
3.2 约会

情景对话 Dialogue

Tom wants to get a date with the girl he likes. Now he is inviting her to go to the movies.


Tom: Annie, are you free tonight?

Annie: What's up?

Tom: I want to invite you to go to the movies.

Annie: Are you asking me for a date?

Tom: Yes.

Annie: I don't like to go to the movies on a date. It's noisy there.

Tom: Where do you want to meet?

Annie: Let's go to the coffee shop then. It's quiet there.

Tom: What time should we meet?

Annie: How about seven?

Tom: All right.

汤姆: 安妮,晚上有空吗?

安妮: 什么事?

汤姆: 我想约你一块儿去看电影。

安妮: 你是想和我约会吗?

汤姆: 是的。

安妮: 约会时,我不喜欢去电影院。那里太吵。

汤姆: 你想在哪儿见面?

安妮: 我们去咖啡店吧。那里安静。

汤姆: 我们几点见面?

安妮: 7点怎么样?

汤姆: 好的。

单词短语Words and Phrases

invite [ɪnˈvaɪt] v. 邀请

date [deɪt] n. 约会

noisy [ˈnɔɪzɪ] adj. 吵闹的

核心句型Key Sentences

1. He dates around a lot. 他和很多人有来往。

2. I didn't know you felt that way. 我不知道你有那样的感觉。

3. He is a real playboy. 他真是个花花公子。

4. He breaks a lot of hearts. 他伤了很多人的心。

5. She is a knockout. 她真迷人。

6. I think he has a crush on you. 我觉得他看上你了。

7. She has been coming on to Jack. 她对杰克有意思。

8. I can't chase a girl like her. 我不敢追求她那样的姑娘。

9. I'm dying to see her. 我非常想见到她。

10. I'm trying to make a pass at her. 我想追求她。

11. I'm trying to get a date with her. 我打算和她约会。

12. I have been more infatuated with Lily. 我越来越喜欢莉莉了。

13. Do you want to go out with me tonight? 今晚你能和我约会吗?

14. Please keep me company for a while. 请陪我一会儿。

15. Would you like to go to a show with me? 你愿意和我一起去看演出吗?

地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. She really turns me on. 她真让我神魂颠倒。

也可以说I'm crazy about her./I have strong feelings for her.

2. He is a lady-killer. 他是个美男子。

也可以说He is really a heartbreaker.

3. Are you free tonight? 今晚有空吗?

也可以说Are you available tonight?

4. I've got the feeling that she likes me. 我感觉她喜欢我。

也可以说I have a hunch that she likes me.

5. Are you trying to pick me up? 你是想和我约会吗?

也可以说Are you asking me out?/Are you asking me for a date?/Are you asking me out on a date?

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. Any place you want for the date. 在哪里见面都可以。

2. I had my first date with Lucy the following evening. 第二天晚上,我和露西有了第一次约会。

3. I've got a date with Lucy tomorrow night. 我明天晚上和露西有个约会。

4. Are you really dating with Tom? 你真的在和汤姆约会吗?

5. Don't you remember we have a date tonight? 你难道不记得我们今晚有一个约会吗?

6. Halfway through the date, I leaned over and kissed her.


7. Liz's boyfriend got to the restaurant in advance on their first date.


8. Do you know the friend who constantly dates the wrong kind of persons?


9. I am never late on date. 我约会从来不迟到。

10. My best friend, Sue, has been dating a guy for six months.

我最好的朋友苏,已经和一个男的约会6个月了。 8roG2XA237vgNAayJ9xRatdgEeSYsnqwxb2/VWBfIq80fPo14F57WGoFxmgZIlnw
