


如果说,一百多年前,霍姆斯(Oliver Wendell Holmes)大法官的那句“如果你的专业是法学,那么,你就有了一条通往人类学的康庄大道” 是在告诉我们,法学先天就与人类学密不可分。那么,格拉克曼的那句“法律概念与术语是一系列命题,其必须要被放入社会人类学的某个问题的实践分析中予以讨论”, [20] 则提醒我们,法学知识与人类学知识是共同在有关社会问题的思考与探究中创造的。然而,困境恰恰在于,法学与人类学在面对同样的社会问题时,却可以衍生出不同的问题束,在对这些问题束进行梳理、分析的过程中,如何摆脱专业学科训练带来的知识先见,真正提炼出法学与人类学共同关注且互不矛盾的问题,并对这些问题做跨学科分析,是法律人类学迈向成熟范式的必经之路。未来,我们应更加注意对包括法律人类学在内的跨学科研究范式缺陷的发现与修补,以为法学知识与方法体系的建构不断贡献力量。

[1] Paul Bohannan, Social Anthropology ,Holt,Rinehart and Winston Inc.,1963,p.2.

[2] Josep R.Llobera,“An Invitation to Anthropology:The Structure,Evolution and Cultural Identity of Human Societies,” Berghahn Books ,2003,p.1.

[3] Thomas Hylland Eriksen, What is Anthropology ?Pluto Press,2017,p.42.

[4] “法律的缝隙理论”(theory of gaps in law)的倡导者可追溯至美国现实主义法学代表人物卡多佐,有关该理论的内容,参见Benjamin Nathan Cardozo, The Nature of the Judicial Process ,Yale University Press,1921,pp.51-97。

[5] Raymond Firth,Max Gluckman, Proceedings of the British Academy 61,1975.

[6] Hugh Macmillan,“Return to the Malungwana Drift-Max Gluckman,the Zulu Nation and the Common Society,” African Affairs ,Vol.94,No.374,1995,p.41.

[7] See Max Gluckman,“Analysis of a Social Situation in Modern Zululand,” Bantu Studies 14(1940).

[8] See John Arundel Barnes, Politics in a Changing Society:A Political History of Fort Jameson Ngoni ,2nd ed.,Manchester University Press,1967;See James Clyde Mitchell, Social Networks in Urban Situations:Analysis of Personal Relationships in Central African Towns ,Manchester University Press,1969.

[9] See Annelise Riles,“Representing In-between:Law,Anthropology,and the Rhetoric Interdisciplinarity,” University of Illinois Law Review 3(1994).

[10] Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of North Rhodesia ,2nd ed.(Manchester:Manchester University Press,1967),p.166.

[11] Max Gluckman, Politics,Law and Ritual in Tribal Society ,Basil Blackwell,1965,p.178.

[12] E.Sidney Hartland, Primitive Law ,Methuen & Co.Ltd.,1924,p.5;R.F.Barton, Ifugao Law ,University of California Press,1919,p.11.

[13] 学界普遍认为,现代法律人类学的诞生以马林诺夫斯基发表的《野蛮社会的犯罪与习俗》(Bronislaw Malinowski, Crime and Custom in Savage Society ,Kegan Paul,Trench,Trubner & Co.,Ltd.,1926.)为标志,参见James M.Donovan, Legal Anthropology:An Introduction ,Altamira Press,2008,p.xiii。

[14] 博安南是法律人类学发展过程中,强调知识相对性的重要代表人物。在其看来,部落社会的知识与文明社会的知识存在本质差别,文明社会的知识生产应使用文明社会的基本概念与术语,部落社会的知识生产应该用部落社会的传统语言及概念,二者不可互换。See Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv ,Oxford University Press,1957.

[15] See Sally Folk Moore,“Certainties Undone:Fifty Turbulent Years of Legal Anthropology,1949-1999,” The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute ,Vol.7,No.1,2001.

[16] Bronislaw Malinowski, Crime and Custom in Savage Society ,Kegan Paul,Trench,Trubner & Co.,Ltd.,1926.

[17] R.F.Barton, Ifugao Law ,University of California Press,1919.

[18] Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of North Rhodesia ,2nd ed.,Manchester University Press,1967.

[19] K.N.Llewellyn & E.Adamson Hoebel, The Cheyenne Way:Conflict and Case Law in Primitive Jurisprudence ,University of Oklahoma Press,1941.

[20] Max Gluckman,“Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law,”in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society ,University of California Press,1997,p.373. LM/ucbNU4hhNp59Pn5d0HZ8MPSMjm5q092OpELis62KC2ZRk8pldD90RtxRD4Z44
