
1.5 宠物

情景对话 Dialogue

Steven wants to buy a pet, but he has no idea in his mind. So he asks Alice to give him some advice.


Steven: I want to buy a pet, but I don't know which one to choose.

Alice: Dogs are nice, but they are really energetic, and you'd better walk the dog every day.

Steven: Having a dog would probably be too much work for me, then.

Alice: What about cats? They are more independent.

Steven: Actually, I was thinking of something a little more exotic. I don't want a common pet like a dog or a cat.

Alice: How about a lizard?

Steven: Are they easy to look after?

Alice: Yeah, they are easy to keep; they eat almost anything.

史蒂文: 我想买只宠物,但我不知道该选哪一个。

爱丽丝: 小狗很可爱,不过它们太好动了,你最好每天都能带它们去遛遛。

史蒂文: 那么我恐怕没那么多时间养狗。

爱丽丝: 那养猫吧,猫没那么黏人。

史蒂文: 实际上我想要一只特别点儿的宠物,不想要狗、猫这些常见的。

爱丽丝: 养只蜥蜴怎么样?

史蒂文: 蜥蜴好养吗?

爱丽丝: 嗯,它们挺好养的,基本上什么都吃。

单词短语Words and Phrases

energetic [ˌenəˈdʒetɪk] adj. 精力旺盛的;有力的

independent [ɪndɪˈpendənt] adj. 独立的;自主的

exotic [ɪɡˈzɒtɪk] adj. 外来的;异国的

lizard [ˈlɪzəd] n. 蜥蜴

核心句型Key Sentences

1. What kind of pet do you want? 你要养什么宠物?

2. I was thinking of getting an exotic pet. 我想养一只特别点儿的宠物。

3. I don't want to get a common pet. 我不想养一只常见的宠物。

4. Mother says to keep a pet is a waste of time. 妈妈说养宠物浪费时间。

5. The pets, all shapes and sizes, can provide companionship and love.


6. Having a pet could prepare a young couple for the responsibilities of parenthood.


7. I want to buy a really special pet. 我想买个很特别的宠物。

8. I've been too busy to take my puppy to be vaccinated these days.


9. If the dog still doesn't eat anything by this evening, I'll take him to the vet tomorrow.


10. They are not picky on food. 它们不挑剔食物。

11. I want to buy a pet, but I don't know which is the right one for me.


12. My daughter keeps a goldfish as pet.我的女儿养了一只金鱼当做宠物。

13. The cat can't digest fresh fish yet.这只猫还不能直接吃生鱼。

14. Is there a pet in the house? 房间里有宠物吗?

15. The poodle is a popular house pet. 卷毛狗是很多人都喜爱的宠物。

地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. Having such a delicate pet would probably be too much work for me.


比较一下,I don't have enough time for such a delicate pet. 是不是单调乏味一些?

2. The dog needs to go to the vet to get a rabies shot. 让兽医给狗打个狂犬病疫苗吧。


3. Many pets are victims of overfeeding. 许多宠物都因喂食过量而遭殃。

用victim代指 “遭殃” ,表达简明、准确。

4. Keeping pets can waste a lot of your energy. 养宠物要花费很多精力。

下次别再简单地说You should spend a lot of energy to keep pets.

5. The little girl hated to part with her dog, but her landlady wouldn't allow pets.


用part with代指 “把狗送人” ,用allow表达 “允许养宠物”

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. What's wrong with the cat? 这只猫怎么了?

2. It is fashionable to keep a pet. 养宠物是一种时尚。

3. I don't have time to look after your sick pets! 我没时间照顾你生病的宠物!

4. People can buy health insurance for their pets. 人们可以为宠物买健康保险。

5. You see, pets have feelings just like us. 你知道的,宠物和我们一样有感情。

6. Talking about affection, I think dogs are human's best friends.


7. The pet owners should look after their pets and not disturb anyone else.


8. This type of diet will provide more nutrients to pets.


9. Many pet owners treat their furry friends as a part of the family.


10. Playing with the pet has a lot of fun. 和宠物玩有很多乐趣。 fahhz6QEvwi6Qbfiwdq6KEQuA7hxISqc2cO1bd6hgy5brfDQOJ1E59PYTJvs0xtI
