /kənˈtribjuːt/ v. to join with others in giving (money,help etc.) 捐献;捐助

emphatically /imˈfætikli/ adv. in a manner that shows emphasis; strongly; forcefully 强调地;强烈地;坚决地

enhance /inˈhɑːns/ v. to increase in strength or amount 提高,增加,增强

extensive /iksˈtensiv/ adj. large in amount,area,or range; having an effect on or including many parts 大量的;大规模的;广阔的;广泛的;广博的

federal /ˈfedərəl/ adj. of the central government of the US 美国联邦政府的

grossly /ˈgrəusli/ adv. very unpleasantly; extremely

institution /instiˈtjuːʃən/ n. an organization,usually a long-established or well-respected 社会机构

predominance /priˈdɔminəns/ n. the state of being powerful,noticeable,or important,or largest in number 占优势,显著,支配地位

refreshing /riˈfreʃiŋ/ adj. pleasantly new and interesting 令人欣喜的,使人耳目一新的

senate /ˈsenit/ n. the smaller and more important of the two parts of the central law-making body in such countries as Australia,France,and the US参议院

steady /ˈstedi/ adj. moving or developing in an even,continuous way; regular 有规则的,平稳的

unequaled /ˈʌnˈiːkwəld/ adj. fml. not equaled or surpassed; greater or especially better than any other; matchless [正式]无与伦比的,无双的

Vietnam /̩vjetˈnæm/ a country in SE Asia,next to Cambodia and China 越南


1. In the 2005—2006 academic year ... to study abroad in Asia. (Par.2)—根据可获取的最新资料,2005—2006学年,有223,534名美国学生在海外学习。这个数字只相当于全美大学生入学人数的1%。在这1%的学生中,只有9.3%的学生选择来亚洲学习。

2. sell out (Par.3)—sell all of (what was for sale) (货物)(全部)卖完;卖光

3. American Council on Education (Par.5)—美国教育委员会

4. the U.S. Senate (Par.8)—美国参议院。(见附录I “美国政府”)

5. Senate Resolution 308 (Par.8)—(美国)参议院308号决议

6. Several of these points address the fact ... and foreign skills.” (Par.9)—其中几条谈到,美国联邦政府的各事务处,教育机构以及各大公司都很缺乏具有国际相关知识与技能的专业人才。

a. address—deal with or discuss

b. a shortage of—a condition of having less than is needed; an amount lacking (缺乏;短缺,不足)

7. Much of what people consider ... and national culture. (Par.11)—许多人们认为是“自我”的东西仅仅是一系列关于生活的信念和设想,并很大程度受到社会环境、经济状况、家庭背景和民族文化等因素的影响。

8. So while ... China's geographical presence ... its culture presence (Par.18)—在“语言解说”里称,两个presence均可作“存在”讲,前者如联系第17段“... find China on a map”,理解为“中国的地理位置”也行;后者结合下句连续不断的5,000年历史,作“中国文化历史”或“文明史”讲也是可以的。可见词义的确定,尤其是虚实转换需视上下文而定,此句便是例证。当然也有的需靠文外知识而定。

9. hard though it may be (Par.21)—though it may be hard

10. Given China's growing economic importance and global predominance (Par.21)—考虑到中国经济的重要性和在全球事务中的突出地位 given—if one takes into account; considering

11. plus (Par.21)—in addition; besides

12. bring sth to life (Par.26)—make sth more exciting or interesting (使某物更生动、有趣)

13. I am confident that ... a similar experience. (Par.28)—I am sure that any student who is willing to expand his worldview and to go to some new places will have a similar experience.

Part Two

Questions and Answers for Your Reference

1. According to the American Council on Education,why is it necessary for students to study abroad?

According to the American Council on Education,many students who go abroad have the goal of learning a language. There is no better way to improve language skills than by being immersed in a language other than your own. Studying abroad also offers students an opportunity to travel,to expand their worldview,to enhance the value of a college degree,and to make international connections. Studying abroad can have excellent benefits for future employment opportunities by providing students with international skills and experiences. Connections made while abroad could easily lead to future opportunities.

2. As to the importance of studying abroad,what were listed by Senate Resolution 308?

An experience of studying abroad is firstly very important for both the students and then for the United States as a whole. For the students,learning aboard would enhance their international knowledge and foreign skills,which will prepare them for a good career in the future. At the same time,the expertise and skills would eventually benefit the whole nation when competing in the world. Moreover,by comparing with an alien culture,the students would better understand their own culture,thus expanding their worldview.

3. Why is China the worthy place for U.S. students?

China is one of America's most important partners in business in Asia,with a large amount of exports and imports. As China keeps booming,it is playing a more and more important role in world economy. Besides,China has a population of 1.3 billion and 5,000 years of uninterrupted history which has long been ignored by most of the westerners. In fact,both its economic and cultural presence make it worthwhile for the U.S. students to go.

4. What benefits has the author gained from studying in China?

By studying in China,the author gained a lot of benefits,especially from the perspective of language,culture and personal experience. Firstly,nothing could be of more help for a language learner than being immersed in the language and talking to the native speakers,which,at the same time,offered a good chance to physically experience the culture there. When the author was in China,he traveled a lot,meeting different people and experiencing new things. Therefore,studying in China really pushed back his horizon and inspired new interests and curiosities.

Part Three

Words to Know

academic,address,appall,appealing,assumption,ballpark,capacity,contribute,counterpart,cultivate,dugout,dwarf,elective,empower,enroll,extensive,forgo,immerse,institution,intrigue,myriad,predominance,presence,refreshing,reinforce,render,semester,underrepresented,unequaled,worldview 0AXmLT0+az/pKzR8+TyPFkHfR4C6Pc6O/31uOUyPxKJcf7stkYIdBPf+roqosxLr
