
4.2 商场

情景对话 Dialogue

Steven is going to enter the supermarket. Suddenly he is stopped by a security man.


Security Man: Excuse me, bags aren't permitted inside the supermarket.

Steven: Oh, I'm sorry.

Security Man: Never mind. Just check in your bag before entering.

Steven: Thanks. Could you tell me where I should deposit my bag?

Security Man: The checkroom is just behind the front door.

Steven: OK. I will deposit my bag right now.

保安: 抱歉,您不能把包带进超市里。

史蒂文: 哦,不好意思。

保安: 没关系,进去之前去存包就好了。

史蒂文: 谢谢,请问在什么地方存包?

保安: 寄存处就在前门后面。

史蒂文: 好的,我马上去存包。

单词短语Words and Phrases

permit [pə(ː)ˈmɪt] v. 允许,许可

checkroom [ˈtʃekruːm] n. 寄存处

right now 立刻,马上

核心句型Key Sentences

1. Would you please deposit your bag at our checkroom? 请到寄存处寄存您的包好吗?

2. You can deposit your bag beside the entrance. 你可以把包存在入口处旁边。

3. Could you deposit the bag for me? 能帮我存一下包吗?

4. He got a free deposit box. 他找到一个空的存包柜。

5. Be quick. Put our bags in the deposit box. 快一点儿,把我们的包放在存包柜里。

6. Do you need a shopping basket or a shopping trolley? 你要购物篮还是手推车?

7. Never let children keep an eye on or stand in the cart.


8. Could you tell me where cereals are shelved? 能否告诉我谷类食品放在哪个架子上?

9. The discount shelves are in the center. 减价商品货架在中心位置。

10. Where is the women's clothes department? 女装部在哪儿?

11. Plenty of canned foodstuffs are lined up on this shelf. 许多罐头食品排列在这个货架上。

12. All the best merchandise was set out on shelves at the rear of the supermarket.


13. I suggest you should try both styles and see which one fits you better.


14. Try it for size. 试试它的大小合不合适。

15. This skirt and this blouse go together well. 这条裙子和这件上衣挺配的。

地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. Where can I check in my bag? 存包处在哪儿?

也可以说Can I leave my bag somewhere?

2. Where is your shopping trolley? 你们的购物车在哪里呢?

也可以说Can you please tell me where I can find a shopping cart?/Are there any more shopping carts?

3. Where is the fitting room?请问试衣间在哪儿?

也可以说Can you show me the way to the dressing room?/Where is the dressing room?

4. Can I try it on? 我可以试穿吗?

也可以说May I try it on?/Am I allowed to try it?

5. The fit isn't good.尺寸不太合适。

也可以说It's the wrong size./The size doesn't fit me.

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. Look at the rack on your right. 看一看你右边的架子。

2. The note is on the topmost shelf. 笔记本在最高的架子上。

3. This one is better fit, but I don't like the color. 这件大小挺合适的,可是我不喜欢它的颜色。

4. This kind of material has been treated by means of a new technology, so it is colorfast.


5. It's exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite.


6. The skin of Suzhou style cakes is filled with fragrant nuts and puffy.


7. The skin of Cantonese style cakes is soft, puffy and filled with heavy stuffing.


8. This is the latest model/fashion/style. 这是最新的款式。

9. There is a clearance sale in our shop today. 今天清仓大拍卖。

10. Pity to pass up. 不买可惜了。 47MemE9V8Q8W1L/mQCPMvDqGv9vdVQqzmt1zMcUSh7rIn1xip5xdWolRd4sFajF3
