
1.3 家务

情景对话 Dialogue

Steven just got home from work. He saw his wife Julia doing housework. Now he is talking about the housework with Julia.


Steven: Darling, I am back. What are you doing?

Julia: I am washing clothes. Are you hungry now? Wait for a moment, I'll cook dinner for you. (Steven bends his brows.)

Steven: Julia, should we get a maid?

Julia: I can do all the housework. We don't need a maid.

Steven: You have worked very hard in the office. If we can get someone to help you, you can have more rest.

Julia: We really don't need to.

Steven: You are a good wife, Julia. But you must take care of yourself.

Julia: Well, give me some time to think about it.

史蒂文: 亲爱的,我回来了。你在干什么?

茱莉亚: 我在洗衣服。你现在饿吗?等一下,我这就去给你做饭。(史蒂文皱了皱眉头。)

史蒂文: 茱莉亚,咱们请个保姆吧。

茱莉亚: 家务活我都能做,我们不需要请保姆。

史蒂文: 你在办公室工作已经很辛苦了,如果请个保姆帮你,你可以多休息一下。

茱莉亚: 真的不用。

史蒂文: 你是一个好妻子,茱莉亚。但是你要照顾好自己。

茱莉亚: 嗯,给我些时间让我考虑一下吧。

单词短语Words and Phrases

hungry [ˈhʌŋɡrɪ] adj. 饥饿的;渴望的

maid [meɪd] n. 女仆,侍女

核心句型Key Sentences

1. Clean up/Straighten up/Tidy up your room. 把你的屋子收拾一下。

2. There is a pile of washing-ups to be put into the dishwasher.


3. Nancy didn't wash the dishes before she left, so I have to do it.


4. I have to vacuum my room. 我得用吸尘器打扫一下我的房间。

5. Set up the mosquito net before you make the bed. 铺床之前先把蚊帐挂起来。

6. Wipe the table with cleaning cloth before the guests arrive.


7. I kept cleaning the apartment the whole morning. 整个上午我一直都在清理房间。

8. It's your turn to take out the garbage. 今天该你扔垃圾了。

9. Housework engages much of my mother's time. 家务活占去了母亲许多时间。

10. I am always blaming my daughter for not helping with the housework.


11. Help me to clean up the house. 帮我打扫屋子吧。

12. Please dust the shelves. 请掸掸柜子上的灰尘。

13. Don't use washing powder to wash these clothes. 不要用洗衣粉洗这些衣服。

14. Shall we do the washes together? 我们一起动手洗碗好吗?

15. My weekend was dominated by housework. 我的周末全用来做家务了。

地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. It's your turn to clear away the dinner things. 轮到你收拾碗筷了。

“碗筷” 不必直译出来,用dinner things 代替就好。

2. I have a large wash this week. 这星期我有很多衣服要洗。

下次再说这句话的时候,不要再简单地说I have many clothes to wash. 试试新句型吧,也可以说I want my clothes washed.

3. Help me to set up the table, will you? 你能帮我把餐具摆好吗?

用set up the table来代指 “摆放餐具” ,是常用的表达。

4. I'll do the dishes. 我会清理碟子。

用do来替代clear away and wash。也可以用attack the washing-up表示 “动手洗碗碟”

5. Empty dishwasher and put dishes away. 将洗好的碗碟从洗碗机中拿出并放置好。

用empty来形象生动地表达 “从……中拿出”

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. Please mop the floor. 请拖拖地。

2. Clean it up now, please! 请立即打扫干净!

3. The first thing I do after getting up is to make the bed. 我起床后的第一件事就是整理床铺。

4. If you have any laundry, just leave it in this bag.


5. Will you help me to fold the clothes? 你能帮我把衣服叠起来吗?

6. Would you put up the clothes to dry? 你能把衣服晾上吗?

7. I have to iron my shirt. 我的衬衣得熨一熨了。

8. Susan always helps her mother clear off the table after dinner.


9. Have the dinner things been washed up yet? 碗筷洗好了吗?

10. Susan would do housework rather than do her homework. 苏珊宁可做家务,也不愿做作业。 MCRnGuiDu6I8QwWPWxLSZPciL0nQTY423aTtDrEkBVYhwStSGqrvhFN8wd38YrOY
