
2.3 考试

情景对话 Dialogue

John is worried about the last quiz, and Bill, his deskmate, is comforting him.


Bill: How did you do in the last quiz?

John: I doubt if I can pass it.

Bill: Don't be so worried. You know Professor Robert is not too strict.

John: But I often skip his classes, and he doesn't like me.

Bill: I hope you'll do better in the final.

John: Thank you. I must study hard to pass the course.

比尔: 你最后一次小考怎么样?

约翰: 我怀疑我是否能及格。

比尔: 别那么担心。你知道的,罗伯特教授不是太严厉。

约翰: 但是我经常在他的课堂上逃课,而且他不喜欢我。

比尔: 我希望你期末能考好。

约翰: 谢谢,我一定努力学习,考过这门功课。

单词短语Words and Phrases

quiz [kwɪz] n. 提问;小测验

strict [strɪkt] adj. 严格的;精密的

skip [skɪp] v. 跳过;掠过

核心句型Key Sentences

1. The final exam is coming.快要期末考试了。

2. Due to my skipping, I am worried about the exam of many classes.


3. Don't worry, and you still have time to prepare for the final.


4. You should review your lessons before the exams. 你应该在考前复习一下你的功课。

5. My son was so nervous about the test, and he didn't sleep at all last night.


6. You must have a review of this term's work, or else you will fail in your final exam.


7. If I get more than 90 marks for math, my mother will buy a new bag for me.


8. Jane had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first attempt.简已为英语考试做了精心准备,以便有把握一次通过。

9. I hope you can pass the examination without cheating in the exam.


10. I have been employed in preparation for tomorrow's exam all day.


11. If I fail in the exam this year, I would try again next year.


12. Our teacher told us that we would have a quiz tomorrow.


13. No way to cram. 根本没办法死记硬背。

14. The exam is supposed to test our English ability. 这次考试是用来测试我们的英语水平的。

15. If we do poorly on the test, we do need extra work. 如果考不好的话,我们就得多用功了。

地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. I hope you'll do better next time. 希望你下次考好一点。

表示 “考好” ,用do well in the exam;表示 “考不好” 则用poorly。

2. Don't worry. Just let it be. 别担心,顺其自然吧。

表示 “顺其自然” ,也可以用let nature take its course/take things as they come。

3. I'm occupied in preparing for the final exam.我正忙着为期终考试做准备。

用be occupied/engaged/employed in或be busy with,都可以表示 “忙于做某事”

4. If you fail in the exam, you'll only have yourself to blame. 你若考试不及格,只能怪你自己。

have l lf t bl/h bt lf t bl onyoneseoameaveno-oneuoneseoame表示 “只能怪某人自己” ,是固定用法。也可以用blame sb. for/sb. be to blame for表示 “为某事责怪某人”

5. You got it. I think I flunked.你说得对。我想我不及格了。

下次想要表示赞同对方的观点时,不必再说Right./I agree with you. 试试看新句式吧。而且,表示 “不及格” ,除了fail in the exam之外,也可以用flunk an exam/a cours。

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. How many people failed in the exam? 有多少人没通过考试?

2. There is still a make-up test. 还有补考的机会。

3. We just passed the exam. 我们勉强及格了。

4. Not good. I doubt whether I can pass it. 不好。我怀疑我是否能及格。

5. I bet you were in terrible condition to take it. 我敢说这次考试把你整惨了。

6. I don't think there's really any way to prepare. 我不知道该怎么准备。

7. As a matter of fact, I am good at doing subjective items. 事实上,我擅长做主观题。

8. What is your final score in the exam? 你在考试中的最后得分是多少?

9. Linda was very glad when she got the news that she had passed the TEM-8.


10. If you cheat in an exam, nothing can justify it. 如果你考试作弊,没有什么能为此辩护。 OBUAz/Fa2GxUjA6FiKbjsNhb98p+YehR+ZDW7gin3W/bzlvfavYx1nUMoMVCb59v
