
2.6 留学
Study Abroad

情景对话 Dialogue

Mary wants to apply a graduate school in America. Now she is consulting the receptionist.


Receptionist: Can I help you?

Mary: Yes. I am interested in applying for graduate school in America.

Receptionist: We have some catalogues from U.S. universities. You may check in the reference stacks over there.

Mary: Can you recommend some universities with good graduate schools?

Receptionist: Well, generally in the U.S. each university has its own outstanding fields. But the Graduate School accepts no applications after January 29th.

Mary: Oh, no. It's already February 5th.

Receptionist: So if you apply, you must wait until the first semester next year.

Mary: Thank you. I will think about it.

接待员: 能为你服务吗?

玛丽: 是的,我想申请美国的研究生院。

接待员: 我们有一些关于美国大学概况的手册,你可以在那边的参考书架上查看。

玛丽: 你能推荐一些有着好的研究生院的大学吗?

接待员: 嗯,在美国,一般每所大学都有自己杰出的领域,但是研究生院在1月29日后停止接受申请表。

玛丽: 噢,不。今天已经是2月5日了。

接待员: 所以你申请的话,你必须等到明年的第一个学期。

玛丽: 谢谢,我会考虑的。

单词短语Words and Phrases

catalogue [ˈkætəlɒɡ] n. 目录;登记

reference [ˈrefrəns] n. 参考;提及;证明

recommend [rekəˈmend] v. 推荐;劝告;托付

outstanding [aʊtˈstændɪŋ] adj. 显著的

核心句型Key Sentences

1. All the information is included in the application packet. 所有的资料都在申请表的袋子里。

2. All applicants to the graduate school must have five letters of recommendation.


3. We must have official university transcripts sent directly from their previous school.


4. All graduate students must have GRE or GMAT scores sent to us by the testing center.


5. We require you to complete personal information form. 你需要填写完整的个人信息表。

6. The application usually begins in September. 申请一般于9月份开始。

7. International admissions officers advise students to apply for at least two schools in the U.S.


8. The applicant must have enough economic capacity. 留学申请者必须具备足够的经济能力。

9. Let's look at what the application process includes. 我们来看看申请过程都包括什么。

10. Students who use forged qualification documents will be thrown out of the school.


11. If you apply a student visa, please fill out the Application Form.


12. I didn't apply financial aids.我没有申请财政援助。

13. If you can't get scholarship, will you continue to apply to study abroad?


14. How about your parents' annual income or monthly salary?


15. Tell me your information in detail, such as full name, education background, transcripts,working background, language score and self-evaluation.


地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. The Graduate School accepts no applications after January 26th.


accept no… 来表示 “停止接受” ,而不用stop/refuse,显得简明、贴切。

2. I heartily look forward to your acceptance of my application! 衷心地希望您能接受我的申请!

heartily作副词表示 “尽情地;强烈地;衷心地;极为”“ 。表示 衷心地” ,也可以用fromthe bottom of one's heart。

3. How much is the application fee for applying to graduate school?


表示 “费用多少” ,用how much is the fee for…。

4. There wasn't sufficient reason you would return.你的回国理由不充分。

表示 “理由充分(与否)” ,用have (not) sufficient reason/have adequate grounds fo。

5. What was the reason you were denied? 你的拒签理由是什么?

表示 “签证拒签” ,也可以说Your visa was denied/turned down.或I wasn't allowed a visa.表示 “签证到期” ,则可以说My visa expired.

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. Can you tell me what I need in my application? 你能告诉我申请需要什么东西吗?

2. We would like to provide you with any information that is involved in the application.


3. Could you tell me something about application procedures? 您能告诉我有关申请的程序吗?

4. We provide both package application service, the tailor-made writing and editing service. 我们提供全套申请服务和单项论文写作与修改服务。

5. In recent days, Australia encouraged international students to apply for permanent residency. 近来,澳大利亚政府鼓励留学生申请永久居民身份。

6. If you are unable to get to our offices, please contact us by email, fax or phone.


7. It has been too late to apply for a school in this fall semester. 要申请秋季入学已经太晚了。

8. If you want to apply to the consul for a visa, you must go to consulate to find the consul.


9. Show me your passport, temporary residence certificate and application form, please.


10. If the letter of admission does not include a visa certificate and also does not refer to its being issued, the student should write for clarification.

如果入学通知书既未附有签证证明,又未说明是否即将发出,学生就应该写信去问清楚。 3lCvLfO26Cr1kpMIa4O2lJKAzme7VFWxnUG3EiJBbczd+yxq1Hg7uF2PfKgoOx7V
