
2.4 奖励

情景对话 Dialogue

John and Mary are good friends. Mary didn't get the scholarship, and John is comforting her.


John: Mary, I've some bad news for you.

Mary: I have already known that. I didn't get the scholarship, right?

John: Yes. The board was favorably impressed with your application, but the competition was very severe.

Mary: Can you help me? You know my family is poor and I do need the scholarship.

John: I'm afraid I can't. I advise you to try again next year.

Mary: Thank you. I will.

约翰: 玛丽,我有些坏消息要告诉你。

玛丽: 我已经听说了,我没有得到奖学金,对吗?

约翰: 委员会对你的印象很好,但是竞争非常激烈。

玛丽: 你能帮帮我吗?我的家庭很贫苦,我很需要奖学金。

约翰: 只怕不行,我建议你明年再试一次。

玛丽: 谢谢,我会的。

单词短语Words and Phrases

scholarship [ˈskɒləʃɪp] n. 奖学金;学业成绩

board [bɔːd] n. 木板;船舷;委员会

impress [ɪmpresˈ] v. 盖印;使铭记;给某人留下印象

application [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 应用;申请

competition [kɒmpɪˈtɪʃən] n. 竞争;对手

favorably ['feɪvərəblɪ] adv. 赞同地;适宜地

核心句型Key Sentences

1. Is full scholarship very hard to get? 全额奖学金很难拿到吗?

2. Am I qualified to apply for this scholarship?我有资格申请这项奖学金吗?

3. Do you offer scholarships to foreign students? 你们给外国留学生提供奖学金吗?

4. Could you let me know the procedure of applying for a scholarship?


5. She won a scholarship to Harvard. 她得到了哈佛大学的奖学金。

6. Have you received my scholarship application form? 你收到我的奖学金申请表了吗?

7. What qualifications do I need to apply for the scholarship?


8. Do you mean the Commonwealth Scholarship? 你是指英联邦奖学金吗?

9. They're taking away my scholarship. 他们取消了我的奖学金。

10. I'm very glad I've been awarded a scholarship to study at Cambridge.


11. I've given up a big chance of getting scholarships. 我放弃了获得奖学金的大好机会。

12. I want to get scholarships to help me pay for the tuition. 我想获得奖学金来支付学费。

13. Most scholarship aid goes to the students in financial need in their first year.


14. One scholarship for international students is for deaf and dumb students from developing countries. 一项给国际学生的奖学金是给来自发展中国家的聋哑学生的。

15. Do you mean I didn't pass the scholarship examination? 你是说我没通过奖学金审核吗?

地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. Is there possibility of my winning the scholarship? 我有可能获得奖学金吗?

以possibility 来代指 “可能性大小” ,不必直译。

2. Please do consider my application. 请务必考虑一下我的申请。

助动词do 可以用来强调语气,用于谓语动词前,表示 “务必,一定”

3. Dick applied for the scholarship at the instance of his professor.


表示 “根据某人的建议” ,也可以用follow one's advice。

4. If I got the scholarship, the pigs might fly.我要是能得到奖学金,猪都可以飞啦。

表示 “完全没有可能” ,pigs might fl是很地道而且实用的表达。

5. Does your scholarship cover the whole four years? 整个4年你都获得了奖学金吗?

用cover 表示 “包括” ,是不是比Have you got scholarship the whole four years? 更准确一些呢?

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. The govement's extensive scholarship scheme is an important foundation of our economic success. 政府众多的奖学金计划,是我们经济成就的一个重要基础。

2. Financial aid usually takes the form of scholarship, loans, or grants, etc. at an undergraduate level. 在本科生级别上, 经济资助一般有奖学金、贷款和助学金等几种形式。

3. Could you tell me the reason why I am not allowed to accept that scholarship?


4. Just a small proportion of students got help from the government.


5. Foreign students are advised to seek aid from groups like the Inter-American Press Association Scholarship Fund. 建议外国学生从美联社奖学金基金会这类组织中寻求帮助。

6. Scholarships and fellowships do not have to be repaid either.


7. A scholarship is financial aid to undergraduates. 奖学金是针对本科生的经济援助。

8. Some applications must be submitted including Declaration of Family Financial Circumstances and other related documents.


9. A fellowship is for graduate students. 研究生奖学金是针对研究生的。

10. Fellowships, scholarships, assistantships are awarded on the basis of merit.

研究生奖学金、奖学金、助教奖学金是在成绩的基础上发放的。 x6RenPOAahKr88faqR1A+rEvb6d37BZTJFDiJglxkQaTwPouSzzDPzm7ZYFFnM9V
