
3.3 爱情

情景对话 Dialogue

Annie tells Steven that a man is trying to win her affections, but she doesn't know if she should accept his love.


Steven: Annie, what is troubling you? You look unhappy.

Annie: Someone is pursuing me. He was my schoolmate in college, and he has been carrying a torch for me for three years.

Steven: Do you like him?

Annie: Yes, I do like him.

Steven: Then why are you hesitating?

Annie: You know that I have had a series of miserable relationships. Last summer, I fell in love with Joe. But the romance blossomed only for six or seven weeks, and then wilted.

Steven: As we all know, one love drives out another. You shouldn't be afraid to start a new relationship.

Annie: Maybe you are right.

史蒂文: 安妮,你在烦恼什么呢?你看起来不太开心。

安妮: 有个人在追求我。他是我大学时的同学,已经单恋我3年了。

史蒂文: 你喜欢他吗?

安妮: 是的,我是喜欢他。

史蒂文: 那你为什么还犹豫呢?

安妮: 你知道的,我经历了一次又一次的爱情波折。去年夏天,我爱上了乔。但这感情只维持了六七个星期就结束了。

史蒂文: 我们都知道,新欢逐旧爱。你不应该害怕开始一段新的感情。

安妮: 也许你是对的。

单词短语Words and Phrases

pursue [pəˈsjuː] v. 追求

carry a torch 单恋,单相思

hesitate [ˈhezɪteɪt] v. 犹豫,踌躇

miserable [ˈmɪzərəbl] adj. 痛苦的

blossom [ˈblɒsɒm] v. 开花;成长

wilt [wɪlt] v. (使)枯萎

核心句型Key Sentences

1. I still love you after all these years. 过了这么多年我依然爱你。

2. I'm so glad that we run into one another. 我很高兴我们遇到了彼此。

3. You made every moment with happiness and gladness.


4. You've always been there for me. 你一直在为我守候。

5. Love is my religion—I could die for it. 爱情是我的信仰,我可以为它而死。

6. He gave his girlfriend a ring as a token of his love. 他送给女友一枚戒指,作为爱情的信物。

7. The ring was important to her as an emblem of their love.


8. How did love slip away? 爱情怎么消逝了?

9. Her love for him never waved. 她对他的爱从未动摇过。

10. I think I've met the love of my life. 我想我已经找到理想的爱人了。

11. Still we often ask ourselves what on earth love is. 但是我们也常常问自己爱情到底是什么。

12. Unfortunately, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.


13. We, with an attitude of pursuing true emotion, seek for love.


14. How many people can keep calm when they are in love?


15. Have you ever fallen in love with somebody? 你曾经爱上过某个人吗?

地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. You've always been my love. 你一直是我最心爱的人。

也可以说You've always been my valentine.

2. Cupid's arrow has struck me. 丘比特的箭射中了我。

表示 “坠入爱河” ,自然可以用fall in love with sb. 但是,用“丘比特之箭”是不是更为生动形象一些呢?

3. He is bound by affection. 他为爱情所束缚。

也可以说He is enslaved by love. 他正沉溺于爱情。

4. One love drives out another. 新欢逐旧爱。

也可以说A dashed love with one may open the door to another.

5. It is impossible to love and to be wise. 爱令智昏。


由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. She's had a series of miserable relationships. 她经历了一次次的恋爱波折。

2. Love makes me happy and depressed. 爱情使我快乐,也让我悲伤。

3. I will never give up, even though I know it maybe a shadow love forever.


4. I like her, but feel no affection for her. 我喜欢她,但不爱她。

5. For most people, the first love can't be deleted from memory easily.


6. For soup and love, the first is the best. 第一道汤最美味,第一次恋爱最珍贵。

7. First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.


8. Love and a cough cannot be hidden. 爱情如同咳嗽,是无法隐瞒的。

9. Good love makes you see the whole world from one person, while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.


10. Absence sharpens love; presents strengthen it. 别离使爱情更浓烈;相聚则使爱情更坚固。 Oj2RvCk7O9XXupVWDossOfeb9mdJJSUjAlcrc75DY0uM/0oQhCSYF3fLgc4vI8mJ
