
2.2 同学

情景对话 Dialogue

After the summer vacation, John and Bill return to school. Now they are talking about one of their classmates in the classroom.


John: Do you know that Tim will not come back to our school?

Bill: Really? Why?

John: He moved, and held a party with us on July 1st.

Bill: It's a pity that I was traveling around Europe at that time.

John: You can meet him if you want to. Though he's not coming back to school any more, you still can call and meet him on weekend.

Bill: You're right! I will call him this weekend and visit him.

约翰: 你知道蒂姆不回学校了吗?

比尔: 真的吗?为什么?

约翰: 他搬家了。而且7月1日那天还和我们组织了一个派对。

比尔: 很遗憾那时我在欧洲旅游。

约翰: 如果你想的话,可以和他见面。虽说他不会回学校了,但周末的时候你还是可以和他打电话见面。

比尔: 你说的对!这个周末我就给他打电话去拜访他。

单词短语Words and Phrases

pity [ˈpɪtɪ] n. 同情,怜悯;遗憾

weekend [ˈwiːkend] n. 周末

核心句型Key Sentences

1. She is always studying even after class. 即便在课后,她也一直都在学习。

2. I don't like her very much. 我不太喜欢她。

3. Lily is not only hard-working, but also very polite to others.


4. Peter is the most hardworking one among the boy students.


5. He is very helpful and ready to help people any time. 他很热心,随时准备帮助别人。

6. Bobby is really a mere bookworm lacking human experience.


7. These are really bright kids at school. 他们都是学校里十分聪明的孩子。

8. It is no doubt that she is a very clever girl. 毫无疑问,她是一个十分聪明的女孩。

9. Dick thinks of himself as a genius in literature. 迪克自以为是个文学天才。

10. She is willing to do good for her classmates. 她乐意为同学们做好事。

11. She is immensely popular with her classmates. 她深受同学们的欢迎。

12. He formed a close friendship with several other boys at school.


13. I have built a solid friendship with my classmates in the past three years.


14. He had a nature that he can quickly win the friendship with his classmates.


15. She has enjoyed a good relationship with her new classmates.


地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. Henry studies so hard that he is just like a bookworm. 亨利非常用功学习,像个书呆子一样。

要知道, bookworm 并不仅仅指 “书虫,书迷” ,也可以指 “书呆子”

2. Linda is a good learner. 琳达善于学习。

表示 “善于学习” ,不是只能用be good at/do well in。

3. He is in tune with his classmates. 他和同学们相处得很好。

表示 “相处” ,也可以用get along (well)/make out with。

4. Her classmates appreciate her very much. 同学们很感谢她。

表示 “感谢” ,也可以用thank/owe。

5. A new dorm rule was announced. 新宿舍规范出台了。

表示 “出台” ,还可以用come into being/existence。

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. Without a lot of practice you can't speak English very fluently.


2. I feel that the friendship between the students will become increasingly close.


3. By the first month, he had forged close relationships with all the classmates.


4. Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class.


5. The members of the class are getting on very well with one another.


6. In the interpersonal relationship, she can live together in peace and harmony with her schoolmates. 在人际关系上,她能跟同学们和睦相处。

7. How do you think students should handle the relationship between competition and cooperation? 你认为同学之间应该怎样处理好竞争与合作的关系?

8. I got on well with my friends, and I hope I could be your friends, too.


9. Please reserve a place for me in the domitory hall on campus.


10. In fact, I hate the lack of privacy in the dormitory. 事实上,我讨厌宿舍里没有独处的空间。 IE+zfEqYFwP+m475reT7e9aFxbLzghTnHc1lOf8QjCK58aTIQHtdfZ4Tym01QQPa
