
4.5 退换

情景对话 Dialogue

Steven wants to buy a sweater for himself. Now he is talking about how to exchange goods with the seller.


Steven: If it doesn't suit me, can I bring it back?

Seller: Of course. But you must take care of your receipt.

Steven: Can you explain it more to me?

Seller: OK. It can be refunded if there's something wrong with it. Return your purchase within 14 days for a full refund.

Steven: By the way, may I have another brand instead?

Seller: Certainly. But you can only change it for goods with the same price or lower.

Steven: Oh, I see. I'll take it.

史蒂文: 如果不合适的话,我能退货吗?

卖主: 当然,只是您一定要保管好收据。

史蒂文: 可以详细给我解释一下吗?

卖主: 好的。如果质量有问题,可以退货。购买14天内可以退全款。

史蒂文: 顺便问一下,我可以换另一种牌子吗?

卖主: 当然可以。但您只能调换成同等价位或是较低价位的商品。

史蒂文: 哦,我明白了。我买下了。

单词短语Words and Phrases

suitable [ˈsjuːtəbl] adj. 适宜的,合适的

refund [riːˈfʌnd] v. 偿还;退还

purchase [ˈpɜːtʃəs] v. 购买

brand [brænd] n. 商标,牌子

核心句型Key Sentences

1. Goods can be exchanged only when a valid invoice is produced.


2. If it is not damaged by human error, you can exchange it for a new one.


3. Sale goods in our shop are not exchangeable. 本店货物售出概不退换。

4. You can return it if it's within the guarantee period. 如果在保质期内你可以拿来调换。

5. You can return most items for a full refund within 30 days of delivery.


6. If the shoes do not wear well, we will refund the money. 如果鞋不经穿,我们将退款。

7. It can be refunded if there's something wrong with it. 如果质量有问题,可以退货。

8. Return your purchase within two weeks for a full refund. 购买后两周内可以全额退款。

9. You can take it back to us and demand a refund if you find it is faulty.


10. We accept returns within seven days after purchase, but we do not cover shipping and handling. 购买后7天内都可以退换货,但是运输和装卸费用需要您来承担。

11. Our return policy is on the back of the receipt. 我们的退货规定就在收据的背面。

12. I want to return this blouse and get my money back. 我想退这件衬衫,请退钱给我。

13. Do you have a receipt (for it)? 您有收据吗?

14. We only allow you to exchange it for another one rather than give a refund.


15. You can't return it, because it's one day past due. 不能退了,因为已经过期一天了。

地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. If it isn't suitable, can I bring it back? 如果不合适的话,我能退货吗?

也可以说If it doesn't fit, may I return it?/If it's unsuitable, can I bring it back.

2. I'd like to return this. 我想退货。

也可以说I'd rather get a refund, please./I would like a refund of the product.

3. I'd like to exchange this blouse. 我要调换这件衬衫。

也可以说Could you exchange this blouse for me?/I want to exchange this blouse.

4. Why do you want to exchange it? 为什么要换货?

也可以说What's the reason of your exchanging it?/Why do you want a replacement?

5. We only take goods back if you can present the receipt.


也可以说We can't take goods back if you can't present the receipt./If you don't show us the receipt, we can't take goods back.

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. I'm sorry we can't exchange it because this is our store's rule.


2. Can I demand a refund? 我能要求退款吗?

3. You may exchange the skirt but not return it for a refund. 你可以调换这条裙子,但不能退货。

4. OK, we will refund you a full refund. 好的,我们将退你全款。

5. I found a stain here and I'd like to exchange it for another one.


6. We may offer prompt and reliable after-sale service. 我们可以提供快速可靠的售后服务。

7. We will repair or replace any non-moving parts which are defective for free of charge.


8. Our service center is responsible for it. 我们的服务中心负责处理这件事。

9. We guarantee the quality of the product we sold in our store for two years.


10. Our shop sells goods with three guarantees—refund, replacement and compensation.

凡本店售出的商品一律实行包退包换包赔制度。 kgvKb4KyIl01XXTPLx4B6Ya4XcMl8rCQUZw+Zyo3C92TAf4kYQt8EZ+L+UoqJ4JE
