
1.6 烹饪

情景对话 Dialogue

Steven wants to eat dumplings today. And his wife Julia asks him to help her in the kitchen.


Julia: What do you want to eat today?

Steven: I feel like having dumplings. Let's go out to eat.

Julia: No need! I know how to make dumplings.Let's do it at home. Can you give me a hand in the kitchen? I don't think I can finish everything by myself.

Steven: Of course. What do you want me to do?

Julia: Just trim vegetables for cooking. I will cut up the meat.

Steven: I can do that. And I would like to make dumplings later.

Julia: You are my good helper, Steven.

Steven: Absolutely.

茱莉亚: 今天你想吃什么?

史蒂文: 我很想吃饺子。咱们出去吃吧。

茱莉亚: 不用了。我会包饺子,我们在家做吧。你能到厨房搭把手吗?我想我一个人忙不过来。

史蒂文: 当然可以了。你想让我做什么?

茱莉亚: 只是择菜而已。我要去把肉剁碎。

史蒂文: 我会做的。稍后我还要包饺子。

茱莉亚: 史蒂文,你真是我的好助手。

史蒂文: 那当然。

单词短语Words and Phrases

dumpling [ˈdʌmplɪŋ] n. 饺子

kitchen [ˈkɪtʃɪn] n. 厨房

trim vegetables 择菜

核心句型Key Sentences

1. How about bacon with scrambled eggs? 咸肉炒蛋怎么样?

2. My mother is making scrambled eggs for breakfast. 妈妈正在为早餐做炒鸡蛋。

3. The rice is done. 米饭已经熟了。

4. Which kind of eggs do you prefer, boiled, fried, poached, or omelets?


5. I want to eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes. 我想吃西红柿炒鸡蛋。

6. These sweet potatoes aren't properly cooked! 这些红薯还没煮熟!

7. We'll have noodles. 我们吃面条。

8. Let's do it by ourselves. 我们自己做吧。

9. Do you want to eat stewed beef today? 今天你想吃炖牛肉吗?

10. Sprinkle a little salt on the rice. 在米饭上撒点盐。

11. I am cooking the chicken in the microwave oven. 我正在微波炉中炖鸡。

12. Do you want your vegetables cooked or raw? 你要把蔬菜煮熟还是生吃?

13. I can easily whip you up some scrambled eggs. 我很快就能给你炒点鸡蛋。

14. This meat should be cooked at least half an hour. 这肉至少要煮半个小时。

15. Keep the pot on the simmer gently for another 30 minutes, because the meat is rather tough.


地道英语 Idiomatic English

1. I'm good at cooking. 我擅长烹饪。

也可以说I know how to cook./I'm adept at cooking.

2. I'm not much of a cook. 我不是个好厨师。

也可以说I do poor in cooking.

3. What should we cook today? 我们今天做什么饭?

也可以说What do you want to eat today?

4. Please cook some sweet soup for me. 请给我做些甜汤吧。

也可以说I feel like having some sweet soup.

5. She has excellent culinary skills. 她厨艺一流。

也可以说She is a good cook.

由此及彼Draw Inferences

1. She cooks as well as her mother does. 她的厨艺跟她母亲的一样好。

2. My wife loves to spend hours cooking in the kitchen. 我的妻子喜欢花时间在厨房烹饪。

3. In general, there are about 30 kinds of cooking techniques.


4. Can you help me with the cooking? 你能帮我做饭吗?

5. If you double all the quantities in the recipe, it'll be enough for ten people.


6. Jack is not good at sports, but when it comes to cooking, he's excellent.


7. Daddy knows the recipe for this dish. 爸爸知道这道菜的烹饪方法。

8. I tasted the soup to see if he has put enough salt in it. 我尝尝汤,看他是否放够了盐。

9. Tom is a shoddy cook. 汤姆的烹饪功夫实在蹩脚。

10. Mom knows the A to Z of cooking. 妈妈对烹饪十分在行。 8VAooOR6vB5wAdL01Fuc88rSZE5rIoMAlbjulSyCMgiuObxHZjHINU1w7aPAYJPg
