






2005年3月1日,他信政府成立由前总理阿南·班雅拉春(Anand Panyarachun)任主席的民族和解委员会(National Reconciliation Commission,NRC)。NRC在2006年6月发布了报告《通过和解的力量来战胜暴力》。报告指出:“最为迫切的是采取政治措施,以重建北大年地区以及全国的国家与人民、主体人口与少数人口之间的关系。”报告还提出将北大年马来方言定为该地区的另一种工作语言,将伊斯兰教与国家学校制度更紧密地结合,其中包括引进双语和母语教育。 [25] 报告指出,只有创造一个接受族群、宗教和语言多样性并且努力消除歧视的泰国才能获得长期的和平。

NRC的建议得到了马来穆斯林一些成员的肯定。然而,报告中提出的一些关键性建议遭到前总理炳·廷素拉暖的公开反对,他说:“我们不能接受这条建议,因为我们是泰国人。我们的国家是泰国,我们的语言是泰语。……我们应该为泰国人的身份自豪,将泰语作为唯一的民族语言。” [26] 他信政府支持炳的言论。 [27] NRC的工作至今还只停留在建议层面,尚未对政府政策形成实质性影响,它的尴尬处境反映了泰国在民族国家建设中遭遇的两难与矛盾。如果说泰国社会的主流意识形态仍然坚持要马来穆斯林放弃自己的语言和文化,转变为所谓的泰族穆斯林,那么泰南冲突的前景就难以令人感到乐观。

[1] McCargo,Duncan, Tearing apart the Land:Islam and Legitimacy in Southern Thailand ,Ithaca:Cornell University Press,2008,p.x.

[2] Melvin,Neil J., Conflict in Southern Thailand:Islamism,Violence and the State in the Patani Insurgency ,SIPRI Policy Paper No.20,Stockholm International Peace Research Institute,2007.

[3] Melvin,Neil J., Conflict in Southern Thailand:Islamism,Violence and the State in the Patani Insurgency ,SIPRI Policy Paper No.20,Stockholm International Peace Research Institute,2007.p.vi.

[4] Chen Man,W.K., Muslim Separatism:The Moros of Southern Philippines and the Malays of Southern Thailand ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,1990,p.134.

[5] Chen Man,W.K., Muslim Separatism:The Moros of Southern Philippines and the Malays of Southern Thailand ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,1990,p.32.

[6] Yegar,Moshe, Between Integration and Secession:The Muslim Communities of the Southern Philippines,Southern Thailand and Western Burma ,Lanham:Lexington Books,2002,pp.90-91.

[7] Chen Man,W.K., Muslim Separatism:The Moros of Southern Philippines and the Malays of Southern Thailand ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,1990,p.ix.

[8] Chen Man,W.K., Muslim Separatism:The Moros of Southern Philippines and the Malays of Southern Thailand ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,1990,p.129.

[9] 关于三类精英的基本概述见Chen Man,W.K., Muslim Separatism:The Moros of Southern Philippines and the Malays of Southern Thailand ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,1990,pp.129-132。

[10] Yegar,Moshe, Between Integration and Secession:The Muslim Communities of the Southern Philippines,Southern Thailand,and Western Burma ,Lanham:Lexington Books,2002,pp.126-127.

[11] Yegar,Moshe, Between Integration and Secession:The Muslim Communities of the Southern Philippines,Southern Thailand,and Western Burma ,Lanham:Lexington Books,2002,p.95.

[12] Yegar,Moshe, Between Integration and Secession:The Muslim Communities of the Southern Philippines,Southern Thailand,and Western Burma ,Lanham:Lexington Books,2002,pp.95-96.

[13] Yegar,Moshe, Between Integration and Secession:The Muslim Communities of the Southern Philippines,Southern Thailand,and Western Burma ,Lanham:Lexington Books,2002,p.137.

[14] Yegar,Moshe, Between Integration and Secession:The Muslim Communities of the Southern Philippines,Southern Thailand,and Western Burma ,Lanham:Lexington Books,2002,p.133.

[15] Yegar,Moshe, Between Integration and Secession:The Muslim Communities of the Southern Philippines,Southern Thailand,and Western Burma ,Lanham:Lexington Books,2002,p.136.

[16] Chen Man,W.K., Muslim Separatism:The Moros of Southern Philippines and the Malays of Southern Thailand ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,1990,pp.136-137.

[17] Pitsuwan,Surin, Islam and Malay Nationalism:A Case Study of the Malay-Muslims of Southern Thailand ,Bangkok:Thammasat University Press,1985,pp.175-178.

[18] Liow,Joseph Chinyong, Islam,Education and Reform in Southern Thailand ,Singapore:Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,2009,p.27.

[19] Yegar,Moshe, Between Integration and Secession:The Muslim Communities of the Southern Philippines,Southern Thailand,and Western Burma ,Lanham:Lexington Books,2002,p.135.

[20] Liow,Joseph Chinyong,“Islamic Education in Southern Thailand:Negotiating Islam,Identity,and Modernity”,in Hefner,Robert W.,ed., Making Modern Muslims:The Politics of Islamic Education in Southeast Asia ,Honolulu:University of Hawai’i Press,2009,pp.141-171.

[21] Chen Man,W.K., Muslim Separatism:The Moros of Southern Philippines and the Malays of Southern Thailand ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,1990,pp.97-98.

[22] Liow,Joseph Chinyong, Islam,Education and Reform in Southern Thailand ,Singapore:Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,2009,p.34.

[23] Liow,Joseph Chinyong, Islam,Education and Reform in Southern Thailand ,Singapore:Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,2009,p.37.

[24] Liow,Joseph Chinyong, Islam,Education and Reform in Southern Thailand ,Singapore:Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,2009,pp.41-42.

[25] National Reconciliation Commission, Overcoming Violence through the Power of Reconciliation ,Unofficial translation,http://thailand.ahrchk.net/docs/nrc_report_en.Pdf,June 2006.

[26] “Prem not happy with NRC’s idea”, The Nation ,http://www.nationmultimedia.com,2006-6-26.

[27] “Govt backs Prem against use of Malay in South”, The Nation ,http://www.nationmultimedia.com,2006-6-27. lvdvmR86GbCf+NNtulM6nwPIwOnJP9sJAxT5ZMYuB5KtO9/O7/xGipL1IfYY9g2J
