
三 关于东南亚考古发现锡锭用途的简单讨论

按斗是上口大、下底小的一类立方形容器,中国人对此十分熟悉。印坦沉船出水的锡锭、马来亚发现的石范中的锡锭,其实就是斗形。中国文献中的斗锡和东南亚考古发现中的截顶金字塔形锡锭完全可以对应。而出土了锡锭石范的马来亚Kanaboi Mine,与《瀛涯胜览》等所载产花锡(斗锡)的满剌加,在地理位置上也可以大致对应。因此可以推测,东南亚考古发现中的锡锭(即斗锡)是作为一般等价物,乃至货币使用的。而同样类型的铅锭,可能也具有同样的用途。

锡是一种重要的金属,不但可以制作锡器,也是制作青铜器所需的三种基本金属之一。有的金属合金钱币,也需要用锡。《岛夷志略》记爪哇“使铜钱。俗以银、锡、 、铜杂铸,如螺甲大,名为银钱,以权铜钱使用。” 更早的《岭外代答》中记载阇婆国(今爪哇)“以销银 锡杂铸为钱,其钱以六十个准为一两金,用三十二钱为半两金。” 《诸蕃志》所载几乎完全一样:“以铜、银、 、锡杂铸为钱,钱六十准金一两,三十二准金半两。” 其中“销”作“铜”,《岭外代答》点校者认为《诸蕃志》是准确的。金属原料的锡也被制作成锭状,但体积、重量往往要大得多。小型的、具有规定形状和重量的锡块,主要不是作为原材料之用。而如《岛夷志略》等所述的,它们作为一般等价物乃至货币,应是比较合适。东南亚地区锡矿资源非常丰富,在价值高但是比较稀少的金银之外,以具备固定形态、固定重量因而可以计算价值的锡锭承担一般等价物乃至货币的功能,也是合理的。随着贸易量的增大,这种做法就更加可以理解了。

作为比较,引述另一沉船中发现的大型锡锭情况。1984年,马来西亚抢救发掘了丰盛港(Mersing)海岸附近Pulau Batu Gajah的一艘沉船,发现了112块锡锭,后来新加坡警方还查抄了6块锡锭。锡锭有40.2厘米长、18.2厘米宽、8厘米高,重29公斤。这艘沉船被断定是荷兰东方大商船Risdam号,从泰国的Ayuthya开往巴达维亚(今雅加达),于1727年在Pulau Batu Gajah附近沉没。 [11] 这种大型的、较重的锡锭,应该是作为锡的原材料来运输的。


On the Usage of Tin Ingots Found on the Shipwrecks from 10 th to 14 th Centuries in the Southeast Asia Sea Area

Yang Xiaochun

Abstract: In the past 30 years several important shipwrecks from 10 th to 14 th Centuries were excavated in the Southeast Asia sea area,which contained a cargo remarkable in diversity. One of the main cargo items was tin. The Intan Wreck,the Cirebon Wreck and the Pulau Buaya Wreck were three cases of them. Each shipwreck had plenty of tin ingots,sometimes lead ingots,with the same truncated pyramid shape. Chinese traditional literatures on the Sino-Nanhai maritime communication,such as Daoyi Zhilue Yingya Shenglan Xingcha Shenglan ,and Xiyang Fanguo Zhi of 14 th and 15 th Centuries,gave us some examples about using the truncated pyramid tin ingots as general equivalent,even currency. So we can get the viewpoint that the usage of the tin ingots found on those shipwrecks is general equivalent or currency.

Keywords: the Usage of Tin Ingots;Shipwrecks;10 th to 14 th Centuries;Southeast Asia Sea Area


[1] Abu Ridho and E. Edward McKinnon, The Pulau Buaya Wreck:Finds from the Song Period ,Ceramic Society of Indonesia,1988,p.82. 此书承蒙周运中博士提供电子版,谨此致谢!

[2] E. Edwards McKinnon, Kota Cina:Its Context and Meaning in the Trade of Southeast Asia in the Twelfth to Fourteenth Centuries ,Ithaca,N. Y.:Cornell University,doctoral dissertation,1984. G. de G. Sieveking,“Recent Discoveries in Malaya(1955),” Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society ,Vol. 31,No. 1(173),May 1956,pp.200-210. B. A. V. Peacock,“Recent Discoveries in Malaya(1957),” Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society ,Vol. 31,No. 1(181),May 1958,pp.180-187. 按上列三种文献,根据其引用书籍又查询了原书和原刊,相关信息有所改动。

[3] E. Edwards McKinnon, Kota Cina:Its Context and Meaning in the Trade of Southeast Asia in the Twelfth to Fourteenth Centuries ,pp.102-103.

[4] Michael Flecker, The Archaeological Excavation of the 10th Century Intan Shipwreck ,Oxford:BAR Publishing,2016,pp.81-82.

[5] Michael Flecker, The Archaeological Excavation of the 10th Century Intan Shipwreck ,pp.82-83.

[6] Michael Flecker, The Archaeological Excavation of the 10th Century Intan Shipwreck ,p.82,Note 35.

[7] Michael Flecker, The Archaeological Excavation of the 10th Century Intan Shipwreck ,pp.63-65.

[8] Denis Twitchett and Janice Stargardt,“Chinese Silver Bullion in a Tenth-Century Indonesia Wreck,” Asia Major ,Third Series,Vol. 15,No. 1,2002,pp.23-72.(杜希德、思鉴撰《沉船遗宝:一艘十世纪沉船上的中国银锭》,朱隽琪译,《唐研究》第10卷,北京大学出版社,2004,第383~432页。)胡舒扬:《宋代中国与东南亚的陶瓷贸易——以鳄鱼岛沉船(Pulau Buaya Wreck)资料为中心》,载上海中国航海博物馆、中国博物馆协会航海博物馆专业委员会编《人海相依——中国人的海洋世界》,上海古籍出版社,2014,第48~67页。

[9] Jeremy Green and Rosemary Harper, The Excavation of the Pattaya Wreck Site and Survey of Three Other Sites Thailand ,Australian Institute of Maritime Archaeology Special Publication No.1,1983,pp.31,50,65.

[10] Jeremy Green,Rosemary Harper and Vidya Intakosi, The Ko Si Chang Three Shipwreck Excavation ,with Jeremy Green and Rosemary Harper, The Maritime Archaeology of Shipwreck and Ceramics in Southeast Asia ,Australian Institute of Maritime Archaeology Special Publication No.4,1987,pp.66,75-76.

[11] Adi Hji Taha,“Recent Archaeological Discoveries in Peninsula Malaysia(1983-1985),” Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society ,Vol. 60,No. 1(252),1987,p.34. Jkdp9gp+UxI/BZXf65oBKC98B5bakY/EXaPydKplL0U4pHXt5A2MC7Td4JUAgZVA
