
2.5 社团

情景对话 Dialogue

The new semester begins; many university clubs are recruiting new members. Lucy wants to join the Students' Union.


Kate: I hear that the Students' Union is going to take new members.

Lucy: Really? Can I join it?

Kate: Of course you can if you like it.

Lucy: How can I join?

Kate: There will be an information session about the Students' Union this Tuesday. You can apply for it then.

Lucy: OK, thank you.

凯特: 我听说学生会准备招新了。

露西: 真的吗?我可以参加吗?

凯特: 当然可以,如果你喜欢的话。

露西: 我怎么加入呢?

凯特: 这周二有学生会的介绍会,到时候你可以去报名。

露西: 好,谢谢。

单词短语Words and Phrases

union [ˈjuːnjən] n. 联合;团结;协会

member [ˈmembə] n. 成员;学员

session [ˈseʃən] n. 会议;开庭;辩论

核心句型Key Sentences

1. She enrolled this society. 她报名参加这个社团。

2. How do I join this club? 我怎样才能加入这个社团?

3. Do you know where the Student Union is? 你知道学生会在哪儿吗?

4. Let's apply for the photography club. 我们一起报摄影协会吧。

5. Were you involved in any club activities in your university?


6. The student associations would like to invite you to join this event.


7. He joined three student associations in university. 在学校他参加了3个学生社团组织。

8. She is quite active in the student union. 她是学生会的活跃分子。

9. The Students' Union needs a new chairperson. 学生会需要一名新主席。

10. There is a hide-and-seek association with a leader who is still to be designated.


11. I am vice chairman of the Student Union in our department.


12. The Students Association added to her confidence.那个学生社团为她增添了自信。

13. Are you a member of the Student Government? 你是不是学生会的一员?

14. She is one of the founders of the Student Union. 她是学生会的创始人之一。

15. Jack is on the student council and is likely to be the president.


地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. He heads up the Student Union. 他主管学生会的工作。

表示 “主管某事” ,还可以用be in charge of/be responsible for。

2. All of the university clubs are recruiting new members. 学校里的所有社团都在招新。

recruit可以作动词,表示 “吸收(新成员);征兵;招聘” 。也可以作名词,表示 “新成员; 新兵”

3. This club is really hip. 这个社团很新潮。

表示 “新潮” ,并不仅仅可以用fashionable。同样,表示 “这个社团真老土” ,可以说This club is for hicks.

4. I belong to an eighty-member group. 我在一个80人的社团。


5. It is an organization dedicated to promoting diversity on campus.


表示 “致力于” ,也可以说commit/devote oneself to或be/get involved in。

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. We are active in Communist Youth League, student unions, student organizations and every class committee. 我们活跃在共青团、学生会、学生社团以及各个班委会中。

2. The Association represents students on the school council. 这个协会在学生会中代表学生。

3. The English Club is one of our major clubs. 英语社团是我们主要的社团之一。

4. The development of students' communities symbols the level of the construction of college campus culture. 学生社团的发展程度,标志着高校校园文化建设所达到的高度。

5. It is one of the largest student groups on campus. 它是校园里最大的学生社团之一。

6. The student group didn't have funds to pay its daily disbursements.


7. Students' organizations are the important base for the moral education in colleges.


8. Associations provide forums for developing the students' hobbies and strength.


9. There are varieties of students committees on campus. 学校有各种各类的学生社团。

10. Students have established their own orchestra, literature club, oral English club, etc.

学生们成立了自己的管乐队、文学社、英语口语俱乐部等众多的社团组织。 cCCsDg9fuLqmAtvd1kOcpr1XDUJL/kOjeDEf26aNYEAYiFqMU92Bu3XncvKmbLDZ
