



“khārchīnī / āhan-i Chīnī” and its spread westward from China

Chen Chunxiao

Abstract: One kind of metal that Muslims call khārchīnī(pers.)/ khārṣīnī(arab.)or āhan-i Chīnī(pers.)/ ḥadīd al-Ṣīn(arab.)is frequently recorded in medieval Persian and Arabic literature. The metal comes from China and is transported westward to the Islamic World. Based on the concerning sources,this article finds out these proper names originally stand for China's cast iron,and afterwards refer to all kinds of iron and bronze wares from China loosely.

Chinese literature and shipwrecks findings prove the flourishing bronze and iron trade between China and other countries in medieval times. Especially China's cast iron technology leads the world for more than a thousand years and Iran had been importing cast iron from China in quantity. Weapons,building materials and daily necessities made from China's cast iron enjoy a high reputation in Iran and the Islamic world.

Keywords: khārchīnī/ khārṣīnī;āhan-i Chīnī/ ḥadīd al-Ṣīn;China's Cast iron;Maritime Trade;Sino-Iranian Exchange


[1] Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China ,vol. 5,part 4,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1980,p.429.

[2] Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Bīrūnī, al-Jamāhir fī al-Jawāhir ,ed. by Yūsuf Hādī,Tehran:Sharikat al-Nashr al-ʻIlmī wa-al-Thaqāfī,1995,pp.423-425;Jawharī Nayshābūrī, Javāhir-nāma-yi Niẓāmī ,ed. by Īraj Afshār,Tehran:Mīrās-i Maktūb,2004,pp.333-337;Zakariyā ibn Muḥammad Qazvīnī, ‘Ajā'ib al-Makhlūqāt va Gharā'ib al-Mawjūdāt ,tr. into Persian by anonymous translator,eds. by Mas‘ūd Ghalāmiya & Yūsuf bīg Bābāpūr,Qom:Majma‘-i Z akhā'ir-i Islāmī,2012,p.314;Nasīr al-Dīn Tūsī, Tansūkh-nāma-yi Ilkhānī ,ed. by Madris Ra avī,Tehran:Buniyād-i Farhang-i Īrān,1989,pp.222-226;Abū al-Qāsim Kāshānī, ‘Arāyis al-Javāhir va Nafāyis al-Atāyib ,ed. by Īraj Afshār,Tehran:Intishārāt-i Alma'ī,2006,pp.242-243;Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Abiī Ṭālib Dimashqī, Nukhbat al-Dahr fī‘Ajā'ib al-Barr va al-Bahr ,tr. into Persian by Ḥamīd Ṭabībiyān,Tehran:Asāṭīr,p.81;Ḥamd Allāh Mustawfī Qazvīnī, Geographical Part of the Nuzhat al-Qulūb ,ed. by G. Le Strange,Leyden:E. J. Brill;London:Luzac & co.,1919,p.194.

[3] 劳费尔:《中国伊朗编》,第388页;Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China ,vol. 5,part 4,p.431。

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[5] 如英国柏廷顿(J. R. Partington)认为它是水银,伊朗学者扎乌什(Muḥammad Zāvush)认为它是铂金(platinum)。见J. R. Partington,“Review:Chemistry in ʻIraq and Persia in the Tenth Century A. D.”, Nature ,No. 3015,vol. 120,1927,pp.242-243;Muḥammad Zāvush, Kānī-shināsī dar Īrān-i Qadīm ,Tehran:Pazhūhishgāh-i ʻUlūm-i Insānī va Muṭālaʻāt-i Farhangī,1996,pp.327-333;George Sarton,“Review:H. E. Stapleton,the late R. F. Azo,and M. Hidayat llusain. - Chemistryin ʻIraq and Persiain the Tenth Century A. D.”, Isis ,vol. 11,No. 1,1928,pp.129-134。

[6] Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China ,vol. 5,part 4,pp.431-432.

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[8] Zakariyā ibn Muḥammad Qazvīnī, ‘Ajā'ib al-Makhlūqāt va Gharā'ib al-Mawjūdāt ,p.314.

[9] Ḥamd Allāh Mustawfī Qazvīnī, Geographical Part of the Nuzhat al-Qulūb ,p.194.

[10] Paul Pelliot,“Andanique”, Notes on Marco Polo ,Vol. 1,Paris:Imprimerie Nationale,1959,pp.40-42;张子高、杨根:《镔铁考》,《科学史集刊》第7期,科学出版社,1964,第45~52页;潜伟:《“镔铁”新考》,《自然科学史研究》2007年第2期。

[11] Pliny,the elder, Natural History ,Vol. 9,book 34,trs. & ed. by H. Rackham,Cambridge:Harvard University Press;London:William Heinemann,1961,p.233.

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[13] Zakariyā ibn Muhammad Qazvīnī, ‘Ajā'ib al-Makhlūqāt va Gharā'ib al-Mawjūdāt ,tr. into Persian by anonymous translator,ed. by Masʻūd Ghalāmiya & Yūsuf bīg Bābāpūr,Qom:Majmaʻ-i Zakhā’ir-i Islāmī,2012,p.314.

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