
4.7 会员

情景对话 Dialogue

Steven wants to buy a necklace for his wife Julia. The seller suggests him to apply for a membership card to get discount. Now he is talking about it with the seller.


Seller: Can I help you?

Steven: Yes. I want to buy a necklace as my wife's birthday gift.

Seller: How about this one?

Steven: Wow, it looks great. How much is it?

Seller: 5000 yuan . Do you have a membership card?

Steven: No, I don't.

Seller: Why not apply for one? If you apply for a membership card with 50 yuan per year, you can save 1000 yuan .

Steven: Why do you say so?

Seller: Because you can get 10% off with a membership card. Member's preferential policy in each kind of activity is effective.

Steven: Do you mean that I can pay you only 4500 yuan if I buy this one?

Seller: Yes, you are right. Member's friend may enjoy the member preferential benefit and spending amount could accumulate in the member’s spending record.

Steven: It's really a good bargain. I will take this one and apply for a membership card.

Seller: OK. I will do it for you soon.

卖主: 有什么需要吗?

史蒂文: 嗯。我要为妻子买条项链作为生日礼物。

卖主: 看看这个怎么样?

史蒂文: 哇,太美了。多少钱?

卖主: 5000元。您有会员卡吗?

史蒂文: 没有。

卖主: 何不办理一个呢?如果每年花50元办一个会员卡,您可以省下1000元。

史蒂文: 为什么这样说呢?

卖主: 因为如果有会员卡,就可以给您打9折。会员的优惠政策在本店举办的各类活动中都有效。

史蒂文: 你的意思是,如果我买这个只需付4500元就可以了吗?

卖主: 是的!成为会员后,您的朋友同样可以享受会员待遇,消费金额可累加在您的消费记录中。

史蒂文: 真划算。我买下这个了,并申请办理一张会员卡。

卖主: 好的,我这就给您办理。

单词短语Words and Phrases

effective [ɪˈfektɪv] adj. 有效的;生效的;实际的

activity [ækˈtɪvɪtɪ] n. 活动;活跃

preferential [ˌprefəˈrenʃəl] adj. 优先的;优待的;特惠的

accumulate [əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt] v. 积累;增加;聚集

核心句型Key Sentences

1. Member's preferential policy is effective only in this activity.


2. You can apply for a VIP card to enjoy discount next time.


3. The holder should not lend or transfer the membership card.


4. If you lose your membership card, please notice us in time.


5. I am sorry, you lost your membership. 对不起,您的会员资格已失效。

6. You can show your membership card and get two soft drinks.


7. If you want a special favor, you need to hold your membership card.


8. We are prepared to allow our members a special discount of 5% against cash.


9. This is a membership card. You can get a 20 percent discount next time.


10. Please fill in the information below, and select which preferential item you want.


11. Only a VIP card of our store can have the discount. 只有本店贵宾卡才能享受折扣。

12. Here is your membership card and please hold it next time.


13. My membership has just been renewed. 我刚刚恢复了会员资格。

14. If you already have a loyalty card, please fill in the following form.


15. Members have preference over non-members. 会员比非会员能得到更多的优惠。

地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. Please show the membership card. 请出示会员卡。

也可以说Can I have your membership card, please?

2. I'd like to apply for a membership card. 我想申请办一张会员卡。

也可以说How can I get a membership card?

3. How much discount can I get when I hold a member card? 我持会员卡能打几折?

回答可以说You can get 10% off with a membership card. 有会员卡可以给你打9折。

4. Do you have a membership card? 您有会员卡吗?

也可以说Have you got a membership card?

5. Would you like to apply for membership discount? 请问您有兴趣申请会员优惠吗?

也可以说Do you want to hold a membership card?

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. You can receive the cards together in the poster box. 你们的会员卡在这海报盒子里。

2. You can also get a special discount with my membership card.


3. Excuse me, how can I get special discount coupons?


4. I've got a membership card here. We can get a really good price with it.


5. If you buy these goods, you'll get special discount coupons.


6. Do you think it is necessary to apply for a membership card? 你认为申请会员卡有必要吗?

7. I can lend you my membership card. 我可以把我的会员卡借给你。

8. Can I get a discount coupon if I buy these goods?


9. Since last year, this store has offered coupons to those who need digital analog converter boxes for their older TVs.


10. I heard that you had applied for a membership card. 我听说你已经申请了一张会员卡。 7wt7EMi1zllB9Kyti7ZVEh9JBG9zW+wKcDS55PHCeG3kAVepXBFJFCmdWnXushSU
