
3.5 婚礼

情景对话 Dialogue

Annie is going to marry Tom next Sunday. Julia comes to visit her and see if everything is ready.


Julia: How is your wedding plan going?

Annie: Very well. We started organizing everything early to avoid a last minute rush to get things done.

Julia: When will your wedding take place?

Annie: At ten o'clock on the morning of next Sunday. We have invited all our relatives to the wedding.

Julia: It will be a large church wedding. Is your wedding dress ready?

Annie: Yes, its design is very elaborate and the designer took many weeks to make it.

Julia: You must look very beautiful on your wedding day.

Annie: Thank you!

Julia: Which hotel will the wedding reception be held at?

Annie: The Palace Hotel.

Julia: It's excellent. A friend of mine had her wedding reception there and said it was perfect, though very expensive.

Annie: It will be expensive, but we think it will be worth.

Julia: I think you make the right decision.

茱莉亚: 你们的婚礼筹备得怎么样了?

安妮: 还不错,我们很早就开始准备,就是为了避免到最后手忙脚乱。

茱莉亚: 你的婚礼什么时候举行?

安妮: 下周日上午10点。我们邀请了所有的亲戚来参加婚礼。

茱莉亚: 那将是一次大型的教堂式婚礼。你的婚纱准备好了吗?

安妮: 准备好了,这套婚纱的设计非常精细,设计师用了好几个星期才制作完成。

茱莉亚: 你在婚礼当天一定会很漂亮。

安妮: 谢谢你!

茱莉亚: 婚宴定在哪个酒店?

安妮: 皇宫大酒店。

茱莉亚: 这个酒店特别好。我的一个朋友的婚礼就是在这个酒店举办的,她说一切都很完美,虽然特别贵。

安妮: 肯定会很贵,但是我们都认为是值得的。

茱莉亚: 我认为你的决定是对的。

单词短语Words and Phrases

organize [ˈɔːɡənaɪz] v. 组织;筹备

reception [rɪˈsepʃən] n. 招待会;宴会

核心句型Key Sentences

1. All her friends heard her wedding bells. 她所有的朋友都听到了她婚礼的钟声。

2. I have to inform him about the date of the wedding banquet. 我必须通知他喜宴的日期。

3. My sister's marriage took place at ten o'clock today. 我姐姐的婚礼是在今天10点举行。

4. He held a big wedding for his daughter. 他为女儿举办了盛大的婚礼。

5. The royal wedding was an occasion of great festivity. 皇室婚礼是喜庆的盛事。

6. Have you been invited to their wedding? 他们邀请你去参加婚礼了吗?

7. I'm going to my brother's wedding tomorrow. 我明天将要去参加我兄弟的婚礼。

8. Dad was so angry that he cried off attending in our wedding ceremony.


9. I have promised her to attend her wedding. 我已经答应她明天去参加婚礼了。

10. Several days before the wedding, they didn't wish to get married.


11. She wanted my sister to be her bridesmaid. 她想让我的妹妹做她的伴娘。

12. Do you think it is necessary to play music at a wedding reception?


13. The wedding dress' design was very elaborate and took many weeks to make.


14. Do the bride's parents have to bear the cost of the wedding?


15. At weddings the best man will always make a toast. 在婚宴上一般是由伴郎来说祝酒词。

地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. Let's drink to the happiness of the bride and bridegroom. 让我们为新郎和新娘的幸福干杯。

也可以说Let's toast the happiness of the bride and bridegroom.

2. He will attend the wedding of his best friend and served as the best man.


表示 “出席婚礼” ,用go to/attend the wedding, “伴娘” 是bridesmaid。

3. The priest married them. 牧师主持了他们的婚礼。

也可以说They were married by the priest.

4. Many congratulations on your happy marriage! 祝贺你们喜结良缘!

婚宴祝福,也可以说I wish you a happy marriage!

5. Music signals the entrance of the bridesmaid, followed by the beautiful bride.



由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. Here is to bride and bridegroom! 为新娘新郎干杯!

2. To Bride and Groom, love and happiness always. 恭祝新郎新娘恩爱幸福。

3. Good wishes showered down on the bride and bridegroom. 大家纷纷祝福新娘新郎。

4. We were the first to congratulate the bride and groom. 我们是最先向新娘新郎祝贺的。

5. I'm really happy for you! 真为你们高兴!

6. The bride and groom made a lovely couple. 新娘和新郎是天造地设的一对。

7. They went through the marriage service. 他们举行了婚礼仪式。

8. Traditionally, the bride's parents host the reception. 按照传统,招待会由新娘的父母亲主持。

9. The groom wore a handsome black tuxedo to the wedding.


10. In the west, brides wear white wedding gowns. 在西方国家,新娘要穿白色的婚纱。 jr2BaYHoi7VTQPNKmgZzkpqdClOLFmVbkXLyN8RHio9Lgrg9aL5gPLW4vStcWgOx
