
2.1 班级

情景对话 Dialogue

Today is the first day of the new semester. John has a new deskmate. Now, they are talking about the courses.


John: Hi. Are you new in this class?

Bill: Yes, I am. I really don't know anyone.

John: My name is John. What's your name?

Bill: My name is Bill. How are your lessons going?

John: Very well. And my favorite subject is Chinese.

Bill: I prefer to learn English. In my opinion, English is easier than Chinese.

John: I guess that's because you are interested in English.

Bill: You are right.

约翰: 你好,你是刚到这个班的吧?

比尔: 是的,我一个人也不认识。

约翰: 我叫约翰,你叫什么名字?

比尔: 我叫比尔。你学习怎么样?

约翰: 挺好的,我最喜欢的科目是语文。

比尔: 我比较喜欢学英语。我觉得英语比语文简单。

约翰: 我猜是因为你对英语感兴趣。

比尔: 就是这样。

单词短语Words and Phrases

favorite [ˈfeɪvərɪt] adj. 最喜爱的

subject [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt] n. 学科;题目;问题

opinion [əˈpɪnjən] n. 意见,看法;主张

核心句型Key Sentences

1. Excuse me, can I borrow your knife, please? 打扰了,能把你的小刀借我用一下吗?

2. Do you have an extra ballpoint pen I can borrow? 你有多余的圆珠笔可以借给我吗?

3. What did you do during the summer vocation? 这个暑假你做什么了?

4. Let's go home together, OK? 我们一起回家,好吗?

5. The teacher is coming. 老师来了。

6. I hear we will have a new Chinese teacher. 我听说我们会有一个新的语文老师。

7. Who's on duty today? 今天谁值日?

8. It's your turn to clean the blackboard. 该你擦黑板了。

9. I hate math, but my mother wants me to be good at it.


10. Let's go to the library and borrow some American literature books.


11. Do you know how many boarders there are in our school?


12. What's the next lesson? 下节课是什么?

13. Professor Zhang is going to teach advanced mathematics to us.


14. Can you help me with my Chinese? 你能帮我学习语文吗?

15. To tell you the truth, my favorite subject is biology. 说实话,我最喜欢的科目是生物。

地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. I am fed up with the physics teacher. 我受够了物理老师。

表示 “受够了” ,用be fed up with/be tired of。

2. I've got to cram for a test tomorrow. 为了明天的考试,我不得不仓促备考。

用cram 表示 “仓促备考” ,是不是很形象?不要简单地直译原句。

3. Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗?

也可以说Are we all here?/Who's absent today?

4. Here's your homework for today. 这是你今天的家庭作业。

在这句话中,表示 “这是” ,用here's 要比this is更贴切。

5. I don't feel well today. Can I have a day off, please? 我今天觉得不舒服,可以请一天假吗?

表示 “不舒服” ,也可以用I'm not quite myself today.

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. How do you like our English teacher? 你觉得我们的英语老师怎么样?

2. Whom shall we choose for our school basketball team leader? 我们该选谁当学校的篮球队长?

3. I will continue my learning in school, though I am tired of learning English.


4. I have told the boys to quit their monkey business, or I would call a teacher.


5. Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever met. 常老师是我曾经遇到的最仁慈的教师。

6. Since the examination is around the corner, we are compelled to give up sports.


7. Hand in your homework tomorrow. 家庭作业明天交。

8. If you can't come to school, ask your mother or father to inform the teacher in advance.


9. Please be back on time. 请准时回来。

10. Bob, have you collected all the exercise books? 鲍勃,作业本都收齐了吗? RG1LK61cwWtfoTXxTJpMmHeYkPjm9ABPG2mHGxV6qnDPrr8lusxQyToVZnl1S19b
