
1.4 养花
Raise Flowers

情景对话 Dialogue

Bob comes to visit Steven today. And now they are talking about Steven's flowers in the garden.


Bob: Oh, what a beautiful garden!

Steven: These are my roses. The roses have been in flower for a week.

Bob: The garden looks lovely when the roses are in bloom. You must have a lot of pleasure in planting flowers.

Steven: Yes, you are right. I love flowers and hence have taken to growing them. And I take care of my flowers every day as if they are my good friends.

Bob: You did a good job. But I got tired of working in the garden.

Steven: Oh, I see. People who don't understand the nature of flowers won't be able to grow them well. I can help you learn more if you want to plant flowers again one day. In this way you need not be afraid of your own sweet flower-garden's being neglected.

Bob: Yes. Thanks. I will ask for your help then.

鲍勃: 哦,好漂亮的花园啊!

史蒂文: 这些是我种的玫瑰,这些玫瑰花已经开了一星期了。

鲍勃: 玫瑰花开的时候花园看起来很漂亮,你一定从养花中得到了不少乐趣吧。

史蒂文: 是啊,你说对了。我爱花,所以也爱养花。我天天照料我的花儿,把它们当做我的好朋友。

鲍勃: 你太棒了。可我对养花已经厌倦了。

史蒂文: 哦,我明白。不懂花性的人可养不好花。如果你有一天想再养花了,我可以帮你多了解它们,这样你就不用担心你那漂亮的花圃会给荒废了。

鲍勃: 好的,谢谢。到时我会请你帮忙。

单词短语Words and Phrases

bloom [bluːm] n. 花;开花;最佳时期;花期

hence [hens] adv. 因此;从此以后

take to 开始喜欢

get tired of 厌烦

neglect [nɪˈɡlekt] v. 忽略,忽视;疏忽

核心句型Key Sentences

1. We want to plant flowers around the pool.我们想在池子周围栽些花。

2. The lawn and the hedge need to be trimmed regularly. 草地和篱笆需要定期修剪。

3. Oh, what sort of flowers do you grow?哦,你种的是什么花?

4. I take these flowers as my good friends.我把这些花儿当成是自己的好朋友。

5. That kind of flower requires more frequent watering and more tender care.


6. I potted up a flower in the newly bought flowerpot我把一株花种到了新买的花盆里。

7. I will pot up the rose cuttings. 我要把玫瑰花的插枝种在花盆里。

8. I only grow some flowers and plants that are tough and of great self-survival.


9. You need to understand the nature of flowers if you want to grow them well.


10. She is fascinated/obsessed with growing/planting flowers.她对养花特别着迷。

11. Which flowers do you like?你喜欢什么花?

12. My neighbors say my flowers grow well.邻居们说我的花长得好。

13. I'm never tired of working in the garden. 在花园里劳动我从不感到厌倦。

14. Flowers grow along the side of the wall. 花贴着墙生长。

15. The flowers have withered away.花凋谢了。

地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. The roses have been in flower for two weeks.这些玫瑰花已经开了两个星期了。

表示 “花开了多长时间” 用be in flower fo。

2. Precious flowers are not easily kept.珍贵的花草不易养活。

用flower来代指 “花草” ,用not easily kept 来表示 “不易养活”

3. The garden doesn't need watering; it rained last night. 花园不用浇水了,昨晚刚下过雨。

用need doing代指被动,也可以用water the garden 表示 “给花园浇水”

4. When is your garden at its best? 你的花园的盛景时节是何时?

直译不妥当之时,需要用意译来表达。 “最好看” 即为 “盛时,盛景”

5. Potted plants should be hardened off before planting out.


用potted 来表示 “盆栽的” ,用be hardened off 来表示 “耐寒”

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. I am going to buy some potted plants. 我想去买些盆景。

2. We will plant flowers such as roses, sunflowers, etc 我们将栽种玫瑰、向日葵之类的花。

3. I am pruning my roses. 我正在给玫瑰修剪枝条。

4. The garden looks lovely in spring. 春天花园看起来很美。

5. I love flowers and hence I love to grow them. 我爱花,所以也爱养花。

6. I grow a variety of flowers, so that the garden is in bloom all year round.


7. It looks best in spring when all the flowers are booming.


8. I like flowers, but I don't care whether or not they will put forth plump and nice.


9. I'll be delighted as long as flowers can blossom. 只要花盛开,我就很高兴。

10. I take flower cultivation as a pleasure of life. 我把养花当做生活中的一种乐趣。 4DvcIk+ErT5MYe64qNVhIrkdRnDdafNkd6PxtEnEB+1FB4RWvRH2HC78/iL3LEqq
